Sunday, December 25, 2011

Understanding Attitude & Technique: Attitude

Hey guys!

This is a post where I'll unpack what I talked about in the previous post about finding the balance between attitude & technique. Today I want to go deep and talk in a bit more depth about having the right attitude with women.

This post assumes that you know the right techniques and have basic knowledge on approaching & talking to women. If you don't have it yet, don't worry I'll unpack it in the NEXT post, where I'll talk more about the right techniques to approach & game women. Nonetheless, I still recommend that you read THIS post and understand it deeply, as this can realy have enormous impacts on your game. I mean it! This is not something to be ignored. Then, after you understand it, go over and read the techniques post, as those are important too, and it will all make sense to you.

So let's talk about Attitude, guys.

If you come to game a woman from a worrying/doubt frame of "What should I do to get her?" which is the frame for almost 99% of the guys out there, you're going to fuck yourself up.

This will bring hesitation, pressure, and stress to your game that won't help you at all and infact shouldn't even be there. Why do guys approach women from this perspective? Because they don't want to be "rejected". They view "rejection" as being a negative thing about them, where IN REALITY a rejection is actually a good thing (Because it helps you screen out negative or difficult targets..) and also tells you negative things ABOUT THE WOMAN. Her rejecting you is just an indication about HER lack of spontaneity, HER lack of genuine interest in men, HER lack of self esteem, and maybe even lack of HER ability to be friendly towards people or even open-minded towards new experiences.

As long as your approach is OK, safe and spontanious, as it should be.. and yet she still ignored it.. guess what? She just screened herself OUT of your gaming options. Let her go! You MUST think in terms of HAPPY SEX LIFE.. and if at any point the dynamics between you and woman turn into a struggle, NEXT HER! I mean it. An interaction between a man & a woman SHOULD be a pleasant and enjoyable thing for both sides (as long as it is done RIGHT, of course..), not some kind of a negotiation or struggle. Believe it or not some women are VERY friendly, fun, open minded, even happy human beings who are capable of giving love, sex, and pleasure to and with the people around them. Other women, on the other hand, are close minded, unhappy, pissed off human beings who WILL NOT give ANYTHING unless some very wierd and unpleasant conditions on YOUR PART are met.. and even then.. they will give VERY LITTLE if almost NOTHING at ALL! These women are just energy, money, and mood drainers and should be avoided at ALL costs.. and it doesn't matter how hard you'll game them, you won't get NOTHING from them! NOTHING!

So screening women is a MUST.
Not just game wise, but also for your life.

If you still find yourself feeling bad about a woman who did not "flow" with you... realy ask yourself.. what is SO special about HER? I mean realy.... think about it... What did SHE do FOR YOU that EARNED her this place? Exactly. NOTHING! She may have turned you on sexually (which might be the case) but if you can't do anything with her - she is USELESS for you! She's just a woman who has demonstrated to you that even a simple, safe, and friendly approach couldn't get her interested in talking to you to even give an opportunity for both of you... so really.. just LET HER GO! She's not going to be a useful target anyway...

Why is this attitude so important and so crucial with women?

First of all, this is based on real world facts. If you are a guy who HAVE HAD success with women in the past, MOST women who you've had success with, assuming you approached them right.. are women who were OPEN to your approach right from the start. They didn't avoid it, they didn't run away from it, they gave a good vibe and in most cases they actually helped you keeping the interaction going. So this, by itself is ALREADY an indication you can look for to maximize your efforts, and I'll explain how to do this in the next post about technique, and the things to look for on women to just save your time on the right targets.

Second of all, some women are "conditioned" that guys must chase them. I don't know why. This could be either based on what she is used to from an early age, fears, bad experiences or some wierd belief set or "education" she has got that "the right guy" should be one who chases her and "earns" her approval. Well first of all, if she realy has fears from men or had bad experiences in the past, you realy don't need her.. and if you have the choice to choose women (and you DO, as YOU approach them!), you don't need a nutcase or a psychology test subject for your love life. Trust me on this. It's going to be alot of headache, dramas, terrible sex, and the list goes on and on.. and it's just not worth it where there are PLENTY of healthy, fun, and cool women out there. Second, in reality, I have found that this dynamic of "chasing" a woman NEVER WORKS! (and guys: I'm NOT talking about being persistent in the bedroom while you are both alone. That's not chasing over there, that's being AGGRESSIVE. And being aggressive, in that part of the game, is actually ok ;)... Even worse: once you enter the place where the dynamic between you and a woman turns into you chasing her (and some women WILL keep trying to put you into this dynamic, because that's what they are USED to), you basically gave her ALL THE POWER to control you, and most women (if not all) are really TURNED OFF from this. This is not masculine behaviour! Most women in their core nature are NOT attracted to submissive men who give them the power to control them. I talked to ALOT of girls in my life about this and most of them have approved this, I have tried it myself and it failed. This is an unbelievably crucial and important point. Because this is how she feels about you once you start chasing her or showing her that she's so important to you.

In the next post about technique, I'll get into how to avoid getting into this dynamic and what's a proper way to "handle" women.

And the third reason why this attitude is important is that when you game from this perspective.. when you no longer have to "worry" about what to say or do.. and you can instead just see a woman and go "Let's see if she's a spontaneous person.." or "Let's see if she's the kind of woman I'm looking for.." .. when you get into this place mentally, ALL the pressure is taken off from you, and this gets projected in your vibe and allows you to be genuine, friendly and even attractive to women. I mean think about it - what kind of a person is more attractive? A person who is tense and gives off bad vibes? Or a person who is loose, happy, and open? We all know the answer to this question.

I know that I have spilled alot on you here, but this is realy deep shit stuff you must know and internalize. Especially the part on women selection and understanding why the "chasing her" dynamic never works. I want to give you some tip here: Some women will "reject" you on purpose, even when they are infact interested in you, but they use it as a strategy to get you chasing & investing in them. Its just what they are used to do. NEVER ACCEPT THIS DYNAMIC! You'll never get anything from her once you entered that place. I'll show you, in the next post, ways to deal with women who "reject" you, without appearing to be chasing them.

I'm not saying this based on some ego thing or because I hate women or something. I just say this because "chasing a woman" and giving her all the power to choose you just DOESN'T WORK in the real world with women. Maybe in the movies it does. And I know that if some real and honest women are reading this they WILL agree with me on this.

OK, that was it for now.

I suggest you go over and read this post again and again until you understand it. This information can be life changing for your game and it has taken me quite some time to figure it out in the real world through trial & error with women that everything of what I say here is true with women.

In the next post I'll discuss the techniques and strategies to use on women.. that post should be coming soon.. stay tuned!

-- leedrag0n

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Finding the balance between Attitude & Technique

Hey everyone!

It's been more than a month since my last post here. I hope you'll forgive me for this delay between my posts, I know alot of guys realy learn alot from my blog and from all my posts in here, and whenever I'll have available time (as I do have right now..) I'll keep sharing my newest and latest thoughts and breakthroughs here for you to enjoy!

In today's post I want to talk about two things that I believe are very important to be successful in this game: Attitude & Technique.

In recent years there have been alot of "Attitude" based materials spread across the internet. All of these materials are focused around fixing your "inner attitude" with women, and that as a result of fixing it, your entire game with women will "naturally" improve to its best.

This is not true at all. I agree that having the right attitude is important, no doubt about that. What is that "right attitude"? Well, just like Ross Jeffries said, the right attitude is: Let's have some fun and SEE what she's like. In other words, its having a SCREENING attitude. That you are out there to screen women. You must have this attitude with women.

However, will a "screening attitude" be enough for your game? Of course not! And I've seen this happening time and time again, and it also happend to me: When you are too much into the "screening" attitude, you may come across arrogant, break rapport with women.. yet you "believe" that you are "screening" women.. when in fact: you are just scaring them off!


That's just a common mistake for people who are looking for "fast" solutions. Most of the materials that are focused around "attitude" offer a quick fix for your game. But guess what? there is no quick fix! You must learn BOTH attitude & technique!

Attitude is important for your inner state of mind. When you walk around with a "wrong" attitude of "What can I do to win this girl over.." you are just putting alot of STRESS on yourself, and this stress scares women off. So fixing your attitude fixes ALOT of your state related problems.

On the other hand, many times this "good state" can lead you to do mistakes, gamewise, by miscalibrating to the women or approaching in a scaring or arrogant way. So you must learn BOTH!

And finding the right balance between Attitude & Technique is just this: Having the "right" attitude, while at the same time applying skillfully tested techniques to create instant rapport & connection with women, excite and intrigue them emotionally, and be able to calibrate to their state properly and know when is the right time to close!

On the other hand, I actually find that knowing the right technique is even more useful than attitude sometimes: If you know how to approach & open women systematically and consistently, this in itself gives you a confidence in your skills that usually makes your gaming much more easier.

Alot of people are very good at technique, but lack the right attitude to play from. On the other hand, some people have an amazing attitude, but lack at knowing the right techniques to apply (I have friends on BOTH sides).

So remember: It's not just Attitude, and not just Technique.

It's finding the balance between and having them BOTH!

-- leedrag0n

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Flexibility and Outward Focus

Hi again, everyone!

It's been almost 2 months since my last post that was about Switching Vibes with women, as I have been a bit busy with work (I needed some money) and have also gamed less during this time, but it was worth it and now I'm getting back out there, and sharing with you my insights and thoughts in here as always.

Today's post is going to related to the last post where I talked about Vibes. Basically today's post will share a very important understanding that will help you know WHY you need it, and it is mainly about the ability to be flexible and to be outward focused with women.

So let's begin with some facts for a moment ..

The reality is that EVERY WOMAN is different. Alot of PU materials are trying to "generalize" ideas and concepts that will be true for "all" women. If you have tried studying and applying those materials, you have surely found out that they are not so accurate. Some PU materials advocate "be dominant and aggressive" with women, where in reality you'll run into women who find your dominance to be a turn off for them. Some PU materials advocate "ignore your target, talk to her friends", where in reality you'll run into women that find this to mean that you want their friends, so they leave your set. Some PU materials advocate that you will be direct and sincere with women, where in reality you'll run into women that your sincerity and honesty don't move a thing inside them.. etc..

So the truth is that there is NO SINGLE METHOD that can work on every woman. Every woman is a different person, has a different personality, gets turned on by different things, and is interested in different things.

So what do we do?

There are 2 things you must remember.

#1: We are NOT mind readers. You can't just "read" minds and immediately be able to tell what she likes / responds to. You must test it and find it yourself by TRYING different things. So the first thing to remember is that you'll MUST, at some point, to "take a risk" and try things on her to see what works.

#2: You must remember that every woman responds differently to different things, and the only way to find this out is by paying attention & observing her carefully and looking for the things that she responds most strongly to. This is also known as "outward focus".

Here's an example: Let's say you talk to this georgous chick in a store. And at some point, you notice, that because of some "story" you said, she began to open up and she tries to "lecture" you. this may point to the fact that she is a girl that LOOKS for someone to listen to her. The first thing is your ability to notice this. And after you noticed it, you can then decide to try and ask her questions to see if your observation was correct. If you find that by asking her questions she opens up even more to you and starts investing in the conversation, then BINGO: You've just found one doorway into her mind.

Why is it so important to pay attention to the way SHE responds?

Because her responses are controlled by the way she FEELS about certain things you do. And whenever you get a good response, that means that you've found a "doorway", or some emotional need in her, that evokes those responses. It generally gives you information on how to further keep going. A good response can be her opening up and investing in the conversation (i.e: She starts talking and sharing her own personal thoughts with you..), or showing any other positive response (like giggling, laughing, playing in her hair). This can also be related to the themes of conversation (if she's all locked on you and listening, it means you've found a theme that interests her).

How can this be done?

In order to be mindful of this, you have to change the filter through which you view your interactions with women. Whenever you're in an interaction with a chick ALWAYS keep the following filter/attitude with you: "Let's see what she respond MOST STRONGLY to..".

It just basically means to change your filter to be outwardly focused on HER and on how SHE responds, and whenever you find something that evokes a useful response from her, KEEP GOING ON THAT TRACK!

Remember: success with women is first and foremost about how she feels, and if she feels good in the interaction with you, if your interaction fulfills emotional needs she is craving for, and you can notice those.. you've got a realy good track going with her.

Feel free to leave your comments..

-- leedrag0n

Monday, September 19, 2011

Switching Vibes with women..

Hey all!

Today I'm going to be sharing with you yet another powerful skill that has been field tested and efficiently approved for connecting with women. It is something that has taken my game, personally, to the next level as far as being able to connect with realy hot chicks, and that is the skill of switching the vibe you present to women.

This is something that I have learned from Ross Jeffries, so I give full credit to him.
I have also seen some of the best guys in the game use this, and I think that it is realy essential with women!

So.. what is it?

A little bit about Vibes with women:

Basically, a "vibe" is one style or flavor of communication you present when you interact with a woman. Every person has his own unique natural style of communicating: Some people are "funny" in their nature and make jokes and everyone laugh around them all the time.. other people are "powerful/dominant" type of people who are good at setting a direction .. some other people are "vulnerable" or "sharing" their thoughts in their nature.. and some people just like to ask questions and show real curiousity and interest and just listen to what people have to say!

So basically there are 4 "main" vibes:

1. Funny & Playful
2. Dominant/Commanding
3. Sincere/Vulnerable
4. Listener/Showing Deep curiousity

And if you wanna be super precise you can add in a couple of additional vibes:

5. Sexual
6. Cocky&Funny

That may play a role with women.

So, every person has his own "natural" style of communicating, or "vibe".

Now.. I talked before about being flexible in your game. Your ability to switch and play back and forth with your vibes plays major role in this.

Because you see, you may be a "Funny" guy in your nature, but the woman you're trying to talk to is a person who has a lot of things she's just looking to share with someone and she desperately looks for someone who can just listen to her! Or, you may be the "vulnerable" and sharing your thoughts kind of guy, but the girl realy doesn't know what she wants and desperately needs someone who is dominant and aggressive and can lead her to do things (I talked about it in the last post!!). Or.. you could be the dominant and aggressive kind of guy but she realy desperately needs some entertainment and fun in her life and she's looking for someone who is funny and exciting to entertain her.. You get my drift..

Switching Vibes:

Basically you want to essentialy first practice the vibes at home. If for example you've never been dominant and commanding with people, start practicing talking like this at home first. You have all the time in the world to perfect and master each of the 4 main "vibes" to be available to you at will in the real world so you can start switching back and forth between them..

Switching vibes in real world interactions with women is very powerful for several reasons:

1. When you use it in your interactions with women, and pay close attention to how the girls are responding, you will rapidly be able to "pinpoint" on exactly the vibe that she responds most strongly to and that opens her up to the most. Sometimes there's more than one vibe, so the more - the better!

2. It gives you tremendous flexibility with women! You will be amazed when you discover that you can suddenly connect with women that up until now you couldn't. I actually had some very powerful responses with a few realy hot women immediately when I switched to "dominant/commanding" vibe, that the 3 other vibes just didn't get such a strong response and openess from. With some women, who in the past I only was vulnerable and sincere, I can now strike up a conversation by being funny and playful and they love it! Seriously, using this skill alone will triple if not quadraple your success rates at connecting with women MORE THAN ANYTHING I EVER LEARNED!

3. And this is what Ross Jeffries said, and its amazingly true: When you switch vibes all the time, the woman will be very intrigued by you because she can't pinpoint down on exactly who you are, and that is very attractive. Because most guys don't have this type of flexibility in their game. They are either funny, boring.. sincere... aggressive.. etc. Not a mix of all of them. You see? :)

So, this is a realy powerful communicational skill if applied properly. I actually think its at least as powerful if not even more than rapport. I didn't have this flexibility in my game in the past, and recently since I've developed it, and I got the strong responses from the real world interactions that justified and strenghtened using this (and nailed them as "ok, this is useful. Use it more!") I was simply amazed. Some women, just wanted me to listen to their story. So I just asked them questions and showed deep curiousity about them. (and btw - you can STILL emotionally lead her this way!). Other women, only started to respond strongly once I showed dominance and commanding. Other women realy enjoyed my playfulness (while others didn't respond to it at all!) .. and other women only started to open up to me when I began revealing and sharing my thoughts with them! (Vulnerable).

And now, after I've mastered this skill, my game has improved by ten folds from what it was!

So use this, its realy useful and needed too.

And stop being bound to just "one method" that says this or that. Always remember: What works is what gets the results you want.

-- leedrag0n

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking over the frame & Leading

Hi guys,

Throughout this blog we talked alot about all sorts of useful stuff with women: from designing your own state, all the way to how to evoke emotional states in women that will drive them to do things, all the way to using your words to create and suggest a reality, and more..

All of these subjects are needed with women. Yes, you have to approach them. Yes, they want you to approach them and they even want sex and love just as much as you do. Yes, using emotional states takes over their actions. Yes, using embedded commands & suggestions alters their reality and installs ideas in their minds.

But today I'm going to share another very important tool that you must use with women. And that is: to take over their frame AND LEAD THEM!

Now I know this sounds like imposing yourself on them, or making them do something against their will.
But there's a reason why you have to do this.. and in this post, rather than telling you "Be dominant, and lead" I want to take a while to actually explain to you WHY you must do it with women..

#1 - Taking over their frame

Look, women WANT us just as much as we do.
And yes - THEY want sex too! They actually NEED it just as much as we do.

But other than that, they have no idea how to actually make it happend. Are you familiar with the term: "Women don't know what they want"? Well it's realy true. Women will always say one thing, and do another.

What dictates their actions more than anything else?
Well.. women are submissive by their nature. They have no will of their own (other than attracting guys!). Women WILL be receptive to your game, they will be receptive when you evoke emotional states in them, they WILL be horny if you excite them, and they WILL bend their will and giggle if you try to powerfully take over their frame. THEY LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO!

Yes - Women LOVE to be submissive! It's actually their nature to be so. They don't have the capability of making decisions or taking the lead, and they HAVE to be LED!

That means that they will not initiate the approach, they will not initiate the game, they will not initiate an isolation and they will not initiate ANYTHING. It's just NOT in their nature. They don't know how to do it! Just like you remember the tango dance.. it is the man who comes, takes the woman's hand, and leads her to the dance floor... NOT VICEVERSA!

A woman can be completely into you, she can be turned on, she can be horny and all - and still she will NOT know what to do. In fact, when you take over her frame and decide things for her she will admire you and get even MORE turned on to you! THEY LOVE IT!

Woman LOVE IT when you take over their frame. Especially the hot ones, who lack the ability to make decisions for themselves - they LOVE IT when you take over and decide for them!

If you don't believe me, look at all the "rape fantasies" stories women tell when they fantasize about a guy taking over their frame and will and does what he wants with them and they obey. They CRAVE this dominance over their frame at deep levels!


It's far from the bullshit fantasy and deception they've been trying to sell us all our lives.. that we should show "empathy" and respect women's will. WOMEN HAVE NO WILLS OF THEIR OWN!

And in fact, taking over a woman's frame is a very EASY thing to do, if you choose to do it.. because we, as men, are more powerful and we can stick to a decision and a will. Women are not like this in their nature and they will always crack and give up to the person with the stronger will and intent.

This is all realy just basic core psychology about men & women here. I only bring it here so you understand it deeply. This understanding is realy needed.

#2 - LEADING them

Ok, let's talk logistics a little bit here.
Right off - taking phone numbers & facebooks just SUCK!
They sucks simply because it's just not smart logistically wise, not because you can't pull out sex from it.

Most people, in today's society, live in a realy high speed and pressured lifestyle - They wake up, they go to work, they go to school, they have commitments.. and they come back at the end of the day TIRED and EXHAUSTED. Even if they wanted to have sex, they can't pull it off.

It's not that they don't want it. They just don't have enough willpower left to make it happend or they have no idea how to make it happend! Most people are just living in a herd based mentality and they are doing what is TOLD them to be done. ESPECIALLY WOMEN!

This is why you MUST create a lead in your interaction with a woman. You are doing this because: A. She doesn't realy know what she wants and needs a strong lead and decision made for her. B. She likes to obey orders and commands at internal levels. It's her nature. When you create a lead, she'll love it. C. You MUST create the lead in order to be able to isolate her, and isolation is NEEDED for a sexual connection! D. The stronger lead you create, the easier leading her to isolation and arousing her will be for you!

When you meet a woman, and there's a "click" between you two, NEVER end it with just a phone number or a facebook. Understand the logistics I explained and CREATE a lead - a lead that will allow you to TAKE HER to be isolated with you.. even take her with you to another location.. to a coffee.. and do your BEST to create a sexual connection - this, by itself, is what's REALY needed to create a strong desire on her part to meet you again. If you have this sexual connection going, THEN.. and ONLY THEN you can take a number and leave.. not BEFORE! And if things are getting realy hot.. do your best, if you can, to end it with sex TONIGHT! This is the best choice for BOTH of you! Remember the logistics!!!

In fact, I believe most PUs fail when you don't have this lead. Even if you've created strong emotional states in her, and even if she enjoys the interaction completely.. if you haven't created a lead or taken over her frame.. she doesn't feel like she's "owned" and has to follow orders.. so its realy easy for her to find an excuse to eject from the interaction when she gets bored, or find excuses to flake on you on the phone.

Now I know.. this goes against everything that you ever learned about "respecting women" and shit. But believe me, taking over them and dominating their frame is REQUIRED for BOTH OF YOU! A. Because women have the conditioning to eject from meeting a guy, as I explained in my last post. So you HAVE to TAKE OVER this conditioning if you want to have any chance. B. Because she has no idea what she wants anyways and its her nature to be led, so appeal to her TRUE nature!

#3 - How to take over their frame and lead them?

Taking over their frame:

The most important aspect of taking over a woman's frame is eye contact, and locking eye contact until she breaks it first. This is absolute core key! This is perceived at deep internal level as something dominant in their eyes. I learned this from Gunwitch, so all credits for him. The second key to take over a woman's frame is to simply have a stronger will than hers, and this is REALY easy if you realize that women are naturally the weaker gender and they WILL go along and give up to a stronger will. Now, this is easily achieved when you're horny and haven't masturbated and your testosterone levels are high. BUT.. it is also achievable without it. Having a strong will is all about having a strong intent, strong decision. I talked about this in my 2nd post when I opened this blog.. remember? (Setting up a "goal" with women?). Now, these two keys will do enough.. but there's another key to taking over their frame and that is - not allowing them to take over the lead and/or shittest you! If a woman tries to lead you, or to "shitests" you, and you've taken the "bait".. she will feel like she is the one who is in the lead now. NOT GOOD!

Again, I'm not advocating power-plays or something with women. But the truth is that women WANT us and we want them and this is something that is required for the benefit of BOTH OF US: both men & women! Women are simply TURNED OFF when they feel they can manipulate a guy, and women CAN'T take the lead because they have no idea how to make sex happend because they have all these conditionings fucking their mind up! So.. NEVER let a woman who likes to masturbate with her right hand at nights (and if she's always trying to control guys, chances are she is LONELY and miserable..) to dictate your sex life. If she's so in demand to feel like she's in control, i give you full permission to NEXT HER. Realy! Because she will be a waste of your time otherwise..

Creating a Lead:

OK, creating a lead is REALY easy.
Basically understand that your goal is to condition the woman that you're setting up the lead, and she obeys and follows you. Remember how I talked in my recent post about "Willpower & discipline" on how to slowly develope willpower by doing small tasks at first? Well you will use the same principle here with women. It works wonders:

1. Start by creating "small leads" - This can be something as minor as asking her for the time, or asking her to turn around for a second because you want to check her shirt, or if she's in your car asking her to help you setting up the right direction for the mirrors so you can see (Yes, I've done it in the past).

2. After creating a few "small leads" increase the size of request to be a larger one. I usually like to use palm reading and telling them to "Show me your hand.." and then directing her how to put her hand. They love it, and this has almost NEVER failed me. They realy obey strongly to this one.

3. Now, after creating the "small leads" and the slightly bigger one, it already becomes naturally for her that you lead her and she follows, so now if you'll move to an even bigger request she will obey because it just starts to feel naturally for her that you give commands, and she follows. At this point, you can move her a little bit - If she's sitting in the bar, maybe you turn to her other side and make her turn around so she can't see her friends.. if it's in a store you can move her to another aisle or shelf to show her something.. if its in a club you can tell her you wanna tell her a secret and take her to the side just a little.. you get my point..

4. Ok, once you've done all of these chances are that she will now go along with even bigger requests like going outside together to breath some air (if in a club), or move to another store (if in mall) etc. This is actually already your direction to isolate her. At this point, she is already properly conditioned to be led, and when she's in this state you can almost isolate her entirely from the place. This is realy good!

See how easy it is?
It realy is easy to create a lead, and even though some frustrated control-freak type of girls who read this may be pissed off, i actually found out, in my recent field experieneces, that women LOVE IT when you TAKE OVER THEIR FRAME and when you LEAD THEM and TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! I saw the responses I got from women, and also remembered how my past successful lays happend (and in ALL of them these 2 principles of taking over their frame + leading her WERE in place!), that it all just clicked now to make sense.

And this is why I brought this post now.
It was also to remind me of those, and also to share them with you!

-- leedrag0n

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gaming insights 10.09.2011

Hey guys!

Today I'm sharing here a few insights based on my recent outings and field experiences that I just felt like putting them here for everyone to read and learn from.

Insight #1 - Every situation has DIFFERENT game

OK. One of the mistakes alot of guys do is they try to generalize a single "method" that will work on ALL situations. It doesn't work that way!

Every situation is different. In a club or bar, for instance, you can just walk up to women, be friendly fun and cool and you can already strike conversations on almost any topic you like - because the dynamic in that place is one of a social place where people hang out to have fun, enjoy, and MEET people. On street game or coffee shop the whole process of introducing the themes WILL be different.

Insight #2 - Playing on emotional states still OWNS the game BIG TIME!

Look: the reality of women.. whether you want to accept it or not is this - they WANT us just as much as we want them. But: #1 they don't know how to make it happend and #2 they are conditioned (aka: have deeply ingrained habits of behaviour..) against making the move, or even to "escape" from the interaction. Some call it "playing hard to get" .. or "wanting you to chase them" etc. In reality its all just their conditioning against being "easy" or "sluts". I'm talking about women that are receptive to your approach.. but then all of the sudden they have to "get back to shopping.." or "get back to her friend.." etc. This is true because once she "escapes" from you, if you'll try to re-initiate the conversation with her, 90% of the time she WILL go along and continue where you both left.

The only times where she DOESN'T "escape" the interaction is when you evoke strong emotional states in her that makes her want to stay! I'm talking about when you generate strong curiousity in her, or you challenge her for being a coward, or you talk about something that is extremely interesting to them.. etc.

The only times that she DOES what you want her to do, is when an emotional drive is pushing her to do it. If its for isolating her, then it could be wanting to tell her something personal.. but then excuse it like "But not here.." , and its the curiousity that actually makes her WANT to get isolated with you. You can even challenge her maturity for achieving isolationg by saying that she's not a person that you can tell secrets to, and that she's just a party animal that always wants her friends around her. She'll want to prove you that you're wrong by actually going alone with you (= isolation) to prove you that she's not like that.

So, those elements STILL own the game big time!

Insight #3 - Themes ..

Introducing the right themes with women. OK, here we are back to what I said in the last insight - women WANT us, but they don't know how to make it happend. When you both get into a conversation, she has no idea what to talk about.. so she gets back to the BORING questions of work, school, etc. She doesn't realize that those topics are boring for her!

On the other hand.. try to talk gossip with women. They LOVE this shit. Gossip is like crack for them!
Or, try to talk with them about Indulgences.. places where you can get the best massage in the world, or restaurants with the best foods .. they fucking LOVE this. Or just talk with them about emotions, what drives them, what they enjoy doing (aka: Connections), they LOVE it.

See what I mean?

It's just good and mindful to be aware of all this when you're gaming them. Boring themes evoke BORING emotions, and BORING emotions are NOT good!

Insight #4 - Embedded commands, Embedded questions, and Embedded suggestions

Ok, I may create a seperate post on this subject on its own (because I never did one, so it may be time to do it..) but lets talk about this for a moment.

The word "embedded" means "hidden". It's a way of sneaking in commands, questions and suggestions in a way that is almost never detected by the listener because it doesn't SEEM like you are commanding, suggesting or asking a question directly.


"Feel angry" = a direct command. If you told this to someone, it'd almost never work!
"Don't feel angry" = a direct command, brought in a negation way. This might work, but it still feels like a command.

BUT ->

"I hope you won't get angry.. but I wanted to tell you" = This sentence doesn't sound like a command to the listener. In fact, it sounds like a statement. You are stating or sharing your own thoughts: "I hope that..", but then you sneak in "you won't get angry" .. so even though it sounds to the listener like you're just stating something, it PREPARES his subconscious mind to the possibility of getting angry. It suggests him that he SHOULD get angry from what you're about to say, but in an indirect way. You don't tell him directly that he should get angry. He concludes it from the way the sentence is built!

See what I mean?

Another example: Embedded Question!

"Have you ever felt a strong attraction to someone?" = A direct question. She may choose not to answer it.

BUT ->

"I don't know if you ever felt a strong attraction to someone.. because some women never experienced this and its a real shame.."

= Again, this sentence is a statement. You are stating that you don't know something.. and then you sneak in "if you ever felt a strong attraction to someone..". You are not directly asking her if she has experienced this. But the way your sentence is built suggests that an answer to this question is required in order to understand what you're about to say. Again, you are not telling her to directly answer this question, but she concludes that the answer to this question will help her understand the rest of your sentence.. so she answers the question unconsciously and keeps the answer and then listens to the rest of your sentence to see how the answer she has is related to the story. But still though, if she answered the question and its a positive answer (Yes, I did feel a strong attraction to someone) then its very likely that she already remembered the person that she felt this way towards, AND that the state is brought back up again!

... I don't want to overload you with information here but I think you can understand what I mean...

What is this good for?

Well, duh - loads of things! From eliciting states, to get her to visualize things about you... "I don't know if you ever passionately kissed someone .. but it can be like..". Here we're doing an Embedded question that brings up imagery of kissing someone.. while YOU are sitting right in front of her! Even if she wanted to, she couldn't help but visualize herself kissing you!

And it's also realy good for giving her suggestions about her experience with YOU: "I remember listening to the radio one day.. and there was this show late at night.. where people call and try to locate people from their past.. and there was this 50 something years old lady.. that said she's trying to locate someone she met 30 years (!!!) ago.. and then she told the story of how she met him while going with the bus to Beer Sheba, and the whole area was a desert.. and at some abandoned bus stop there was this soldier that came up on the bus.. and sat next to her.. and it was a really rainy day and the bus was almost empty.. there were only the two of them and a few others.. and at some point they started talking.. and it was such a pleasant, exciting and memorable conversation that made all the hours of driving pass without even noticing ... and now, 30 years later.. she said that she still can't forget about this guy.. and that she said to herself that she must try and locate him to see if he's still alive.. and she wants to talk to him.. and that if she will not do it, she will regret it.. not mentioning that she kept regreting not staying in touch with him ever since then .. and when I told this to a friend of mine he said: 'Isn't it amazing? All our lives we chase our tails and always trying to stay in control.. but when we'll be old.. we won't remember all the chasing to feeding our egos.. we won't remember how much our bank account increased or decreased.. we won't remember work and all the duties we did.. and we won't remember all the times we felt "in control" of the situations. what we'll remember will be moments.. that took our breath away.. moments of intense fullfilment that we are delighted we did them .. and also the moments that we wanted to do something, but hesitated.. and then, when we're old, we'll regret we didn't do them when we could..' .."

Wasn't that an interesting pattern?
What did you feel when you read it?
What thoughts arose when you read it?
Did you notice the suggestions hidden inside of it?

I'll make a post on this subject later on and may analyze this pattern in depth, its a tricky one but its good to know how this stuff is done.

OK, that's all for now guys, feel free to post your comments.

-- leedrag0n

Monday, August 22, 2011

How to develope Discipline & Willpower (Breakthroughs #1)

Hi everyone!

This is the first post out of a series of brand new posts that will talk about basic practical exercises that will help you all to breakthrough your game.

This is no theory here guys. I'm going to bring you in this series of posts real world, tested & proven exercises and methods that WILL work for you if you do them to help you build each of the skills they are intended to build.

I'm not going to discuss these techniques here, and I share them here only out of truely wanting to help guys out there who have been stuck in this game. The exercises are easy, and I will explain in detail why they are used and how they work.


If you are someone who has a tendency to argue everything that is being presented to him and/or believes that these will not work for you BEFORE you even tried them, then I'm sorry but I can't help you - you are lacking the basic desire of even wanting to learn and use this stuff, and you get more satisfaction from arguing and debating things rather than actually TRYING them and enjoying the results you get from them.

For all the rest of you guys who are normal, and who WANT to breakthrough their game and remove all their stuck points, lets start with basic lesson number one.. the very FIRST basic skill you need in order to progress in this game..

Why Discipline & Willpower are needed?

Getting REAL results with women are not based on luck or fate. Women will not knock on your door and offer you themselves, and they will barely approach you. Results are based on skills and abilities.

In order to develope those skills & abilities with women you need Discipline - an ability to keep practicing and making progress on a consistent basis, and you also need a strong Willpower - an ability to push your boundaries and try things that are OUTSIDE your normal habitual ways. Habits will not change if you don't form new habits. And in order to form new habits, you need willpower. The stronger your willpower and discipline are - the EASIER it is for you to be able to truely change yourself.

In fact, in order to become more attractive and more skillful gamewise you MUST change your habits. Your old habits of behaving and interacting with women simply DID NOT WORK for you to bring you the results you wanted. Changing habits can be either realy easy and enjoyable (when you have strong discipline and willpower) or on the other hand it can be very painful and difficult (when you are lacking discipline and willpower).

Actually, I'm willing to bet that as you read this post and you see the words "Discipline" and "Willpower" you start feeling a bit at unease and uncomfortable. This is probably because you have some imaginary illusion about what Discipline and Willpower are and you probably visualize them as being something that will take years of practice and alot of effort to build. well, YOU ARE WRONG!

In fact, I'm going to show you a VERY EASY way to build kick ass strong Discipline & Willpower. YES, You won't believe that it is actually THIS EASY to build them. This is because you've been told lies my friend. You've been living in the matrix. And now I'm going to show you how to break free out of it!

So, HOW do we develope discipline and willpower?

Basically, discipline and willpower are the same thing - your ability to PUSH yourself to do something. When you say "I'm going to do this" then you do it without hesitation. A strong willpower makes it easy as hell for you to stay disciplined and keep doing things.

In order to understand how to start building your kick ass willpower, you must first understand the metaphor. Willpower is realy like a muscle - You can't expect to become a world class body builder within a day. THIS WILL NEVER WORK! The human mind likes consistency and likes repititions. When you consistently repeat something, it adapts easily and smoothly into your habits. If you try to FORCE something big too quick and too strongly over yourself, Your mind will REJECT it. So understand this and use this principle when you build your willpower and you WILL see how sooner than you think you'll be able to do amazing things effortlessly!

Developing Willpower:

Lets go back to the "muscle" metaphor.
How do you build a muscle? By creating RESISTANCE to it, and then pushing against that resistance. Usually this resistance will be in the form of a weight or something to lift.. and as we all know - we CAN'T push weight that is WAYYYYYY beyond the ability of our muscles to carry.. so we need to start by pushing "small" weights first - this will "train" our muscles to get comfortable with this weight.. so then as it becomes easy we will NATURALLY increase the resistance ..

In analogy, the "resistance" to your willpower is your procrastination = your tendency to deny and avoid tasks that you know you should do. Every time you say "Ahh .. I'll do it some other time.." or "Ahh .. I don't wanna do it now.." then you procrastinate.

So, in order to start building your willpower you need to start pushing AGAINST this procrastination. At first you will do it slowly, of course, and on small tasks. This can be something minor as cleaning your room for instance.. or organizing your desktop on your computer.. or maybe even cleaning and organizing your closet... or bookshelf.. or cooking something for yourself.. or maybe even meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time..

Whatever that'll be, start slow, but start doing things that you feel you don't want to do. This is also known as "pushing your comfort zone". I learned this principle myself from Gunwitch, and believe me that up till this day, it has been one of the most effective and easiest ways I ever learned that actually worked wonders in building a very strong willpower and discipline from easily and smoothly. So start pushing your comfort zone, and do it on a DAILY basis.

I can't give you an exact written step-by-step training program because I don't know what you consider to be easy or hard tasks for you. Only you know it, so follow my instructions and pick the tasks that you know you usually don't want to do and make them small ones at first.

What will this do for you? By pushing against your procrastination, it will start losing its effect on you .. until the point that it will no longer be stopping you, and you'll be able to just decide you do something and you'll do it. And that, my friend, is a wonderful feeling. This is your way to TRUE freedom!

AND ALSO .. YOU WILL NOTICE.. as you progress and keep doing these exercises, that day after day your willpower naturally becomes stronger and stronger almost effortlessly, and it will get you start feeling that your boundaries begin to melt and you suddenly find yourself doing BIGGER and LARGER tasks than you used to do, taking yourself out to the world and doing all the things you want to do and doing them easily and effortlessly.

Remember: the key principle here is to keep pushing against your procrastination. This is a PROVEN way to strengthen your willpower and discipline.

Then, after even a week of doing this, you will notice a HUGE shift in your level of discipline and willpower, and you will be able to do things that up until then used to seem difficult and challenging, and you'll do them quite easily.

Enjoy, more to come in the next posts.

-- leedrag0n

Friday, August 12, 2011

Accepting your mistakes

Sometimes we make this idealization in our mind that our approach is going so smooth, and that the girl is so into us that she's probably going to go for it with us, and then we try some move.. and suddenly she starts drawing back from the interaction until it fails completely and we are left with nothing.

This can happend. It happends to the best of the best. So it happend.. just relax around it and accept it!

You must accept the fact that YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES! It's part of life, you can't escape it!
You will make mistakes because no one has ever taught you how to pick up women. You didn't learn it from your parents, from your teachers in high school, you never had any expert to teach you this, and you probably weren't born with these skills. You had to learn it all by yourself. And when you do learn how to become a master in any field, you WILL makes mistakes, so accept it!

Look at the good things you did, give yourself a huge applaud for doing it and you deserve it!
And as for the mistakes.. it's part of life. Everyone makes mistakes.

And I'm 100% sure, that you HAVE LEARNED THE LESSON from it..

-- leedrag0n

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is the world realy such a bitter place?

Hey guys!

I'm currently out of the game due to problems with my voice so I have to give it some rest and work it out. So no game for me at the moment, but I can at least write and share you with my thoughts here :-)

I heard so many people say that the world was unfair, that beautiful women can get anything they want, that money rules the world and that chicks are after the money, etc. Do you think that way too?

If you do, then please stop. Crying and whining about the world and that you're unworthy is a self defeating, loserish mindset. People who have this attitude are usually people who give up without ever trying, and they are usually people who are bound by the limiting ways of thinking that society has induced on them. They were programmed to think that way. And here comes my philosophy and by belief about the world as I think it realy is.

OK, so we were all little kids once. Yes, even that wealthy millionaire and yes EVEN that georgeous goldiggerish chick. We were ALL little kids once. Do you agree?

When we were kids, believe it or not, but we didn't give a fuck about all these social statuses and money shit. Did we realy care if someone was rich or poor while he was introduced to us? NO! All we cared about was if we liked him or not. And believe me when I say, that when we were kids we were DAMN STRAIGHT HONEST with everyone. So if we didn't like someone, we told him that straight in the face in the most honest way possible.

Something got fucked up in the way though. When people grow up, they start to be conditioned with all sorts of social bullshit about the world. About how they should treat, think, and behave around certain "types" of people. About what is accepted & possible and what is not. You first must realize, that we are NOT born with this shit.

Whenever you think about money owning the world, you must remember something: Money & Status are just tools in the social impression mechanisms. What I mean is that whenever you are introduced to a powerful, wealthy man you may be impressed. So do women. But, should he treat you like shit, bore you to tears .. your thoughts about him will change. Same goes for women!

The bottom line is that after all the social impressions and after all the other bullshit you might THINK that you don't have, EVERY HUMAN BEING IS STILL A CHILD AT HIS INNER, MOST DEEPEST LEVEL. Even grown up adult still behave like a little child when it comes to his bottom level of desires. Do you know what I'm talking about?

That's right, I'm talking about the fact that after all people are STILL driven by how they FEEL!

Some of you guys may think .. "I'm not rich, I can never get georgous women". This type of thinking is what is being taught by society. If you have never learned anything else, then you might be doomed for life with the inability to get beautiful women unless you have a $1M bank profit.

But always remember .. "counter intuitive thinking - leads to COUNTER INTUITIVE RESULTS!"

Sometimes you have to think outside the box of convention if you want to achieve something. Now I want to demonstrate what I'm saying to you with an unusual counter intuitive situation:

You're inside a club.
You see this unbelievably beautiful woman. She's georgous!
You may think that she's not going to shit at your direction because you're not rich.
OK .. let's say so ..
So you approach and try to talk to her and she completely IGNORES YOU!
.. then you say to yourself: "Aha! See? I told you it's not gonna work!" ..
.. but wait ..
Have you ever tried this >>
You take a little bit of your beer and you "accidently" spill it all over this girl ..
Now she's damn wet and she's also DAMN angry..

How many of you guys believe me when I tell you, that after doing something like this, you will have all her attention on YOU? Not only that, chances are she is going to be so angry that she's going to come directly to you and start a fight with you!

Now I know this example is VERY unusual and very outside the box of what you ever thought of trying.
Spilling a beer on a girl? That's so RUDE! You may think ..

But you see guys .. this is exactly THE KIND OF THINKING that keeps you STUCK!

Now back to my example .. so now she's angry at you. You may think that's extremely counter productive, but you have no idea how you're wrong. First of all, by doing this you went from "being completely ignored" and in fact being completely insignifanct in this girl's eyes, all the way to being someone that has triggered something inside her. When she looks at you now, you are someone with significance in her world, because you moved something inside of her, emotionally. And this realy DOES get her attention. After doing something like this, she won't be able to keep her eye off you all evening.

The interesting thing is that you can use this as a leverage to later apologize, show some respect, and actually suggest a compensation. This will gain ALOT of positive points in your favor and may actually work hugely to your advantage. With some girls, this unexceptional strategy of "pissing them off, before pleasing them on" is the ONLY thing that will actually WORK on them! If you try to be nice and polite, it's just NEVER gonna work for you!

I know that this example was pretty unusual, but I brought it here on purpose to shake the ground of everything you ever believed is possible. You have to think outside the box of convention sometimes.

Let me bring here another example, actually something that happend not long ago to me and my friend:

We were out, and then we see these 2 girls so we went and started chatting with them. One of them was very receptive and open, while the other seemed stressed and kept pushing her girlfriend to finish the talk with us so they can leave.

I was looking at my friends and I noticed that he has completely ignored this, and it was a mistake, because I knew that if I will not do something to put her friend in her place, this set will be OVER. In a matter of a seconds I came up with this strategy of playing with her ego to keep her staying there. So I talked to the open and receptive friend of hers and told her: "You know, it's such a shame that your friend here is A COWARD". This realy pissed off her friend, that went from "I want to leave mode" all the way to "Who the hell does he think he's calling a coward?" all the way to wanting to prove us that she's not a coward by staying there. So this was a brilliant move - first it took over her frame and dominated her, and second it triggered an emotion inside of her. She was pissed from this remark, and then wanted to prove us wrong and STAYED there.

I know many guys who read this may go "Wow damnit! He actually insulted her!" .. exactly my point!

Because the fact that you are so not used to doing something like this, only shows how much your thinking is limited and bound when it comes to women.

Start to think outside the box, and you won't believe how far you can reach.

-- leedrag0n

Monday, June 13, 2011

Use a camera to improve your bodylanguage!

Hey guys!

Here's yet another body language improvement tips video with a powerful and VERY effective technique that will help you improve your non-verbal communications better than anything else.

This technique have proven itself and i've been using it myself alot, so give this a try and you'll be dazzled by the results.

P.S: Many "communication tip" websites suggest using a mirror for improving your bodylanguage. This is a recipe for scoring an own goal - because when you practice with a mirror you're all the time AWARE to how you look. When you use a camera (without seeing yourself as you're filming!) gives you a way more accurate reference to how you REALY look when you communicate with others, and if you practice it alot it becomes your second nature of communicating so it will come out of you automatically and effortless in the field!

As always, feel free to post your comments.

-- leedrag0n

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The right body language (video)

Hey guys,

This video was taken some time ago when I was in a mall.
You can see me in this video as I approach and game a hot girl in the enterance to a clothing store.
This is the first part of the movie, I'll see if I can upload the other one.
This movie is for demonstration purposes ONLY.

-- leedrag0n

Monday, June 6, 2011

Improving your communications

Here it is, enjoy!

-- leedrag0n

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Communication skills!

The video is coming later today .. this is just a teaser :P

-- leedrag0n

Saturday, May 28, 2011

There's no such thing rejection!

Hey guys!

It's me again, writing to you on a sunny saturday afternoon here in Israel. The weather is great, and I'm at the moment writing to you from the beach with my laptop as I got an inspiration to share with you this powerful concept that will change your attitude towards gaming forever.

This week I saw a great speech by the Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu in the american congress.. and while he was comparing the conflict between Israel and Palestine to those in Berlin and Prague in the late 90s, suddenly a protester .. who probably got disturbed by his words.. interrupted his speech and started screaming at him for talking nonsense.

Netanyahu's reply to this was nothing but pure genius: he took her objection, and TURNED IT AROUND TO HIS FAVOUR, by framing it to the audience in a new way that made him look great: He said "I'm honoured by these protesters, because you can't see them in governments like in Teheran or Tripoli. THIS IS REAL DEMOCRACY!", and as soon as he finished this sentence ... the entire audience stood up to gave him one of the strongest and raving applaudes the entire evening!

Now .. I realy want you to think about the implication of this!

I'm willing to bet that you are many times just WITHDRAWING your approaches because you simply haven't learned how to RESPOND to people and put them in place properly!

In fact, you've probably been trained to think like a loser = that if some woman throws objections at you, or "rejects" you .. that means the sarge is over, done, and you should walk away from there with your tail between your legs..


Realize this: ANY response a woman gives you can be LEVERAGED and USED to YOUR FAVOUR!

This is one of the BIGGEST SKILLS in communication in general, and PU by itself.

In fact, there's always a chance that a hot woman WILL THROW SHIT LIKE THIS IN YOUR FACE at some point in the sarge, whether at the start or in the middle. An amateur or inexperienced PUA or AFC will perceive it as a "rejection" and will walk away.

However, A true master communicator will capitalize her response, not be phased by it, and then he will use it to HIS leverage to turn the whole thing around.

Let me give you an EXAMPLE to illustrate this:

Yesterday I was at Rothschild street in Tel Aviv .. and I noticed a nice 5-set so I started walking up to their direction ... Now apparently they have been hit before me by some amateur PUA .. but I didn't know it ... so anyways I come up to them and I start with a simple preopener: "Hey girls .. do you know of any good places around here?" ... Now, I didn't even get a chance to finish my sentence where suddenly one of the girls go: "WHAT? YOU ALSO WANT TO KNOW WHO LIES MORE? MEN OR WOMEN?" .. (LOL I can't believe people still use this opener!) .. I tried to turn this around to my favour by answering them: "Oh no ... they asked this you also ??" , and then one of the girls go : "YES. Now FUCK OFF!" in an angry voice ..

Now .. I'm willing to bet that most of you who are reading this are already perceiving this as a rejection LOL .. do you know why? its because you FEEL REJECTED .. and remember what I told you? That emotions blind logic? If you feel rejected that's YOUR PROBLEM. Work on it! See how I responded and you'll realize exactly what I'm saying..

Anyways I wasn't phased by it, so I can think about it logically. Now think about it on a logical level: It's 5 girls. Not one. So yeah, ONE girl shouts at you. But it doesn't mean that all of them agree with her! For all you know .. one of those girls may actually LIKE YOU!

So having this in mind, I replied to her like this:

Me: Oh no, they asked this you also?
Me: Hey .. relax.. It's ok .. you're not the ONLY GIRL that haven't had sex for a while! In fact .. there are girls who didn't get it for longer than you! It's ok .. we hear you!

And as soon as I finish saying this, ALL OF HER GIRLS JUST BURST OUT LAUGHING LOUD, and she didn't know where to hide herself out of shame!!

Now what I did here was several things:

1. I didn't get emotionally affected by her response.
2. I used her response against her, to frame the whole situation in a different, more funny way. Framing her response as a result of sexual frustration.
3. It got all the girls laughing. And women are driven by emotions, not logic. If you get them to FEEL something, they flow with it!
4. Her friends LIKED ME for doing it. So now I'm 100% IN the set, because of the power of social proof.
5. The girl got submissive and quiet after this, probably because she was scared to get hit and humiliated by me once again like this in front of her friends LOL!

So you see guys .. this example just proves once again that THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS to what you can possible achieve in this game. All the wrong perceptions and translations of reality are all in your head.

NOW will be the best time to just LET THEM GO!

Realy think about it for a while.

-- leedrag0n

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Your State Issues Clarified!

Hey guys!

It has been a month since I wrote here, but I'm here again :-)

First I want to update you guys that I will be recording some more video tutorial modules soon, so if you liked the last ones I did (and I have got very good reviews on my rapport & chemistry video, Thanks guys!) then you can expect those coming soon.

But today I'm here with yet another very interesting state related post.
Actually, what I'm about to share with you today is going to blow your mind away. Literally!

Because after you'll finish reading this post, you will be dazzled and blown away about just how much you have been brainwashed about "confidence" your whole life. In fact, you may (hopefully) forget anything you ever thought you know about "confidence"!

Because you see.. everything you ever learned about "lack of confidence" or "low self esteem" was WRONG. There are no such concepts. We have been told LIES!

And now.. I'm going to reveal those lies to you, in this post, so you will begin to see the matrix for yourself.. and realize just how deep the rabbit hole really goes....

Part 1: Once upon a time there was a boy ...

.. and ever since he was a little kid he had things and activies that he LIKED and ENJOYED doing and things that he DISLIKED or HATED doing. Over the years the kid became really good at doing the things that he LIKED to do ... and he also became really good at avoiding doing the things that he DIDN'T LIKE to do ... so whenever he was supposed to do that activity or something that he didn't like to do ... he would learn to make a list of excuses to avoid doing it ... but that list was a result of the way he FELT about doing that activity! So... over the years he became VERY GOOD at making those excuses ... but did he know what creates it?

OK.. back here with me folks, I guess you can all relate to that story, right? :-)
I can already hear some of you reading this saying : "Oh yeah here's that preach again about me making excuses... I HEARD THAT ALREADY ... So what's the point?" ...

I'll tell you: MOST of your state issues that are related to women are subject of procrastination, or: trying to avoid something that you simply don't want to do!

YEP, that's what is REALLY is!

There is NO SUCH THING as "Fear of approach".
There is NO SUCH THING as "Low Self Esteem".
There is NO SUCH THING as "Lack of confidence".
And hell there is NO SUCH THING as "Loss of hope".

All of those things are just our own, WRONG TRANSLATIONS, to a generally simple neurological state of mind: a state of mind where TWO OPPOSITE DESIRES CONFLICT =

1. Your logical desire - what you KNOW on a logical level that you want, for example: "I want to approach this woman", or "I want to go out to sarge" or "I want to rehearse my tonality" or hell even "I want to clean my room!" ...


2. The emotional state that is associated with doing this activity - what your SUBCONSCIOUS mind is telling you that it thinks about doing this, which is often the opposite of your logical desire, for example: "I don't want to approach this woman", or "I don't want to go out to sarge" or "I don't want to rehease my tonality" or "I don't want to clean my room".

How does this translates to the states of mind that you THINK you're experiencing? Well .. lets go deeper down the rabbit hole so you'll find out ...

Part 2: The psychologist say that I have a "Low self esteem"...


LISTEN: Procrastination is a genuine human emotion. You've learned to do it ever since you were a little kid. It's part of the survival mechanism every human being inherited - it's the emotional "alarm" system that pushes you towards things that feel good, and pushes you away from things that may have unpleasant feelings associated with them.

Even if you logically KNOW that you have to go out to meet women, if your mind thinks different you're in a problem. And then what happends .. is that you PUSH yourself to go out ... but the feeling of "not wanting to do it" is still there. And then you carry that feeling with you to the field!

What does this result in? What everyone calls "bad state". You can't figure it out, and people start labelling it under many different names .. "Fear of approaching women", "Low self esteem", "Lack of confidence".. etc..


It's all just YET another one of those human attempts to try and make sense of an emotional state of mind (or rationalize) of conflict between your emotional drive ("I don't want to be here") to your logical desire ("I want and I need to do this!")

Now.. here's my OWN story of how I concluded this...

Part 3: Once upon a time there was ME..

.. and I have always been quite a procrastinator on things that I didn't like to do, whether it's cleaning my house.. or taking the car to fix it.. and sometimes even to go and buy food in the supermarket!

And for the last 6 months or so I have been puzzled by a riddle that I couldn't yet find an answer to regarding my self: Why is my state of mind so unstable around women when I'm out there alone by myself ... -vs- ... my state being VERY stable when I'm out there with someone??

At first I thought it was something about my "Low self esteem", so I took a paper, wrote a bunch of positive beliefs about myself.. reaffirmed them for a while... FELT GREAT.. and then I went out to the field with it... it worked quite ok for a while but after a while I was back to my instability...

OK, next shot: I learned a bunch of NLP techniques for state design. I gave it a try as well! It also worked quite well for a while.. but after a while the instability came back..

OK, next thing I learned was stuff taken from vipassana meditation (equanimity, grounding etc). Worked well for a while but required alot of work.. and .. in the end you know what happend...

So .. I was really puzzled by this for quite a while. But then one day I really wondered... "Why isn't this happening to me when I'm with my friends?????".

I began studying, and exploring, and trying to understand the differences between how I behave when I'm with my friends -vs- how I behave when I'm without them. And I realized this:

1. If I can easily approach women when I'm around with my friends, it means that I DO NOT have any "Fear of approach"!
2. If I feel very good about myself when I'm around with friends, it means that I have NO PROBLEMS with my "Self Esteem"!
3. If I feel quite confident in myself when I'm around with friends, it means that I have confidence in myself!

So if I have all of those when I'm out there with SOMEONE... Then how come they all disappear when they are not around me??


And that led me to the inevitable conclusion: being with friends is just MORE COMFORTABLE!

Part 4: Realizing it's realy about procrastination, NOT about confidence!

I can clearly tell the difference about going out to sarge with my friends -vs- me sarging solo by one small difference: If a friend calls me out, I'm almost always saying "YES" and I feel that I want to do it!

But if I had to take myself out by myself, ALL sorts of excuses will come out!

So there you have it - it's simply PROCRASTINATION!
Not fears, not lack of confidence, nothing.

And ... once I managed to neutralize the procrastination feeling and be able to go out to the field without it sitting in my veins .. then what do you know ... I'm unstoppable with women again!!!

Grasp it, eat it, and sleep on it.
If this relates to you - GREAT, If not, feel free to ask me anything.
Until my next post..

P.S: If you'll want to know how I got over the procrastination, shoot me a comment here and I will explain. You can feel free to comment and leave your feedback on this post anyways. I love hearing your feedback!

-- leedrag0n

Friday, April 22, 2011

PU for the dummies!

Hi everyone!

I want to talk a little bit about PU in general, lay out a few basic rules, attitudes and principles that I use and apply myself when I'm out to PU women, and discuss a few mindsets and beliefs that are important & useful.

Some of these guidelines are important so give those a good read.
Here we go:

Basic attitude for PU women - It is a game!

Do you remember how in computer games, or any game - whenever you play it, you're focused 100% on the game and your mind never wanders to other places? You want to have the same attitude with women!

The whole process of approaching a woman, engaging her in a conversation, connecting with her, and then seducing her to either fall in love with you or have sex with you is an art. Not a fixed thing, and it can change with every woman. It's more like .. playing music! And because of this nature, it must be played from an outcome disoriented and fun place.

You only get good and better in this game by gaining experience, and any time you game a woman you learn something.

Basic understanding for human interactions - It's possible to connect with EVERY person!

Every woman is first of all a person.
And every person is a unique individual.
As such, that means that she is conditioned to respond to specific types of communications presented to her, has specific motives that drive her, and has certain behaviours or topics of conversation that she likes. If you can find those, you're very likely to succeed in creating a strong connection with her.

In order to find those, you need to carefully listen, observe, and study her reactions. This means that you need to collect this information about her. The only way to do it, is by being outwardly focused on her and paying attention to how she responses and what drives her.

And in order to do that, you must operate by the next "set in stone" rule for interacting with women:

Set in stone RULE for interacting with women - If you CAN'T pay attention on HER and how she responds - DON'T GAME HER!

This is a highly crucial "set in stone" rule for interacting with women.

Consider the following metaphor: a boxer entering the ring with his eyes folded so he can't see anything. He can't study his opponent, and he can't know when he hits or not. If he throws a few punches, yeah he might "hit" some once in a while, but he will most probably miss most .. and he won't know whether he's doing progress in the match or not ..

In analogy, when you approach a woman and your attention is not on her, you're going to miss interest signs she gives you, you're going to miss what's her favorite communicating style, you're going to miss the things that drive her or the things she responds most strongly to, you're going to miss the communication she presents to you that can allow you to "mirror" her and increase the rapport .... when you operate this way you're most likely to just "get lucky" with her, if she's realy interested in you and she's doing half the work for you!

Basic mindset for gaming women - There is no such thing "rejection", only feedback about what DOESN'T work on her!

As I stated above, it's possible to connect with every girl, and every girl is conditioned to respond positively to SOMETHING .. but no one guarantees you that you'll succeed in finding that "something" right on your first attempt of interacting with her!

If you didn't succeed on your first attempt though, it doesn't mean anything. All that it means is that what you tried, with this girl, at this time, just didn't work .. and you might try a different strategy next time and it might work.

Changing tactics, strategies and methods are a good thing to have at your disposal.
Because EVERY girl will respond to SOMETHING .. and the only way to find out what will work is to try something and pay attention to how she responds to it. If you get a positive response (she opens up, smiles, starts connecting with you, fucks you etc), then you know you're on the right track .. if not, then you know you're off the track and you may change the strategy and try again this time, or next time.

Another thing you can play with is your non-verbal communication.
So here's another important thing to know about human interactions..

Another basic understanding for human interactions - Non verbal communications play a role!

And when I say "non verbal", I mean more to as "the character" you enter into, and i'll explain.
You may have been used to communicate in a special and unique way all your life. That is "yourself".

As I said, every girl is conditioned to respond to a specific type of communication presented her, and that mostly means: "the character" that you enter into. If you are the quiet guy type, this may fail to work on some women who are more into the "happy party guy" type ... on the other hand if you're the "happy party guy" type, this may fail on some women who are more into the "masculine relaxed guy" type.

So your ability to play with these characters, or to be flexible enough in your communication, is what will open for you the possibility to connect with every girl. Once you've created the connection with the other person, you can slowly slide back to be "yourself" although you're mindful as to what she responds best to.

Again, the only way to find out is by trying many different angles and pay attention and notice to what she responds best!

"Open your mind, and your ass will follow .."

I hope this information have been helpful to you.

-- leedrag0n

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Always remember this!

Whenever you're confused, in doubt, or in lack of motivation to go out and meet women, always remember this:

THERE ARE women out there who are HOT, FUN, COOL, FRIENDLY and who WANT TO MEET YOU and ENJOY WITH YOU. You just have to FIND THEM!

There are also women out there who are cold, turned off, unfriendly, not nice, unreal, frigid, frustrated, or even boring people that you DON'T want to meet!

In what percentages you will find each of those? No one knows.

But you should just always remember that the kind of women you're looking for DO EXIST.
Now go find & them!

-- leedrag0n

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to improve your tonality

Hey guys.

If you remember, a few posts ago I talked about "Attraction" that's built up of looks, vibe and behaviour, and I promised there that I will make a post about tips to improve your tonality, so here's the post as I promised!

In this post I'll give you tips and drills (vocal exercises) that will help you improve your tonality which, as a side bonuis, will improve the vibe you create in your communication (because Tonality is a major aspect of vibe!).

So let's start!

How I got to improve my own voice

I used to have a very weak voice normally. Maybe due to my work as a programmer (where I was barely speaking) or maybe due to just bad habits of operating my voice, but I had a voice that could barely be heard and was airy and breathy. At some point I realized that my voice could be impacting the way I am perceived by others (And these things do affect other people unconsciously. We could go all philosophical and say that a great "seducer" can get women even with bad looks, vibe, and behaviour. I could agree to it on some level, but the reality is that MOST people, and women, are VERY SHALLOW as far as the first impression goes, and I'm only talking about the FIRST IMPRESSION. A good first impression gets them hooked up, a bad first impression will get most to want to leave. this is reality!) so I decided to start working on it.

The first thing I noticed about my voice, was that everytime I went out to a club .. maybe due to the loud music and my need to make my voice sound louder inside those places .. when I came out of the club my voice would suddenly open-up and be realy loud, clean, and resonant! This would usually last for a couple of days, before it got back to the normal weak, breathy voice.

I posted a question about this in a medical forum that has to deal with voice problems, and one of the doctors there suggested me that the change in my voice happens due to changes in my habits of controlling my voice, that gets changed when I'm in a club environment to fit-in. When I leave the club, because I've unconsciously trained my voice for about an hour or so inside the club, I get out and it stays the same for a couple of days before it gets back to it's normal patterns.

This meant to me that I have to find ways to practice and train my voice so it'll be resonant, clean and loud even on a daily basis. Now i'll share with you the insights I have come with, and the vocal exercises I've managed to practice to maintain my voice as it is ..

Vocal drill #1 : Create Resistance

If your voice is weak, it may be because youre "voice muscles" are weak and not used. Same as it was with me. When I went to a club, because of the loud volume, I had to push my voice stronger to get it to be heard. As a return, this strengthened my loudness. You can achieve the same affect without going to a club, but by creating resistance to your voice - so you'll have to push it stronger to be heard. Makes sense, no?

You do it by taking a straw ("קשית") and putting it in your mouth, and then start "uuhhhh"ing vocal tones through it (like a musical octave up and down). The straw creates resistance because the voice has to be tunneled through a small tiny air space, and in return it presses the vocal cords so when you release it, your voice becomes stronger.

Here's a clip that illustrates it:

Extra tip: You can put your finger on the far side of the straw, to cover the open spot in order to add even more resistance to your voice.

Vocal drill #2: Make your vocal cords vibrate (Warm-up / "Lip Bubble")

Another aspect of creating your voice is whether or not the vocal cords actually vibrate when you create a sound. In order to get them to vibrate, you use a simple exercise called "Lip Bubble".
Here's a video that illustrates this:

Vocal drill #3: Open your throat up

Another aspect of a good, clean and resonant voice is whether your throat & neck muslces are relaxed and releived. A tensed throat or neck causes the voice box (aka "Larynx") to move away and the air will get cut off, which will make it more difficult to get a voice out and you'll have to invest more energy to it. You want the entire area of your throat & neck to be relaxed and that way the voice will come up easier, the voice box will stay in it's place and therefore the voice will come out nice, clean and resonant.
Here's a video to illustrate it:

Another great video with explanation:

Check out this guy's videos, his name is Roger Burnley and he has very good videos and explains the whole voice creation process in a very interesting way and has great exercises.
You can check his channel on youtube at this link.
Here's a nice video with his explanation of how the voice creation process works:

Final note:

That's it for this post!
Start practicing your tonality improving, and feel free to reply and share your experiences.

-- leedrag0n

Friday, February 4, 2011

Values, Values system & Self-Definition

Hey all.

I want to share here an inner insight that I have recently discovered about myself after some deep soul searching. It has to do about a discovery of how I was unconsciously used to define my own value as a person based on an attractive woman's responses towards me.

If you find that you relate to this subject, feel free to read on and share your thoughts at the end of this post.

I know that it sounds completely illogical. It was for me too.
I'm quite sure that every one of us have some areas in his life that are governed by illogical and irrational ways of thinking and perceiving things that may prevent him from being able to feel good or at ease around them, and as a result - toughens his ability to succeed and/or enjoy them. It's only when you become aware of these irrational thought patterns where they can be intervented, changed, and maybe fixed for good.

I guess that real world examples would help understanding better exactly what I'm talking about.

So let's start with a subject I like: sports, for instance. I like to play soccer.
I noticed that in the neighbourhood where we play soccer, there are some people who will take losses very very personally and seriously. So much, infact, that they won't even be able to stay there any more and they'll just have to go home to relax. Does it make sense??? I mean, we are there to play and enjoy and have fun playing football, and a person's entire mood can immediately change 180 degrees from complete joy to horrible disaster only because his team lost. It doesn't make sense. When I lose a game, I don't take it this personally. I mean, it's just a game. No big deal. But for those people, it's everything. It's not logical right?

Another example is how some folks can perceive wealthy people with lots of money.
I personally came from a family where my father and mother used to hang out with so called "high society" people. People with lots of money, industry leaders etc. I learned that these people are no different than me and you, and nobody of them is better than you or me only because he has money. Some of them are complete idiots who just seem to have a "good mouth" and know how to be diplomats and talk. Whenever you face them with a question that requires depth and a real brain, many of them get lost. I know it. So I can walk up and meet up with people who are millionaires or famous celebs and to just be myself as I am naturally and not even count their presence. I have a friend who couldn't do it, up until recently. He told me that whenever he was about to meet a realy wealthy person, he'd start to shake and get nervous. I thought about it and said .. but how could it be? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!! It was in his world though. Because in his own value system, a person with a lot of money is considered a god.

And that brings me back to my own example, and how I got this insight.

Recently, I have been working my ass on a big project. It's my own creation.
This project brings alot of joy and happiness to my life, I enjoy every minute of working on it, and even though it caused me to be in the field less - it made me feel proud as a person on something I create, and it made me feel great about myself as well. Then one day, I was walking out of my house to do my regular walk around the city, feeling great and delightful about myself. It all went so fine ... until one moment when I saw this attractive girl coming in front of me. She was talking on her cellphone. As she passed near me, I started looking at her.. hoping that she looks back at me... but she didn't. And at that moment, my entire mood changed 180 degrees. From complete joy, proud of myself, good about myself - to feeling horrible, disasterous, frustrated and what not!

This was a breakthrough moment for me, because .. perhaps for the first time in my life .. I became fully aware to just how powerfully women's responses affected me. And I didn't even approached her! I just looked at her, and she didn't reciprocated back... and that by itself hurted me in a very deep and emotional level... and just as I told you here, I realized at that moment - THAT IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!


How can I walk out my door ... feeling so great about myself, about what I've created, what I worked my ass on with complete joy of ... and BECAUSE OF A WOMAN'S LOOK ... a woman who just talked on her phone ... who I don't even know .... to come back home so devastated ???

This didn't make sense to me at all!!
And exactly because of that - I knew that I MUST find a way to answer this question.

So I started digging down the surface of my mind. I had to find the root for this cause.
No more NLP tricks of altering my emotions, No more reframes, No more affirmations .. I knew that this is something deep .. and I was determined to find it out....

Before I tell you how I found the big answer .. (and btw: all the answers to all the questions are already inside of you) .. let me tell you something funny about us, humans.

We all think that we are SO smart, right?
I believe that when we are kids, we make alot of illogical conclusions that are based on our irrational understanding of the world back then, that later these conclusions just sink down the surface and into our subconscious and become thought patterns that we live with. These thought patterns are what guides us through life, what creates our most powerful emotions, and you are almost never aware of them until one day you realize, just as I did, that something is completely wrong and illogical about your feelings and you must figure out what it is.

So I asked the question.

Thankfully, I have great buddies who I can share my thoughts with, and one by one they started providing me directions & clues as to what it could be, that eventually led me to the answer.

The first buddy who I talked with, is a friend of mine from the football. He is also the guy that I told you who used to be nervous around wealthy people. I talked with him about this subject, and this is how he shared with me his past fear of wealthy people. In the end of my conversation with him, we came to the conclusion that I attached very high value and importance to a woman only because she's attractive to me. So he asked me: "Why do you give so much value to an attractive girl?". Answering this question by itself was impossible... because I told him: it doesn't make any sense to attach so much value to a girl only because she's attractive!

This dropped the first coin to my head. And now here's the next one.
I had a conversation later with my mother. I thought that listening to a female's perspective may enlighten me. She was completely shocked by everything I was saying ... "You should NEVER feel less than a woman just because she's pretty!" ... and then she started telling me of this TV show that she watches called "Let's marry". Moms just love these shows. In every show they bring a guy and a girl that are supposed meet in the end of the show if everything goes well and they like each other. The show is hosted by a female host, a female astrologist and a female psychologist that navigate, analyze and suggest ideas to both the guy and the girl. There was one show where they brought a female girl who looks like a porn star but she was obvisouly not a real person. Her entire personality was an act. She would raise her nose, talk with an exaggerated way of speech, and brushed her hair. And both the host, the astrologist, the psychologist AND my mother (And i'm sure that lots of other females who watched the show) - they could all see how unauthentic she is. How she is just an act. But the guy COULDN'T SEE IT! And even though both the host, both the astrologist, and the psychologist - all told him that she's not for him, that she is a dominative person, that she's into sadistic stuff - he chose her! And this dropped a second coin in my mind ... could it be that what we observe externally is a deception???

The third coin came from a best friend of mine. He's a natural.
I shared my thoughts as well with him, and then he told me how it reminded me of something that happend to him. One day, he met this buddy of his who also brought a girl that he knows. She's a model. Between friends he tried chatting with her up, and she completely ignored him (Mind you: this is NOT a cold approach. She ignored him within a social circle setting!) and talked to his buddy, and asked the buddy question about my friend as if he's not there (Standoffish). Then, she told them both how she never goes out with a guy unless he spends 3000 shekels on her in an evening (Whore). And finally, he told me how one day he was working and he saw her walking down the street, so he pointed at her for his work colleague so he can see who is that girl, when she saw him she gave him the "fuck off" finger. After this story, I couldn't feel anything but disgust towards her. Then my friend asked me if i want to see her picture, so I said sure. He sent me her picture. And even though she is a model, and she will be very attractive to many men - AFTER I KNEW HOW HER SHITTY PERSONALITY REAL IS, I COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING ATTRACTIVE IN HER! SHE DISGUSTED ME FROM HEAD TO BONES!!!
This was interesting .... I knew her personality is shitty before I saw her, so then when I saw her I couldn't find anything attractive in her cause I knew she's disgusting as a person... but in the real world situations I only see their beauty first .... could I be up to something soon??

And then, the final coin that hit the nail came from a buddy who I haven't talked with for a while.
I shared my story with him as well, and he told me how he learned this technique that is taken from cognitive psychology, that he learned in his book by a doctor, about how to "dig into deep emotions". He started investigating me for a while, I cooperated. At some point we came to a conclusion that I feel inadequate for realy attractive women. So he asked me: "Why do you feel inadequate?", and he told me to sit down and realy think deep on this question. And any answer that comes up in the sort of "I feel X" - I should dig even further below until I find the answer.

Surprisingly enough, this has led me to a bottom root question: "Why do I give such importance to attractive women's reactions towards me?". And then, having remembered all the above, I came to a surprise answer. A very logical answer, that I couldn't think of because my thinking was illogical:

If I approach a beautiful woman and she responds rudely towards me ... well.. THAT is NOT a reaction of a person who is realy beautiful. One that has inner beauty as well. A beautiful person will NEVER respond rudely and harshly to you, no matter if you're attractive to him or not. I know that I, personally, even if a fat and disgusting chick approached me, I'd be nice towards her.

So these girls who respond rudely are NOT good people. You saw it with my natural friend's example.
They are NOT beautiful people from the inside. So now the question I had to ask myself was:





THEM???????????? PFFFFFFF......

And yes, you can't imagine how angry I was that I've let all these attractive women, all these years, women who may have only had OUTER attractiveness but definitely didn't have any INNER attractiveness ... how could I have let THEM tell me who I am???????

I was realy pissed off when I found this out, and I still am up until this moment.
I don't think that ANYONE has ANY RIGHT to define who you are as a person. No matter how rich, famous, attractive or social he is.


-- leedrag0n