Thursday, December 4, 2008

Focus explained

Welcome again guys !!

4 months since my last post in here ..

During the last 4 months i have realized a couple of new core level realizations that im going to of course share with you here in the next few posts, so im going to start with the first of them : Focus.

I saw a good movie once called "The Secret", im sure you've all heard of it.

The main subject of the movie is "The law of attraction", and in general is the idea that whatever we focus on, we get more of it in our life.

What it really means is that whatever it is you think of and believe in is what you'll get, or like Henry Ford said many years ago : "Whether you think you can, or can't - either way you're right !".

A quick example : "rejection".

Ask most guys why they don't approach a woman, and they will say : "I dont want to get rejected". So you can understand by this reply exactly what they are focused on - they are focused on "rejection".

Whether they are aware of it or not, this kind of focus not only that it doesn't help in preventing the rejection - it makes it happend even faster !

Because when you are so focused on rejection, you will both consciously and unconsciously look for any possible rejection sign from the woman in order to "prevent it", and guess what ? When you ARE looking so anxiously for a rejection sign, even a simple break of eye contact from her WILL be perceived a "rejection" in your mind, even when in reality it could be that she is simply shy and/or nervous just as you are.

That is just one example of a negative focus, or what they called in the movie "focusing on what you do not want" (or "what you want to avoid" , "what you are afraid of" etc).

When you focus on something that you do not want, you actually attract more of it into your life !

So , whats the cure for this ?

Well, during the entire movie they keep saying "Keep focusing on what you do want", also known as a positive focus. Well .. how do we start focusing on what we really want ?

There is a three-step process that i have personally tested myself and seems to work.

First, you need to ask yourself : what do you really want ?
This really is the easiest step of all, but the most powerful one - it immediately shifts your focus.

Think about it a minute and write it down in a piece of paper, be true and honest with yourself and describe exactly what it is you want to achieve, and feel free to ask for whatever it is you truely want : anything you want to achieve in your life is possible !

Infact, the evidence to this is shown every day by day throughout the world where more and more people do "the impossible" and invent new theories, create new inventions, break more world records, and literally do amazing things.

You can even put this to the test if you'd like to - Ask yourself what you want to achieve, and then start looking over videos in YouTube or search Google for people that already achieved it in their life and realize it here - if they can do it, so can you !


The second step is to visualize your goal as if it was already achieved.
And usually this is a harder step to some people, but you would agree that it doesn't take any effort to just sit in a quiet room somewhere in your house, close your eyes, and for a couple of minutes to imagine yourself as already achieved that what you asked for ?

Hell you can even make it easier for yourself - do you remember any time in your past that you already achieved what you are asking for right now ? If so, then how much effort will it take to you to sit on your couch and just remember it ?

Now the key here is to do whatever you can do to experience this "goal achievement" as lively as you possibly can in your mind - involve all senses, try different visualizations and experiment with it in your free time until you reach a visualization that creates the emotion, the feeling of already achieving your goal.

I know it may sound silly to alot of you, but i have time after time fallen off my chair to my amazement of just how powerful this step really is and how that it totally creates the "attraction".

I have even had to try 3 different visualizing scenarios once before i finally found one that really created the feeling of already achieving the goal.

And the third step ?

The third step is to simply release and let go of what you just did, and trust "the universe" that it will manifest your wish for you.

What does all this amounts to ?

Here's my explanation for it, and please don't tell me i dont know what im saying if you haven't yet tried all of this by yourself :

Well, following these 3 steps will create a new "emotional filter" inside your consciousness.
You know what im talking about - an "emotional filter" is an emotional resonance response to something that is inside of your awareness, like a Deja vu effect. a Deja vu is an example of an "emotional filter" when you suddenly notice something that looks familiar already and you can't figure out where from.

It happends when you focus on something so strong emotionally, that you then suddenly begin to witness it everywhere you go to like a Deja vu, an effect that makes you more and more aware of that thing, hence attracting more of it into your life like a snowball effect.

The only thing to remember here is that what you focus on will attract more of into your life, so when you suddenly change your focus to something else, you will start to attract more of that "new thing", so its important to always stay focused on what you really want.

You can do this daily, once in a week, or even once in a month, how many times you like to as long as you enjoy it and it doesn't become a choir, and of course that it really creates the power of the attraction by generating the feelings of having achieved it already.

You will know when you feel it once you try it a few times.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Not escalating ?

If you are not approaching, or not escalating , or not progressing any of your PUs to a sexual encounter, then this post is for you !

There are basically 2 main reasons for this :

1. you dont want to
2. you do not believe the chick will want it

Lets look on those for a sec ..

Number 1 is kinda trivial here : when you dont really want something, you will not do it. Makes sense ?

Do you remember the last girl you talked to as part of a PU attempt ?
Can you remember a moment during the interaction, when you started thinking about having sex with her and how lusty and exciting that can be, perhaps to the point you started to think how to make it happend right there and that night ?

If you answered "yes" to this question, Then you obviously DID want to have sex with this chick, so point number 1 is fixed here.

Lets take a look at number 2 now ..

When you believe a chick will not want sex from you, you will not offer it to her !
and this is a tricky concept to understand, but an important one.

You see, most of the time we do things on autopilot.
If we wouldn't, and had to consicously think about EVERY single action we do, we'd go NUTS !
All the actions we take, behaviours we project, strategies and decisions are made automatically according to what we believe is right, possible, or profitable for us.

Here's an example :

Say you're in a bus, and some guy sits near you.
Will you try to sell him the air he's breathing for 20$ a kilo ?
Of course not !
Why not ?
Because you KNOW he wont buy it, and probably he'll also think you're nuts or lunatic for even trying to offer him something like that.

But lets say, for the sake of sanity, that you talked to him for several minutes during the bus ride .. and you found out he's a guitarist .. so you decide to offer him to form a band together.
Will you try that ?
Of course !
Why ?
Because you KNOW that this is a reasonable offer he may be interested in and may take in. You've got nothing to lose, yeah he may say that he's not interested because he already plays in a band .. but you know that it is OK to at least go for it and offer that for him.

So you see, what you believe in affects your actions and decisions drastically, and when you believe that a chick will not want sex from you, you definitely won't offer that for her.

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

And this is a big one here, so lets look at that for a moment too.

OK well first you should know that women LOVE to do things that make them feel great.
Massages, Spa's, Showers, Dress good, Shopping .. etc .. and sex is DEFINITELY something that feels wonderful for them, probably way more than it is for us infact.

To further increase this understanding, lets assume they don't want good sex.

If it was true, they won't invest so much in their looks !
they wont THINK ABOUT IT and FANTASIZE ABOUT IT all the time !
They wont write sex articles in newspapers on how to get "better sex from your partner", they wont invent "the big sex questionaire", they wont ask for advices on sexuality forums on how to have better orgasms, they wont go out with their girlfriends in packs every weekend and send AIs for good looking guys to approach them, they wont TALK about it between themselves ... further even : they won't talk about men all the time !

I mean seriously - why do WOMEN talk so much about MEN if they dont interest them ?

Also, On the biological level - sex (or: replication) is one of the TOP TWO life goals (the other one is to survive).
So a woman claiming that she "dont want to get laid", is as same as a woman saying she don't wanna live.

So as you see, women DO want to get laid just as much as we are.

Now you gotta ask yourself another question here.
Lets assume you want to get laid, and you know women want to get laid too.
But you believe that she will not want to have sex with YOU.
When you believe that she will not want the sex from YOU, guess what will happend ?

Same reasoning here.
It is a simple basic, even CORE level belief in your product !

You realized here already that women DO want to get laid just as much as we do, but if you still do not believe that she will want to have the sex with YOU, go back and read the previous post "The illusion of beauty" if you have issues with good-looking women, and go back and do the "Confidence" post again.

For your convenience, i brought the link to the last one here :

-- leedrag0n

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The illusion of beauty

Beautiful women ... our lustful desire ...

What are they ?
Are they really “bitches” as most people assume ?
Are they really “out of our reach” ?
Are they “catched by someone” already ?

No, no & no !!

On a core level - A beautiful woman, is a WOMAN, first of all.
Next, you gotta realize that a woman is a HUMAN BEING, just like you and like everyone else.

All of us human beings have 3 basic needs in our life : Desire to be loved, Desire for sex and of course Desire to be meaningful.

This escapes the realities of most guys.

Calling a hot chick a “bitch” , or claiming that she is “out of your reach” or assuming that she “has someone already” are all just conclusions & excuses that derive from the WRONG belief that “chicks that i want dont want me back”, thats it.

Is it REALLY true, that ALL chicks that you want, dont want you back too ??

Let's look at that for just a second.

Let's assume that a hot chick you want “has someone already”.
Ok, remember like i mentioned a hot chick is really just another human being thats all.

Think about yourself as a proof for a second – say you met some chick and you are going out with her and all, but you don't really enjoy your time with her. She was the only thing available for you back at the time you met and you got into relationship with her out of choice.

You don't like her, and maybe you don't even enjoying being together or even having sex with her. If a better option was be available to you, you most likely won't think twice about leaving your “current” one, because you wanted to do it all along.

And this is not because you are “hot” , or a “player” or a pimp whatever – it is because you are a HUMAN and you WANT to be happy. Yep, the biggest psychological goal that is.

Knowing that MOST guys don't really know how to make a woman feel wonderful sex wise as you do, or make her feel happy as you do, can you begin to see now just how much of a BETTER OPTION you are for most hot women ?

Great !

Now lets go to the second one – lets assume that a hot chick is “out of your reach”.

Im willing to bet you here you have seen, many times, a hot chick going out with some ugly loser or even worse hot chicks hanging out with guys who behave like little kids who didn't grow up yet. You can't even tell if they actually enjoy having sex with these guys.

Think about that for a second ..

If hot chicks go with guys like that, how can that mean they are “out of your reach” ?

Are you sure it is not YOU who push yourself out of THEIR reach ?
And by doing so you actually take away a quality option away from them, so they are left only with kids and losers who are the only thing available to them ?

Chicks can't really pickup the guys they want.
They can only choose between what comes at them.

Don't leave them for the losers !

Good ... now lets go over to the final one – lets assume hot chicks are “bitches”.

Ok i've got some news for you here !!
Im sure if you have approached girls before .. you HAVE had harsh rejections even from girls who weren't THAT hot, maybe they were average and even UGLY, maybe older, etc.

And yet – those chicks who weren't hot .. you DIDNT call them “bitches” , did you ?
And you did call the hot ones !
Why ?
Are you a fucking KID who gets insulted for not getting attention from his mommy ?

GROW UP, man !

Lets say some chick approached you ... all of a sudden ... middle of the day ... inside a clothing store ... everyone see it ... she directly comes at you smiling and flirty ... but you are not in a great mood .. you may ditch her off ... does that mean YOU are a “bitch” ?

Of course not !

It is simply a temporary reaction to a state of chaos, uncertainty, maybe shame or fear, or tireness, whatever.

Remember, hot chicks just like you are human beings – they HAVE a right to live !
They have emotions and their moods too.

Sure they don't stop to think WHY they are doing or FEELING the way they do, they simply ACT on what they feel. Many times people go back home end of the day, remember what they did during the day, and more than once even feel SORRY for doing some of the things they did or not did and most of them can't really figure out WHY they did it. Thats exactly what i've been talking on throughout this whole blog !

Excellent !

Hopefully you will now begin to see hot chicks as other human beings who are equal to you.

Realize here that hot chicks, not only that they are normal human beings like everyone else but they are also FEMALES like all other chicks. That means that just like any other female, she IS attracted to guys, and she MAY even be attracted to YOU.


She wants to have sex with a guy just like any other chick, and she probably IS eager to meet a real quality & sexual guy like YOU, or else she won't invest so much in efforts in her LOOKS !

You gotta realize the HOTTER the chick is, or MORE she invests in her looks, more likely she is eager to meet real guy, because chicks KNOW the only way guys will approach them is the better they look.

And as a final note for this post, im going to give you this following exercise to breakdown any chance of you having the wrong belief that “chicks that i want, dont want me back” :

Start remembering and bringing up on paper ANY chick you ever met, that YOU desired, and she reciprocated back with you too. I can bet you a dime, you HAVE had in the past many hot chicks that you wanted who wanted you back too, and you were simply too blind to realize it.

Because afterall, doesn't matter if she's hot or not – She is a FEMALE human being , and she has her needs and desires too.

Think about that for a while.

-- leedrag0n

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Basic Availability

Imagine to yourself that playing the mating game was as easy as opening "Minesweeper" on your desktop .. You'd play it all day long , right ?

I mean think about the differences between those two.

Minesweeper is a fun game, you just click on it and it popups on your screen, you can play it, if you win cool, if not you just press F2 and play a new game, no emotional involvement is required, piece of cake.

Now compare that to playing the mating game, you need to go out and start approaching tons of women, and have emotional & ego involvement , and persist, and .... right ?


If there is ONE concept that really FUCKS UP alot of guy's sex life is the wrong belief that gaming chicks requires alot of efforts. Its NOT !

75% of all you need is simply Basic Availability - Go OUTSIDE !

Think about the following for a second :

A well known clothing store in a mall that sells brand products.
They don't do THAT much effort out of the ordinary to sell their products, right ?
They are simply located somewhere in the mall, and they are OPEN from 10:00 in the morning till 22:00 in the evening. 12 Hours available every day. People that come into the mall simply see the store from a distance, and if it has something that may interest them they simply go inside the store and start checking the products. If the store contains quality products or has a good reputation they WILL sell clothes without hardly any efforts.

Basic Availability, as an analogy, is exactly the same idea about YOU & Women that you see throughout your day. As you GO OUT of your house, you pass by many women. These women SEE YOU, and in a matter of short seconds they already make a quick decision whether you ATTRACT them or not.

These women, as an analogy, are exactly the same as the kind of people that went inside the clothing store - If they are ATTRACTED to you, they WILL give small signals of interest, such as short eye contact here and then, physical proximity, change their walking direction so it will collide with yours, turn their body to your direction, etc etc ..

And out of these women who are attracted to you, you ALWAYS have the option to choose for which women you give a "presentation" of your "product" ;)

So you see, you don't need THAT much efforts to be put in order to get chicks.
75% of all you need is to simply to go out of your house.

There are enough women who are interested in you just the way you are, open your eyes !

-- leedrag0n

Monday, July 7, 2008

Attraction & Persistence

One of the key factors of any successful PU is whether or not the woman is actually interested in you as a sexual partner or not, aka "attraction".

The more she is interested in finding a sexual partner or in you, the easier your game is, The less she is interested , the harder your game is.

For most guys, the perspective of picking up a girl they like is : I go out of my house, i SEE a woman of my choice, and then i just go and randomly pick her up.
But this is not a smart way to conduct a happy sex life,

You've probably heard the question im about to ask you now before.
Do think about it :

What is easier - To gain $100,000 by trying to collect $10 from 10,000 people ?
Or to gain $100,000 by trying to collect $10,000 from 10 people ?

Well the right answer here is the second way.
But what's the real difference between these two ways ?

Well, i'll tell you. The difference here is at where you put most of your efforts at.

The first way, collecting 10$ from 10,000 people requires that you put most of your efforts in trying to convince every person to give you 10$ and then run it over thousands of people randomly.

The second way, though, requires that you put most of your efforts simply in FINDING 10 people who are generous enough each to give you 10,000$, thats it.

Get to think about it for a second - in the first way, out of these 10,000 people you tried to collect 10$ from, SURELY were at least 3 or 4 people who would also generously give you 10,000$ if you asked them for, but how could you KNOW this if you were only focused on asking them for 10$ ??????

Back to our analogy now - Difference between easy gaming and hard gaming.

Chicks who are interested in you are usually easier targets game wise.
Everyday you walk out of your house, there are PLENTY of women who ARE interested in you everywhere you go to - They give you EC, stand closer to you, and in general are receptive to you gaming them. Believe it or not, SOME of these chicks are even EXACTLY your type looks wise. Going for chicks like that makes you collecting your $100,000 much easier, however more time needs to be invested in finding those chicks, hence - More efforts are put in finding those chicks, less efforts in gaming them.

Chicks who are NOT interested in you, for any reason that could be : You're not her "EXACT" type looks wise, she has no sex drive, she has no interest in sex, she has mental issues against sex, whatsoever, are harder targets game wise.
Everyday as you walk out of your house, there are plenty of women who are NOT interested in you too, you gotta accept it bro : not every chick falls over for you. These chicks usually give no EC, they stand far from you, they do whatever they can to possibly avoid any interaction with you. Going for chicks like that makes it almost impossible to collect anything from them, more of your efforts needs to be put in convincing and persuating them to be with you, so yeah - less efforts to actually find them if you just blatantly go at them cold approach, but more efforts needs to be put in trying to convince them to even give you "10$".

The analogy of the 10$ and 10,000$ is there out of purpose.

Believe it or not, just as much as there are people that giving 10,000$ is nothing for them, there are people that giving 10$ is ALOT for them.

Go out looking for those people who will give you 10,000$ happily and you'll have a great and healthy sex drive finding chicks who are interested in what you're about to ask them for.

Try instead to go out for the people who make you a hard time giving you even 10$ , and your sex life will keep running away from you, such as going for chicks who are NOT interested in you, and just waste your time and efforts trying to convince them to give you something they dont want to anyways.

-- leedrag0n

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Horniness & Masturbation

Ok, Let's assume we managed to "fix" our entire inner game.

We now have confidence, we are relaxed around women, we can approach and initiate conversations easily and can lead things the right way towards sex. We can "just be ourselves" around women and can freely laugh, smile, tease or even feel sad and bring up all kinds of emotions from within us without having to feel bad to ashame of them.

As i've mentioned several times already in this blog, we humans are driven mostly by emotions and way less by logic, and in the case of women its even more true.

Any emotion, or STATE, that you bring out from within yourself, tends to be reciprocated by the woman you interact with and get her feeling that way too.

And now we come to the point of Horniness, aka "Sexual State" - a 'new' kind of emotion, kindly reserved for adults, and to Masturbation - an activity we do that kills Horniness.

Horniness is basically a natural feeling in a healthy and sexually functional human body, a desire to have sex with a partner of the opposite sex. Feeling horny makes one become more aggressive sexually, which is the natural role of the male in the mating game.

Alot of guys think that being sexually agressive isn't an attractive behaviour because they keep listening to women's explanations for "why they rejected that guy" saying "he was just a horny punk", and it is BECAUSE of such sayings that it later becomes a conditioning like that it is that guys depress their sexuality.

So lets make a point clear here.

When a woman is NOT attracted to a guy, she WILL find any and all reasons in the world to reject him, on the other hand if she IS attracted, she will find any and all reasons in the world to accept him.

Aside of the fact horniness is a NATURAL human emotion , it gets sexual arousal to be PROJECTED outwards, a thing that WILL cause a woman who is attracted to you to get sexually aroused back to you. Yes, a woman who is attracted to a guy will get MASSIVELY turned on if she gets a feeling the man himself is so turned on for her, he's about to lose control.

So if you used to masturbate in order to decrease your sex drive because you felt its about to "ruin your well controlled game" - STOP IT NOW. Never depress your sexuality & horniness, which are actually what MAKES you a man !

One other aspect of Horniness, other than the fact that it makes you more aggressive, it gets you thinking more about women. This is again NATURAL. Forget about all that "Dont be needy" kind of conditionings, AGAIN = they are BASED on listening to women who were NOT attracted to guys approaching them giving their "thoughts" on guys hitting on them.

Instead of masturbating next time, use the Horniness to direct your mind thinking more about how you can actually find a girl to have sex with when you're feeling like this.

-- leedrag0n

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ego & Insecurities

Have you ever noticed of this self-destroying mechanism inside your mind called "EGO" ?

Yeah this autopilot emotional system designed to "save" you from any embarrassing, humiliating or even damaging social reactions from others ?

Notice for a second the last thing i said above ... "autopilot emotional system designed to keep you safe from harsh social reactions".

Alot of this has been in your mind since age 4 already, and in general its not really a bad thing to have this mechanism !

You WILL get caught by the police and maybe even sent to jail if you suddenly decided to go out naked tommorow to your local mall to do shoppings or even approach women LOL.

So gotta give a credit to it though - this "EGO" mechanism is actually there to not only protect you but to also GUIDE you at which way is right way to go.

However, the real problem begins when this mechanism becomes too strong, or over the normal limits. Imagine to yourself for a second that the real purpose of the EGO mechanism was to create a transparent glass bubble shell over each individual. The person has this bubble in which inside of it he's protected and assured his security YET he can still see things through it, talk to people and even do everyday normal activities, he may still get hurt every here and there but overall he has basic protection.

The problem begins when ABOVE the normal transparent shell the mechanism created another huge dark plastic bubble shell. So now the person has TWO SHELLS - the basic transparent one, and another untransparent shell above it. This now gives the person what i call "over-protection". Sure, no way he's gonna get hurt this way, but he's also going to miss alot of life because he can't really be able to even SEE anything now, since he's over protected.


In order to have a hot girlfriend, maybe even have the ability to date hot women here and then, hell even have a CHANCE at them by taking their phone numbers even, whatever - In other words to have any chance with any woman of YOUR desire, you will have to make a choice between taking the red pill (Letting go of your "EGO" completely, and be prepared and ready to get alot of "rejections" or harsh social reactions from people) and take your "shell" completely off and be exposed to social harshness, or take the blue pill - go back to your bed and keep living life under your protective shells and make no moves, initiate nothing, and in return - you'll get NOTHING.

How can i say so ?

Because many of the "protective" EGO autopilots are not really in your favor here.
According to your "EGO", the "right" place to meet women is in work, school, or social circles.
The "right" way to meet women is to be introduced to them by someone you both know (A girl or a guy, whatever) , and even then you STILL have to initiate some moves, initiate a phone numbers exchange, initiate a date etc, etc. Yeah, it is "safer" and more protective, but then you are dependent on "luck" or others ... and ... are the girls you meet in these meetings really are YOUR types ?

Have you ever felt stuck by an inability to go and talk to a woman YOU desire and just couldn't figure out WHY it happends like this ? I've got news for you - It WAS your "EGO" that has blocked you - your autopilot emotional system created to protect you from harsh social reactions. Great at protecting you from illusional social "pain", great also at keeping the women of your desires away from your reach. Am i the only one smelling a hidden "formula" for success here ? ;-)

Back to the basics : Society first have teached women that it is men's job to initiate the meeting.
Then it was every girl's life experiences that taught her this - The HOTTER the girl was, the more guys were approaching her / being introduced to, hence - the LESS desire she had to actually go and initiate moves by herself. Why should she ? She's good looking, yeah she may see a guy she really likes who makes no move and be disappointed by it, but she'll keep on living and she knows the other day she may still meet someone.

So you see, i just got you realizing here that this "EGO" you have, which is a great thing really as it keeps society as a well structured world of human beings, can really be a damaging thing when it comes to meeting people, and ESPECIALLY meeting women of your choice.

So what can we do here ?

A couple of important realizations.

First, wake up and realize it is OK for you to try and initiate an introduction / meeting with a woman of your choice. Other people (especially guys who are after her) may not like it, but she WILL LOVE it !!! Even if she has no guts to show it right now, Even if you really weren't her type, Even if she really wasn't prepared for it - she WILL go home and think about it in a positive light.

Second point here, important one - you have to let go of the "EGO", once again mentioned.
Sometimes you will run into strange and wierd reactions, sometimes women will be standoffish on you, sometimes women will even try to HURT you and humiliate you when your original goal was to actually get them PLEASED. All those things your "EGO" mechanism was designed to protect you from. You cant predict these reactions, but you also can't escape them or you will be back to square one and not meeting women of your desire again. A BIG thing here is to realize that these reactions are nothing personal on YOU - They are just emotional autopilot responses these women throw out, not on purpose !! Sometimes the woman is in a hurry, other times the woman is married and stuck on the guy 100%, other times the woman simply is in a bad or even depressed mood, some women even have social fears of strangers. NOTHING personal. drop the ego. you'll have to be willing to go through such reactions in order to have ANY chance of getting women of your desire, as mentioned above.

And final point number Three - These reactions will NOT kill you !
Yep, even if it was the worst rejection in the world you will walk out of there still alive, it may feel a bit harsh but it is just a feeling, and that is natural. emotions have a tendency to be transmitted from one person to another, so if she responded harshly to YOUR flattering approach, chances are that at some point in time some other guy responded exactly the same on HER, so now that you came she has a chance to transmit it to you. Again, nothing personal.
Humans are excessively stupid animals when it comes to emotions, as i already explained before.
At the end of the day its just a temporary emotion being transmitted to you by a girl, it doesnt say anything on who you are as a person because SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU !

and with those you are now ready to let go of your ego and start enjoying life more.

A Word about insecurities

So the "ego" was the autopilot emotional system to protect you from harsh social reactions.
We now understand its bullshit and letting it go is the best choice you can ever make towards meeting the women of your desires.

Lets talk abit about insecurities.

Insecurities are another part of the "Ego" mechanism you have to let go of - the part trying to protect you from harsh social reactions towards qualities that exists inside of you.

If it ever happend to you in the past that people used to make fun of your moves, your speech, your qualities, hobbies, dreams or even goals, your ego mechanism will be there for the rescue of course by providing you protection from harsh social reactions to your inner abilities and sense of being.

And we all know this can be quite annoying at times really.

So what can be done here in order to let it all go ?

Couple of realizations again :

1. Yes you may not be an ideal person, but you are who you are and you need to appreciate it. Nobody can ever be ideal, every human being have his own faults. Those who haven't yet internalized it are real morons, and those who laugh at other's faults are real losers.

2. You can't ever become someone you are not really mentally, so don't even try to act in other ways that ain't who you genuinely are just because someone said that you "aren't masculine enough" or that you "aren't tall enough". Yeah of course things CAN be done in order to improve aspects in your life but don't ever try to adopt a behaviour that just isn't you. So if someone told you that you aren't good enough, unless it is a good friend who knows you really well - FUCK THEM. Nobody knows you the way you REALLY are.

3. Go over the "Confidence" post again and answer the question there to yourself.

4. Be genuine. The second biggest compliment you can give a woman other than the initial approach is to come and present yourself as who you genuinely really are. Honesty and authenticity are probably the two most attractive qualities you can ever present to her as a man. Forget about the bullshit "player" illusion. Being a player means knowing how to use emotions as a play tools to direct her attention and feeling, nothing else. It certainely isn't being a fake guy.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Social Confidence

Ok lets start by asking you this simple question ..

How do most people usually hook up with sexual partners, aka "relationships" in the standard socially acceptable ways ?

Men & women meet at school, workplaces, college or through their social circles.

A woman hooks up with an available man, they go out for several dates.

She gets to "know" him first by going out with him for 4 or 5 dates, and gets to test him for compliance with money & social status first, and only once she knows him and knows he's a socially acceptable partner, she feels it is right to sleep with him.

On the other hand, women will sleep way faster with guys who are considered by many to be "players" or "naturals", so whats the catch here ?

The catch here is the difference between going along with the rules of society, and going against them.

"Players" or "Naturals" all share one unique characteristic if you get to closely examine them - they don't give a shit at social rules, or at "what others think about them" AT ALL. Some people call them jerks, others call them arrogant, others call them selfish etc etc. but the bottom line is - they get the women to sleep with them WAY FASTER than other ordinary guys would have to go out with them and pay for their dinners etc etc.

Why is this important to know ?

Because like i was explaining in the previous post you may have already realised - women DO want sex just as much as we do, and get to think about it way more than us. Every woman at some level feels like a repressed sexual animal who has to keep on pretending an act that she hates sex and that is torture for them really. That is because they have to follow social rules in order to be socially accepted, so that other people will accept them.

So whats the deal with the player / natural / jerk / arrogant dude LOL ?

The player doesn't give a fuck at the "social rules", and women can sense it in him.

Thus - it makes WOMEN feel more comfortable at breaking the "rules" themselves, it gives them a chance to break free of the social binds they have upon them and fulfill their most wanted lust and cravings for sex, without having to feel guilty about it.

Does this makes sense ?

Every woman would crave for instant sex with a man, this is their fantasy.

I goes against "social rules" - it is considered a social "crime" for a woman to act so fast on her desire for sex with an attractive man.

But talking about crimes , think about the following metaphor for a second.

Two friends of yours offer you to go to and try steal a stripper from a strip club.

One of them is a coward and is afraid of big guys (like the bouncer) and you know it.
The other one is not scared of anything, he pisses over people and makes them look like little clowns in a cartoon movie.

Which one of these two friends, you will feel more comfortable to cooperate with ?

Think about that now, as it comes to women.

On the other hand they have sex, which they want for and crave for all the time.
Two guys approach them.

One guy is a social coward, has a high status job and all but he's concerned about what others will think about him making the moves.
The other one doesnt give a fuck at the rules, does whatever he wants and makes other people look like clowns compared to him.

Which one of them she will feel more comfortable "breaking the rules" of sex with ?


Do you have social confidence ?
Do you worry about the social rules or what others will think about you ?

If so , ask yourself - Why ?
Has it ever gotten you the results you wanted ?
Or did it always kept you frustrated and angry ?

If so , then it is about time for you to start breaking the rules.

Worst thing that can happend for you is you'll start getting laid.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Sexuality explained

Back to the core stuff here, but more advanced this time.

Warning here : If you are still novice in the game and haven't actually had SEX or even relationship with women, then this article will probably make no sense to you and even scare you, so i really don't recommend you to read it and instead get experienced in sexuality first before you could read on. Otherwise if you are novice and still keep reading though, do not blaim me if you don't understand something later on as you read it.

Ok lets start basic core and go up the ladder.

Why did nature provide 2 genders for every animal type = Male & Female ?
What is the first foremost biological need male and female has from each other ?

Its replication & survival.
Attraction between males & females is a biological drive to bring babies at its CORE level.

Lets talk a bit about relationships for a moment.
It is now more and more known that GOOD SEX is a crucial part of successful and happy relationship.
Nonetheless it is also known today that sex is a physical drive that exists in women too.

Why do i say all this ?
It is because you have to realize that the bottom line : what women NEED from us the most is sex and good sex. To be FUCKED, to say short. Not the rich salary, not the good-looking figure, not "love" etc. - all of those are just societal induced EXCUSES people believe in.

How do i know all of this ?

Well im a good looking guy, like you read in my profile im a highly skilled software programmer, you can conclude from that i have a respected job. Im not a boring person you might have figured it out already from reading all my previous posts. Im quite open and social. I have absolutely no problem with "paying" for women on dates.

You would probably think i have all it takes to be successful with the ladies.
Well maybe i do have it now, but in the past i used to give women a wonderful time together and in 90% or even more of the times, dates stopped after the first one if i didn't at least have a good makeout with the girl. Something was missing and i couldn't figure out what.

In all the times in the past where i did get sexually intimate with women - kiss, makeout or even sex, they wanted to stay in touch, and even more - they would more than often INITIATE MEETS THEMSELVES !

This by itself led me to a personal conclusion about what is it that women REALLY look for in us.

I finally realized the point exactly when i got exposed to female sexuality articles and female fantasies forums. I then realized that women are not only SEXUAL just like us, they are even way more aggressive than us even !

While men usually think they should talk & charm the girl first and be "good" to her and then try to go intimate with her, women themselves have a completely different view of sex in their own eyes. Women's fantasies are straight to the point - no bullshitting talk. A stranger guy approaches her middle of the day and he just bends her down and fuck her in the ass.
Not something i would suggest you to try though, as it will be considered rape.

Many men think women are holy angels, the truth is deep inside even the cutest of women are way more slutty and perverted than we are even. They only act it outside to the world because this is how they were "taught" from an early age. In reality though, this is torture for them.

Women masturbate just as much if not even more than we are.
They use dildos, candles, cucumbers and lots of other stuff, yet they know very well that there is nothing that can be compared to the REAL thing.

Women can LIKE you and maybe even ADMIRE you if you operate by society's expectations.
But women will not FUCK you if you don't try to fuck them yourself.
Women will never see you as a potential lover if you don't actually TRY to fuck them, what they fantasize, what they mostly lust for and desire - a guy who actually comes and fuck them. A sexual partner to share sex with, a replacement for their hands & dildos - The REAL thing.

This is what they FANTASIZE of and lust for the most !

Come and give them what they really want from you.
If she doesn't see you as a potential sexual partner, she has nothing to do with you really.

All the rest, is just society induced excuses you shouldn't even bother with.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


You : "Hey youre a really fun person, lets hang out sometime !"
Her : "I have a boyfriend"

Ahhh , not that BOYFRIEND again !!

The so familiar phrase women often use that immediately puts us down, gets all the air out of the baloon, and makes us outright want to give it up.

If you are intimidated or let down by the boyfriend excuse, hopefully your ways of thinking will change once you've done reading this post.

Lets first talk a little bit about the way women think & feel sexually.

It is now more than ever known that women think and operate sexually EXACTLY like us men, if not more even. Women have lust and desire for sex, masturbate, have sexual fantasies and desire for multiple sexual partners as well.

They are TAUGHT, however, since an early age that this is wrong though - that it is "perverted" or "slutty" to not only act on their sexual desires but sometimes to even THINK about them.

Some women will often catch themselves fantasizing about a dick of a stranger going down their throat middle of the day and immediately have an inner voice pop up that tells them to STOP it because its "dirty".

Those sexual thoughts never leave them though and keep coming back because they are PART of a normal human's sexuality. Which makes the problem even WORSE when you think about it - makes them actually feel even WORSE about themselves, as dirty little whores who have been "infected by satans curse".

The only thing that is considered "right" or "ok" sexually for them is to be commited in a long term relationship with one guy.

Even worse - Many women even LIE and say they have a boyfriend when they dont really have one, just because of fear they will be considered "sluts" or "unfaithful" when they have no guy.

This is the society conditioning though, but in reality as we already know people are DRIVEN BY EMOTIONS not logic (again), and if a woman is in a "relationship" with a guy who doesn't fill her sexual desires she WILL look for better options, yet always have that inner voice pop up in her mind and tell her it is wrong though.

What can we do about it ?
First are a couple of crucial things to have in your mind next time this happends to you in field.

The first and most important thing you MUST realize here is that IT IS OK FOR A WOMAN TO BE HAPPY AND SEXUALLY SATISFIED !
And it is not right for her to keep staying in a terrible sexual relationship she doesn't even enjoy. She is a human afterall, and if she isnt happy in her relationship she has every right to end it.

The second and most important thing you MUST realize here is that it is NO ONE'S RIGHT TO JUDGE A WOMAN'S SEX LIFE !
Because today they judge her for this guy, tommorow they judge her for that date she went out with, the other day they judge her for the guy in the disco she sent eye contact to, and not only that she isn't loyal to herself, nor loyal to the poor guy himself - she keeps staying loyal to OTHER PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS FROM HER ! How will she feel tommorow if all those other people get married and she stays on her own ? Will they stop judging her ? Of course not.
Who's sex life is she here to fulfill - her own or others ?

The third thing to realize is that SHE IS ADULT ENOUGH TO LISTEN TO HERSELF AND MAKE HER OWN DECISIONS ! No one knows herself way she does and no one feels what she feels. Many times the advices she got from her parents or her "girlfriends" are advices that those people will never do themselves if they were in a similiar situation like her. And women KNOW that other women have no word, so fuck it.

I brought these realizations in here to not only shed a light on better understanding it from her point of view, but more so to shed a light over YOUR POINT OF VIEW on the whole "boyfriend" bullshit.

It is a social definition, thats all.

In reality it is simply the first sexually available guy she got introduced with and stays with him simply because there are no better options presented, and to fulfill others expectations from her. It is not even marriage, just a comfortable and available sexual partner in the mask of a "boyfriend" to look good in others eyes, thats all.

Just ignore the "boyfriend" bullshit and realize that all she's really trying to do is show you she is a good girl and that she is "ok" socially.

Always assume you are better than him and she only stays with him because she has no other options, or otherwise all of them creep out as soon as they hear her "boyfriend" excuse, and dont realize she may be terribly sexually frustrated or even more she's not even AWARE about how bad her sex life really is, yet keep saying that she has a boyfriend because of her inner society voice coming in her mind that tells her to say it whenever she is TURNED ON, actually.

Also as an analogy in sales, when you come to offer a customer a Ferrari, and he GOT the money to allow it, yet tells you that he already have a Fiat Uno 94 model currently, you will not tell him "Oh ok thanks" and leave off, you will tell him "Wow man you will really want to get rid of it once you see our car !" to get him curious enough to take a "test drive" in it and be convinced himself.

In the case of a woman and a boyfriend, its almost the same case : You will want to tell her "You will want to get rid of him once you see me in action !", but you can also get her to imagine how great you are & feel curious about finding it out in other ways so she will then be likely to think : "Hmmm this guy really sounds promising, makes me feel curious about him, i want to find out more about him !".

Hope this helped.


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Pickup is very similiar to sales in alot of its aspects.

The formal definition of it is - the art of influence & seduction on women for the purpose of having sex with them.

You should know, at a core level, that ANY woman you'll EVER approach WILL eventually fuck someone. Yep, they all end up with someone. The question is : WHY YOU ?

Why would she want to have sex or get in a relationship with YOU, and not someone else ?
What can YOU give her in return ?

Think about it real hard, and answer this only to yourself.

This isn't in anyway related to your "game" skills level.

Its the product itself we are talking about here, not the marketing.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pickup Stages

Welcome fellow players !

In this post im going to lay out the different stages of the game and explain them each as best as i understand and apply them.

Why do you need stages in pickup ?

Well like i already explained before, pickup is very similiar to sales in its context.
In sales, you can of course just go and approach and directly try to close your audience, but most times this strategy will not work unless the customer is already highly interested in your product before hand and was infact already about to come to you and buy your product before you even offered it to him !

You can also of course try to go and get your audience's attention and hope that they will notice your "product" themselves and buy it, but the results here will be the same as before - if you are only there to grab their attention, they will only choose to close the deal with you if they were planning to do it before you even came to them.

You have no choice but to present the product to them, get them interested in it and lead them towards closing !

How is this done ?

In general sales, you would first approach your customer to grab his attention. Then you will get him interested in your product, and then you will offer him a "test drive" on your product so he can personally experience it himself. If the product is great it will sell itself already at this stage. If not, as a final stage you may need to amplify the experience your customer had by directing his focus to how great your product is so that he's convinced and is ready to close the deal right there on the spot.

Professional sales people are trained to close deals on the spot.
Yeah they may give the company's phone number to customers who are not fully convinced at this stage and want to "go home and think about it", but they know they cant rely on it.

So a general flow of a sale will be :

1. Attention
2. Interest
3. "Test Drive"
4. Build Desire
5. Close

In pickup, as analogy, you go through an almost similiar process.
The "product" you offer her is YOURSELF, as a sexual partner.
So in essence, you need to first get her attention to you.
Then you need to get her interested in YOU, as a sexual partner.
Then you need to give her a "test drive", which is : arousing her sexually.
(This by itself will be enough sometimes, if not ...)
Then you need to amplify her arousal and focus her on how great does it feel, enough so you can ...
Close her.

So there are 5 stages in pickup too :

1. Attention
2. Sexual Interest
3. Isolation
4. Seduce
5. Close

Stage one - Attention

As you approach a given woman, she can be in one of a thousand different places in her mind.

Your first step is, as you may remember, to get her attention by any means possible. To some women, it can be a small talk about the environment that will get their attention, to others you may need to get her curious about something first then talk about something that interests her, others you may need to challenge to get their attention, etc etc.

Anything or any trick you can get up in your mind that will get her attention to you.
Thats your first elementary step, in a nutshell : the opener is meant to get her attention.

Key to remember here is that the more dominant you are in your opening, the more chance she'll get her attention at you, since dominance is one sure way to sexually excite her.

Indicator of Attention is simple to notice - you will notice her simply giving most of her attention to you, aka "flirting" with you. So that now you will have no problem moving on to the next stage.

Stage two - Sexual Interest

After you got her attention and she is flirting, you now need to get her sexually interested in you, enough so that she'll accept the "test drive" of isolation you suggest her later.

To put it short - you need to get her interested in you as a sexual partner, at a sexual level.

Sometimes when you open strong & dominant this by itself can be enough to get her sexually interested in you, if you are a handsome guy sometimes your looks can be enough to get her sexually interested.

There are many ways to do it, but most effective of course will be to SHOW her you are sexually interested in her first, and that you are a good sexual partner. I know this goes against many "act disinterested" type of conditionings, but hell if you can act disinterested and still get her sexually interested in you, i'll be the last to stop you from doing something that works for you ;)

Also another great way to show sexual interest is to touch her, so she'll begin to be aroused enough already to accept your "test drive".

I mean think about it for a second: which man will she be more sexually interested in - a man that arouses her, or a man who doesn't arouse her ?

Indicator of Sexual Interest can be spotted by this - First and foremost she is receptive to all your sexual cues and likes them. This is really hard to miss. Even better she starts asking you questions, teases you, matches your vibe, looks longer in your eyes with gazing looks, talks more sensually, giggles, plays with her hair, etc. All of those are indicators to move to the next level.

Stage three - Isolation

The next step is isolating her - getting to a point where you will be intimately alone with her so she's not only ready to take the "test drive" of you seducing her, but also ready to be closed.
If she's sexually interested and current logistics won't allow it you can ask her for a number, but remember that this is never something you can rely on.

To put it short - You MUST do this !

Why ?
Because for the same reason in sales : When you have a customer interested, you don't bring the product & signing papers to him so he can sign. Instead, you LEAD HIM towards the "test drive" spot where he can experience the product himself and then close the deal.

It also gives a first compliance from the customer he is infact interested in taking a "test drive" on your product.

The isolation itself doesn't neccessary has to be straight to your house - it can be "out of my circle of friends" if its a club and she's there with her friends, it can be a quiet street that you "walk her" home, an abandoned bus station, a wooden chair in a mall far from people, a coffeeshop, out of the club etc.
The big idea here is moving her to a place she'll be ready to take your "test drive" of sexually seducing her - getting her to feel an intimacy of just you and her IN HER MIND, so she can start imagining you and her making sex together.

Again, you can use any trick and any tool to get her to do this : stick to her until she leaves the store and you both go out together (persistence), get her curious and ask her to palm read her hand in a quieter location, challenge her for spontaneity, etc etc - any way possible.

Stage four - Seduce

Once she's alone with you, she actually acknowledged your "invitation" to give her a "test drive" of yourself as a sexual partner.
You become congruent to her as a lover, sexual tension comes into the play, and she FEEL this, hence will start to imagine you both having sex, and will also be away from judging eyes of people so she will be basically "set on a plate" for you to actually seduce her.

What you are going to do on this stage is two things : to amplify the sexual tension and get her sexually aroused, so once this has been done and she gets aroused she will most likely agree to have sex.
And second, if needed, focus her on how great this feeling that she experience right now is, and override any objections she may have.

Again you are free to use any trick, tool or thing you know here. Palm reading, thumb wrestling, touching her legs as if to "check her clothes", bedroom eyes, sensual speech etc.

You will know when she's ready to be closed when she's totally submissive to your game and smiles and giggles while doing it.

After this stage there usually is no way back ...

Stage five - Close

You got her sexually interested in you, isolated her to give her the "test drive" of seducing her, amplified her sexual arousal. once you see her reciprocating it back - you close her.

Kiss, Makeout, Get her back to your house and have sex.

Any objections at this stage are just wierd and false logic she has in her mind you may need to override by directing her focus to how she feels right now, how great this can be, and what can she miss if she dont do it.

I deliberately didn't write any specific techniques in here, feel free to build each stage in whatever way you find that works for you.

The overall structure is whats important here.

Peace & love


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This is our final stage in core level stuff here, after this there is no turning back LOL !

Ok im gonna ask you guys something here, and i want you to SERIOUSLY think about it for a second ...

Can you realize that RIGHT NOW ... as you are sitting at home reading this, many many men & women are having SEX as we speak ?

Can you realize, that as you are sitting here now .. fantasizing about how you will go and approach that hot woman and get her back to your house and fuck her ... MANY WOMEN are FANTASIZING about the exact same thing - about how a man will approach her and seduce her and get her all the way back to her house and fuck her !?

Some crazy and deep shit i know, and YET for most people .. both men & women .. this most of the time still remain a fantasy to fulfill !

WHY ? You may ask ...

Well i believe the answer to this question is somehow similiar to the answer to the question "Why do so many people dream about being a millionaire, and yet for most them it will always remain a dream ?" !

I mean think about THAT for a second.

Surely ANYONE, including me, would LOVE to be a millionaire !

Show me any person from BOTH genders who will say no to fancy trips & vacations, a Lambourghini car in the parking yard, a private airplane, nights in the best hotels and the most VIP clubs access , no need to ever worry about debt or mortgage again, a huge house with a golf yard in it LOL ...

But the truth is, as we know, MOST people will never fulfill this fantasy.

Yes of course they dream about living a life like that all the time, and yet they never actually DO something or anything to even get closer to it. WHY ?

Because most people today are COWARDS ! Don't be like them !!

Most people daydream all the time about a beautiful life yet they STILL keep going with society's expectations and try to please everyone around them instead of PLEASING THEMSELVES. They are more concerned about getting LIKED than getting their dreams fulfilled. They don't do it on purpose, remember like i said before "Humans are driven by EMOTIONS, not logic & will", they are actually slaved to their emotional anarchy of chaos and fear of how others will "judge" them.

And you know what ?

Everyone has fears, but the TOP DOGS, those who FULFILL THEIR DREAMS are the ones who are BRAVE enough to face them directly and TAKE ACTIONS with willpower instead of letting the emotions of others, or the thought of a mediocre life serving other's expectations from them take over them.

Those rich people, natural guys who have sex all the time, and even some celebrity people all share the same attitude - they were READY to TAKE A RISK and step out of the normal ways and do the extraordinary !

By FOCUSING instead on how hard they want their dreams to come true and not for a single second lose faith in their belief that THEY WILL MAKE IT, they actually MAKE them come true.

Women want the same dreams fulfilled, most of them lack this willpower to make them come true.

This willpower is not only your best friend, it is also your most attractive trait as a man, and women WILL LOVE YOU for trying and making their fantasies come true with you, even if you fail sometimes !

Take a fucking risk and be a man for once !


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Socializing & Approaching

This is rock bottom core shit here guys, so try to stay focused with me here.

OK, lets recap :

We all know that today there are alot of TV commercials with beautiful female models. Every store in a mall has a beautiful female sales girl, every club has a hot public relations girl in the enterance and every year the advertising industry finds more and more BEAUTIFUL females for their campaigns, and they pay them loads of money too.

These female models are there for purpose: they BRING customers ! Duhh - guys see these commercials / get into these stores based on biological drives, as i already explained in previous posts.

Why , you may ask ?

Well again its because in sales there is a rule of thumb, and you can check it for yourself if you don't believe me to see that is always true : the MORE people exposed to a certain product - the MORE people buy it.

In other words : You HAVE to expose your product to the people in order to get ANY buyers. Makes some sense, isn't it ?

Think about the following for a second :

An idea suddenly pops up in your mind to write a potential book that can sell millions.

You get off bed, go to the kitchen quickly and grab a paper to write this idea down before you'll forget it.

Spend the next year enthusiastly CREATING, BUILDING, EDITING, PERFECTING, CORRECTING and MASTERING your book to commercial level, the book is ready to take off now !

After a YEAR of work, you have created the MASTERPIECE of your life.

But now ... HOW are you going to get it published ?


I did not bring that imaginery scenario here for nothing, it has a point !

The point here is YOUR SEX LIFE & the WOMEN in your life.
OUCH, an uncomfortable topic to talk about, right ?

I mean you surely wished to have sex with a hot chick every week, or maybe have a hot girlfriend, maybe do threesomes or fulfill sexual fantasies, but guess what ?

You obviously DO NOTHING in order to get your "product", YOURSELF, published to women !

You may have spent weeks, if not months, BUILDING & PERFECTING your looks.
You may have spent months studying and building your "game" and personality.
You may have spent hours & lots of money buying the best clothes you could wear off.

And after all these efforts put in, you didn't spend even a SINGLE EFFORT at taking yourself out to the world and EXPOSING yourself to women !

How do you ever expect to get laid this way ?

You MUST take yourself out to the world and MEET WOMEN !
Otherwise - no women are exposed to your 'product', hence - no buyers !



Of course some will say it is way easier to understand it here than apply it in real life.

Im sorry to say but no - i'm not going to solve your approaching anxiety here, I CAN'T.
Im being honest here - I don't really know you and i have no idea what your issues are on this.

The only thing i know is that as long as you keep sitting here and keep "hiding" your product from your potential "buyers", you'll see no sells.

I mean get real here man - how do you ever expect to get buyers, if they DON'T even know your product exists ??

Who knows ... maybe lots of women are actually LOOKING for a guy like you to have sex with, but they DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST !


If there is one thing i could do here in order to help you , its surely this advice : GO OUT OF YOUR HOUSE TO A PLACE FILLED WITH LADIES !

Start doing it daily, EXPOSE yourself out to the world first.

Go to a mall, a park, gym, department store, your street even, a bar, club, ANY PLACE with women - I mean they are all around us.

Make yourself seen, look around and realize women are checking you out just as much as you do check them out.

Get normal with this daily routine, and you'll see you'll start approaching them sooner than you think ...

Much love,


Monday, April 21, 2008

Emotions explained

This is probably gonna be THE most important core level realization you ever learn in this game or life, so pay close attention now.

So far we have talked about setting up a goal to get laid, and the general concept of forming a basic strategy to initiate and escalte things further down the road.

As you read the last 2 posts, some of you may have been wondering :

"What benefits do i get from knowing my goal with a woman? I'll still have to know how to get her to move in the right direction towards my goal, how do i achieve that ?".

Well, you could simply ask her for it directly. This can sometimes work. Or, you can get her to feel in a certain emotional state where such an "action" you're trying to get out of her will simply come naturally out of her.

Makes sense, doesn't it ?

If not, then Im now going to share with you a powerful secret.
This "secret" knowledge has been known and used by the advertising industry for YEARS in order to get us to know about their products and also to buy them ...

FACT: Humans are mostly driven by EMOTIONS, not logic.

Yes - our actions and decisions can sometimes be controlled by our will & logic when we choose to, but more than often our emotions, feelings, conditionings and desires have GREATER control over us and over our decisions, EVEN IF we are not aware of it !

Ever wondered why so many people take "self help" courses, trying to figure themselves out ?

I bet you could easily recall a time you DID something that afterwards you felt sorry, guilty, angry or even ashamed of and just couldn't figure out WHY you did it.

Or .. maybe you DIDN'T do something you wanted to do - as if you suddenly had a block holding you from doing something you want and you just couldn't figure out WHAT it was, that stopped you.

These "emotions" and the ability to play and direct them at will are the core elements that build up "the game", or any form of influence, seduction, persuasion or even sales !

Advertising companies, for example, take advantage of this lots of times to get our male attention to some product they wanna sell by simply attaching a HOT and ATTRACTIVE woman model wearing revealing outfits or even underwear to it.

Say you watch TV now, some commercial for a radio station comes up. Suddenly you see this amazing georgeous attractive chick in it wearing sexy underwear, high heels and have big tits & tight body .. You WILL stay in the channel to watch it, won't you ?

If i'd watch a commercial like that , this is probably how i would react.
Will I tune-in and listen to the station ? Not quite sure, unless it has some style I really like. Advertisers dont care about this, they simply know the MORE people exposed to the product - more people buy it.

But do i think to myself "Wait. This is a trick! they put this hot underwear model there just to grab my attention" when i see this commercial ? OF COURSE NOT !

I just suddenly notice some hot chick is on my screen and for a few moments i simply STOP THINKING and completely FOCUS on the sight i see.

I may come back here later and write an article like this one and then realize what they did to me on that advertisement, but AT THE MOMENT IT HAPPEND i didnt think about it - i simply acted on my desire and got literally hypnotized by a woman's look.


Does this apply to Women as well ?

Do they guide themselves by emotions and desires also ?

Do they also have moments like this, where they don't think WHY they are doing something, and instead just FOCUS on the emotion or desire and act on it ?


Further even - women are WAY more emotional and attached to their feelings, desires & emotions than we men are, obvious example for this is their crying of course, women simply LACK the willpower it takes to get over the feeling and be logical.

In this aspect, they have absolutely no logic inside of them - but PURE emotions.

Another good example is rejections - When an attractive man approaches a woman and she is either angry, tired, or under social pressure, or even FEAR she will not stop and think to herself "Wait, this guy is attractive, I MUST GET OVER THIS AND MEET HIM" , Like we, men, usually bring the willpower to get over OUR fear or anxiety to meet her.

Nope, she can't do it. She is a WOMAN. She WILL act on her feeling, even if it makes absolutely no sense to her AT THE MOMENT IT HAPPENDS, and then maybe go back home and feel sorry, or ashamed of doing it. Most women don't have the ability to get over an emotion, this is the reason why all these rejections happend in the first place.

But the GOOD NEWS here is - we can use this to OUR FAVOR if we know how to get her to feel ... ?

Here is the best example of them all - HOW WOMEN HAVE SEX !

Did you ever wonder how come women always say one thing and then do another ?
How come they always pretend that sex isn't important to them, while at the same time they KEEP FUCKING the same guys they tell everyone that they hate ?

Based on the previous , do you think you know the answer ?

Women have sex when they are SEXUALLY AROUSED !

Remember the example of the radio station's TV advertisement earlier ?
Well in same essence - When a woman is SEXUALLY AROUSED by a man, she will act on it most times without stopping to think about what she's doing or the logic behind it.

And acting on sexual arousal can only be one thing guys, and thats sex ;)

And if you have the tools to get her into ANY emotional state you desire, ESPECIALLY the sexual arousal one, based on this core level understanding you now know the way to have sex with almost any woman you desire.

Really stop here and think about it for a while,


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Getting laid explained - part 2


Sounds simple huh ?

As simple as that may seem, this is another real core level understanding.
It is realy an addition to the previous one i posted earlier.

When you see a girl that you like, and dont have a goal (or intention) in your mind about her, whether it be sex, or relationship, phone number etc. you are once again in the "getting lucky" zone. How come, you may ask ?

The mind works by setting goals up, and it knows how to achieve them intuitively.

When you're hungry, you don't think how to approach your refrigerator and how to get it interested in giving you food - you just go and take something to eat and you don't THINK about it at all.

Another great example : When you're in a need to find a job, you don't pretty much think about it that much. You just write your best possible resume (or CV) , send it to a bunch of companies, make alot of phone calls and setup job interviews, and then you just go and do your best at each one. You'll KNOW what to do when you need to find a job, and even if you don't - you WILL find a way to figure it out yourself - you'll either look it up on articles on the internet, ask a relative to help you out, etc.

The mind works by setting up goals, and if you'll do a little research on it you'll find it evident - anyone who ever achieved anything DIDN'T always know how he's gonna do it, he only set it up as a goal to achieve. And that is most times all you REALLY need.

The mind only needs you to set up a goal, and it will find ways to achieve it for you.

Well, how does all that amounts to women and setting up goals with them ?

Well, what happends many times is that you see a girl that you like and you only think about how to open her. That goes back to what i've been talking about in the previous post : you are focused around the opening itself.

A big mistake guys do alot is they simply set up the wrong goals in their mind !

"Open her" as your initial goal sets up a frame of you saying something to her, and wait for her to respond and then act accordingly, that means you DON'T know for sure how the interaction will go from there.

Imagine to yourself now, how DIFFERENT will you open her if your goal was to "get her interested in me", instead ?

For every goal you setup, your mind sets up a strategy, different mindsets and creates different thinking ways so you can achieve it. How does it do it? Nobody knows, thats part of the magic of the mind.

You will simply NOT THINK the same when your goal is to "be social and interact" as to when your goal is to "get laid tonight". When you see a woman and your goal is to "Approach her", you will not think or behave the same as to when your goal is to "Have sex with her tonight".

When you have no real intention towards a girl, you eventually will either "get lucky" with her making some (or most) of the moves for you OR lose her at some point because you either : 1. Didnt get her to feel the desired states, and she didn't feel them by herself, 2. didnt know what you should do next, 3. hesitate about your next move, which will cause to either 4. she will feel your hesitation and make things WORSE on you or either 5. you will "move next" in a miscalibrated moment or attempt to isolate her when she's not in state, because you weren't focused on the states YOU wanted to move her into, because you came with no plan.

Again another real core level understanding here, not just for getting laid but for any goal in life - if you want something, INTENT IT, SAY IT OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF.


I will later show you a great strategy i've come up with to achieve this.

Mean while, ponder that for a while,


Getting laid explained - part 1

Hey guys !

Here im going to dive straight ahead to one of the first core level understanding i realized about how to get laid for REAL.

If you had a chance to look at some of the PU books and seminars out there, you've probably noticed that most of them are focused around the opening itself. Some of them give you advice like "You have to be DIFFERENT in your approach", some say act disinterested, some say go in strong and dominant. This is all good and cool, but its still only the opening.

You've probably even heard many guys tell you : "All i have to do is i have to know the right words to tell her when i open, after this i know everything else".

Truth is, that after the opening most guys are usually stuck in the so called "flirting" stage, because whether they are aware of it or not, THEY ARE WASTING TIME HOPING FOR SOME MIRACLE TO HAPPEND SO THAT SHE WILL SUDDENLY OFFER THEM SEX HERSELF.

You've surely seen this happening in the movies many times - A woman meets a guy, and then she "falls in love" with him, either because of the way he looks or his "personality", and during the rest of the movie she tries to lead him to a situation where they'll be alone and she will initiate the kiss with him herself.

Reality is different, and women will simply NOT INITIATE the moves for you no matter how attractive you are.

Wake up here and realize this one thing :

This is the difference between "getting lucky" and "getting laid" :
Men who get laid dont wait for women to accidently approach them, they approach themselves.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently "open up" by a miracle, they lead her to the state of rapport & comfort deliberately, aka connecting.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently get horny by a miracle, they lead her to the state of sexual arousal deliberately, aka escalating.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently leave the club and be alone with them, they lead her to a state of curiousity or challenge or whatever state it takes to isolate her themselves.
Men who get laid, once alone with the woman, dont wait for her to accidently get turned on again and fuck them, they get her horny again and fuck her themselves.
Can you see the pattern that gets repeated here ?

All successful lays are following the same pattern no matter how you look at them: you initiate things, and you escalate them.
When you do - things happend.
When you don't - they don't !

Many guys dont get this, so now i bring it here again.
And this is a core level understanding of things, no matter what skill level you are.

Ponder that for a while,


Welcome to my blog guys !

Hey all, and welcome to my blog !

I'd like to tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Miki, I live in Israel and in life im a highly skilled software programmer.
Im also a musician, I like sports, I like to travel and of course like everyone else - I like to go out and have some fun and enjoy life.

I have created this blog to share you with my thoughts on women, and how to seduce them.

In order so you could better understand my point of view, I'll have to take the story back to who I am. One thing I have noticed about myself time after time again, was that I am in my nature a very down-to-the-core guy. As funny as this may seem, I realy have to understand anything I learn down to the deepest core levels, or else i either don't understand it at all, or feel as if i dont trust the knowledge i know because i don't know it down to its basic constructing core and something may be missing out of my awareness ...

When I learned software programming, for instance, I started by learning the simplest computer languages, those you can barely create a program that prints "Hello Miki !" with. But that wasn't enough for me because I am also a very creative person and my dream was always to create computer games. So I wanted to find a language that will both allow my creative powers to come to their fullest, without feeling limited in anyway, and that will also allow the creation of sophisticated graphics and animations.

Eventually finding this "language" was almost like quest for glory.
I have started to learn more and more advanced languages and my computer programs became better and better .. no doubt about that .. but I still felt kind of limited with them in a way. I felt limited because these langauges turned out to be either slow or incapable of performing certain tasks that i needed to do.

So I started to dig further and further .. down the rabbit hole of computer languages if you'd like .. until at some point I stopped. Not because i wanted to stop, but simply because i couldn't dig any further. I finally reached the basic core of all computer langauges. It was a language that other languages were written with as well .. its called "Assembly" (from the verb "to assemble") , and is also known as "Machine Code". Yep, thats sounds almost the same like the "green code" in the movie "The Matrix".

The funniest thing about this "core language" was that it was an amazingly simple language. It didn't have hunderds of different commands and structures in it. In fact, it had a very basic and small set of commands, known as "instructions". When i say a small set, im talking about that you'd find yourself writing whole programs using at most 10 different commands. thats all !
And believe it or not, they are enough to accomplish any task, as hard as it could get !

This discovery completely changed my whole beliefs about programming.
When I first started writing programs, everything looked difficult. I naturally assumed that it would get even harder the more i'll advance, but it turned out to be exactly the opposite !

Over time I started to build whole programs using this "core language" and I was finally able to accomplish any task i needed. Eventually it turned my whole programming experience into an easy and enjoyable game. I knew that any computer task can be easily accomplished. I couldn't think otherwise - once you realize that the whole programming structure is based on a core language that contains a small set of commands, the only conclusion you get is that every "complex" task is eventually a simpler, yet longer, core task.

Well fast forward to now, im a programmer. Eventually im writing programs in "higher level" languages. Not because I like them so much, but because they simply help me finishing projects in shorter time than it would take if i wrote everything in "Assembly". But forever it will stay in my mind, this belief, this knowing - that i can accomplish any task easily. And anytime i need to perform some task that would be impossible otherwise, i'll use "Assembly".

That was a nice story, wasn't it ? :)

Well, the "lesson" I learned from this story changed my point of view forever.
I also later noticed that it exists in every other aspect of life.
This "pattern" of a "core" that everything else gets extracted from it.

Even matter is made out of atoms, and atoms are made out of protons and electrons !

Whenever you get down to core levels of understandings, everything else becomes amazingly simple and easy to understand. Sometimes it looks so easy that you have to ask yourself - Why do people complicate it that much ?

Things get complicated when you don't understand the core, either because you never learned it or because you thought that you know enough already. The only times you realize that what you know isn't enough for you, is when it prevents you from achieving your goals and when you're feeling stuck and hopeless !

And when you want to achieve your goals, you'll eventually have to escape your current understandings and thinking ways and start to think in new ways. Einstein, the great innovative inventor of the "Relativity Theory" said once that "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Sometimes you need to get answers on how to solve certain tasks (like i needed with the programming), and the answers will always come when you're focused on your goals and when you're determined to get the answers. The "rabbit hole" concept is just the way the mind works when its eager to understand something better ..

So how does all of this information about an abstract "core" and things that are made out of it fits in with the subject i opened this blog about : women & seducing them ?

Well, since you now hopefully know who I am and how my thinking ways work, you could easily understand how I got to figure everything out about women & seducing them from my history with them.

Women were always on my mind, but i never believed they'll want someone like me.
Back in school I wasn't a popular guy, my best friends were the computer, the football and the piano, and women were completely out of my reality.

Things started to change when I joined the army.

I was placed in a base filled with more than 300 girls in it (!!!) , and i had a couple of good buddies who i started going out with. Eventually one day during a night duty at the army base, I talked to this girl who was a friend of my buddy, and she was the first to ever tell me : "Miki I dont understand it. You are so good looking, how come you don't have a girlfriend ?".

This was completely mind blowing to me.
In fact i thought about it the entire week afterwards, and the more i thought about what she said the more i started to notice its true - I started to notice girls are checking me out, looking at me, trying to invite me to sit and talk with them .. and indeed a few months later i finally met my first girlfriend, who I was with for 4 months.

In later months i met more women, most of them were realy gorgeous looking ones !
Many times they even initiated the meeting themselves and approched me, Some other times i initiated a meeting myself, backed up with a good buddy that will be there with me in case i get a rejection, and after 40 minutes of planning i finally approached them. I did managed to meet and i was even in short relationships with realy attractive looking girls. But it always got to that I somehow "fucked" things up with them, and everytime this happend it got me realy upset about it. Over time, more upset I got out of those "fuck ups", more frustrated i became.

Now we come to the critical point.

Not long after i left the army, I hadn't had any woman in my life for 2 years - ages 23-25. Being so desperate and frustrated from having fucked up with good looking girls, I have given up on trying to meet them. Instead I started trying to meet less attractive girls, because i thought they will be "easier", and they actually made things even worse on me.

Eventually at one month, age 25, it finally happend - the moment of breakdown.
I dated two realy average looking girls. Things were looking so promising with them ... and then once again .. they got fucked up out of nowhere !

This was my breaking point.

Back at that moment i remember feeling a mixture of feelings.
My frustration and desperation mixed up with anger and determination, eventually i was left with the anger and the determination.

My determination was the prominent feeling.
I have decided that i will LEARN how to become good with the ladies.

I knew that i already did it with programming and music, so i saw no way in the world that i couldn't do it with women as well !

So I decided to let go of my ego, learn seduction materials and go out and approach and try to seduce women. I didn't mind if i'll get rejected, in fact i was willing to get hunderds of rejections in order to learn this stuff and become good in it !

At first I learned openers, then I started learning and applying more complex gaming structures.
I had 3 relationships and more than 30 lays in a period of 3.5 years. Worked on my bodylanguage, changed the way i talk and present myself to people, and more.

But again .. at some point i felt that something is missing. After 3.5 years doing this stuff, I felt that im still dependent on luck, or on finding women who are both attracted to me and are both in "the right mood" to flow with me. I felt limited to certain spots and certain locations to meet women .. and having remembered that before i learned all of this stuff i used to meet women anywhere and anyplace ... it got me to realize that something might be terribly wrong with the materials i have learned.

Having realized that, i immediately decided to stop reading, participating and going out with people who are related to any seduction material - and just go back and be myself.

I saw a movie called "The Secret", talking about how to achieve goals by visualizing them, and i have decided to adopt it and try their advice of visualizing your goals as if they were achieved.
So I started every day to visualize a goal of getting great results with hot women in my mind, and I totally believed that the answers will be shown to me by the universe.

Not long after this decision, at one bright day, A decision suddenly popped-up in my mind to start understanding things down to core levels. I have no idea where it came from, it simply landed to my awareness out of nowhere, but i decided to trust myself and take it and i started to figure out the basis of all of this seduction thing myself.

When I say basis, i mean - basic facts that are true and can't be put into doubt !

I suddenly remembered that I had so much experience in the field, So I decided to forget everything i learned, and instead look at the things that i did in field that produced results. The first question i asked myself was : What were the common things that repeated in every success i had ? I got an immediate answer : "The girl was into me, and i moved things forward with her". Right after this one, one by one more "smart" questions like that came out, and one by one I found the right answers to them.

When I started to look at that level of basic facts, core realizations, absolute truths, my whole perspective on seduction started to change - It started to look much easier than how they described it !

And then at one bright day it happend - I suddenly remembered something that forever changed my whole view on women & seduction.

Again, i have no idea how it came to my awareness and at what perfect timing it came, but I remembered that when I was 17 years old .. back at those days at high school where I didn't have girls and I was insecured (remember?) I was offered a job as a sales person for a computer store in an exhibition. We sold healthy mouse pads for prices of between 20$-40$, and my job as a sales person was : to walk up and approach people that were passing by, get them interested in our product, bring them to our lot and offer them to experience it them selves, and then when they show some interest - to close the deal !

The interesting thing about this job, was that on my second day of working there, i reached a level where i'd close the deal with 1 out of 7 people i approached.

And then when i remembered it, an amazing question suddenly came up to my mind : If I was able to approach people that I don't know and get them to pay me 40$ for some product they don't necessarily need ... I couldn't get women to get sex or relationship with me for free ?

Think strongly about that one.

So now, after having realized the core levels of seduction, I decided to bring them here so other guys can learn them too. The whole concept of meeting women and seducing them is completely misconcepted by too many people, because they don't understand the core of it.

Seducing women is just as easy just as selling your car or your TV to a stranger !

Thats it !
This was my introduction to you for my blog.

Read on further down the blog, and you'll understand things much better.

Thank you for reading this,
and wish you a happy read and stay in my blog !

