Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Boyfriend" II

Hey guys, its me again !
(You didn't expect someone else to write here, did you? :))

I hope you are enjoying reading this blog and find it useful.

Throughout this entire blog i've been sharing pretty powerful and insightful thoughts and realization about succeeding with women, and hopefully you have adopted them in real life and have began to notice how true they are.

You probably realized that I keep coming back and writing new stuff all the time, and I thank you guys for following up with me.

Today I want to talk, yet again, about the "I have a boyfriend" response women give.

Yeah, this annoying response they throw that gives a feeling for the interaction as if "its over".

Its a fact that many many women use the phrase "I have a boyfriend" when dealing with us.
You've probably heard this one, and probably more than once when attempting to start a conversation with a woman.

Many guys feel "shut down" when hearing this line - as if the woman rejected them right off the bat and gave them no chance to even present themselves to her.

Have you ever found yourself wondering .. why is she saying it ?
Why will she want to shut down this opportunity before she even knows what she's going to miss here?

As I already explained before, a girl saying to you that she "Has a boyfriend" is to be treated exactly the same as a guy telling you "I have a Fiat Uno 1994" when you come to sell him a Ferarri car.

When a woman says "I have a boyfriend", this basically means she's either bringing up a logistical problem, or she's bringing up resistance to your attempt to talk or even present something to her.

Doesn't matter whether its true or not - resistance is resistance, period.

You probably also make excuses such as "I dont have a wallet on me" to a gipsy's asking you for money on the street, or perhaps you even blatanlty ignore them when they are approaching your car in a high traffic junction, right ?

We are driven by feelings and emotions. Very powerfully, and in an almost hypnotic way which is totally outside of our conscious awareness.

Here's the thing - People will not resist something they enjoy !
So, if they are resisting something, it most probably could be because they aren't enjoying it at this moment.

When a gispy approaches you and you're inside your car, you could be wandering with your thoughts or simply wanting to enjoy the silence and clarity of thoughts, maybe you want to listen to the radio and maybe you just want to look at something else. A gipsy approaching you will surely "interfere" this state, so you will feel an irrestible urge to resist his approach.

Think about a little kid, for instance. (many people make the common assumptions that if someone looks mature he's also emotionally mature, its really not the case in reality. many people ARE emotionally driven just as much as if they were still little kids!)

Have you ever tried to present an idea, or ask a kid to do something, while he's playing with his toys or he has just woken up, or when he's simply in a bad mood ?

If you did, you'd most probably find that it is a pretty difficult, almost impossible task - and thats exactly the analogy here = you must realize that every "mature" or outside appearing adult person still has that "little kid" inside of his consciousness that drives his actions and decisions based on how he feels - and almost always they are not even aware of thats what they're doing !!!!

So, what does it mean for you ?

Your goal is to get the girl interested in you on the sexual level, and in order to do it you must get her attention to you so you could at least try and get her interested in you.

A chick telling you "I have a boyfriend"... pfffff, instead of interpreting it as "Its over man", you can easily interpret it as one of the following :

1. "Im currently not in the right state for you to present me what you want".
2. "I dont think you have what I want" (how can she know it before she even knows you?)
3. "Im simply not interested" (again, how can she know this if she didn't even listen to what you're offering her?)
4. "I have a logistical problem = Im seeing someone" (This should never bother you, as it can almost always be changed and rationalized by her if she gets interested in you. Of course she has to be "seen" with someone for social status, doesn't mean he's pleasing her and doesn't even mean she realy likes him. She can use it as an excuse for her to not get along with you, i.e : "Because I respect him, etc". Any kind of Boyfriend destroyer will work here)

Those are pretty much better ways to interpret it, right ?

Now .. you've seen me talk alot about states, didn't you ?
Well - You can be sure i'll repeat coming back to it because its crucial!

Like I said in my "Pickup stages" post, you must first get her out of her current state (remember the kid example) into a state that will assist you in grabbing her attention towards you so you could at least try to get her interested in you. I insist on that, and for very obvious reasons that i may explain in a later post, but for now after reading this post you're probably beginning to understand why its so important.

Don't wait for mircales to happend or wait for her to be in the "right state" to talk to you - learn how to create that "state" instantly in her.

Your ability to create a state or emotion is your biggest leverage point here.
Always remember - people are driven emotionally , not logically.

-- leedrag0n

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