Saturday, May 30, 2009

Openers 101

What is the BEST way to open a conversation with a woman ?

Way I see it, the best way to open a conversation is to understand the purpose of your opening and what stands behind its dynamic.

Your opener, or "preopening" if you'd like, first and foremost is a short "presentation" of yourself to a strange woman, give or take right off first impression. She usually DOESNT LISTEN TO YOUR WORDS here, instead she is checking you out. This is why it is crucial to maintain eye contact AND smile here !

Recent studies of last years in the sexuality field keeps finding more and more commonalities to show that women feel and act exactly as we are sexually. This gives us a great ground to understand them as we understand ourselves, since we both want sex and we are both humans.

So think about yourself for a proof.

You are out on the street, and suddenly a hot chick passes right in front of you, and out of ALL the people in the street she decided to come straight at you .. she's smiling .. and she tells you : "Excuse me sir, do you know this area ?".

How will you feel when something like this happends ?

Give yourself a second to think about it .. and when you come back .. tell me that you didn't
think this would be a nice opportunity to meet this woman ?

Have it ever happend to you that you felt stuck with women , maybe hopeless or desperate with them .. and then you walked near a few girls and they suddenly called you and asked you if you can help them with something with a smile and friendly vibe ?

Everyone wants attention and needs attention.

If you remember that incident .. wasn't there a moment where you were thinking to yourself "Hmm .. they are cute girls .. i'd like to meet them !" ?

Now think about some hot woman in the street that you want to meet.
You don't know how her life looks like .. maybe she's alone and have no guys in her life ?
Maybe she's stuck with a bunch of nobodies and losers she can't stand and is desperate to find a real guy like she wants ?
Maybe she's horny and would like to fuck someone tonight ?

You approaching her and even asking her where is the bank in this area with a smile can make her day !

I can't tell you how many times i opened women with simple and stupid questions like "do you know where is a toy store in here ?" and it led to me meeting them, taking them out and fucking them ?

This is how random, "mutual" meetings .. "Hand of fate" .. or "He just bumped into me in the street and asked me where the cashier is .. and he was soooo cute..." type of meetings that happends day after day, all the fucking time !

Yeah .. of course this can't guarantee you that any woman you'll approach this way will immediately fall all over you. I mean , imagine to yourself a fat chick approaching you with a smile and asking you where a cashier is ? You'd probably answer her and just walk off LOL .. but doesn't matter how .. you'll think she was cute right ?

This is also a safe, non-threating way to approach a stranger that will make them feel safe around you. And believe me, no chick will shout at you or be harsh for you simply asking her something with a smile.

You don't believe me ?

Go out to the field and try THIS lame openin by itself 20 times.
Just approach women, smile at them and ask them for some direction or guidance.

You'll be surprised and dazzled by what you get in return.

-- leedrag0n

1 comment:

Schwinger said...

I am happy to see you are still writing.

A common misconception that can be made by people, who read this post, is that just walking in the street and asking for directions can get you laid. Maybe you should have mentioned, like in your previous posts, that things won’t happen if you wont make them happen. I enjoyed reading this J