Sunday, May 11, 2008

Social Confidence

Ok lets start by asking you this simple question ..

How do most people usually hook up with sexual partners, aka "relationships" in the standard socially acceptable ways ?

Men & women meet at school, workplaces, college or through their social circles.

A woman hooks up with an available man, they go out for several dates.

She gets to "know" him first by going out with him for 4 or 5 dates, and gets to test him for compliance with money & social status first, and only once she knows him and knows he's a socially acceptable partner, she feels it is right to sleep with him.

On the other hand, women will sleep way faster with guys who are considered by many to be "players" or "naturals", so whats the catch here ?

The catch here is the difference between going along with the rules of society, and going against them.

"Players" or "Naturals" all share one unique characteristic if you get to closely examine them - they don't give a shit at social rules, or at "what others think about them" AT ALL. Some people call them jerks, others call them arrogant, others call them selfish etc etc. but the bottom line is - they get the women to sleep with them WAY FASTER than other ordinary guys would have to go out with them and pay for their dinners etc etc.

Why is this important to know ?

Because like i was explaining in the previous post you may have already realised - women DO want sex just as much as we do, and get to think about it way more than us. Every woman at some level feels like a repressed sexual animal who has to keep on pretending an act that she hates sex and that is torture for them really. That is because they have to follow social rules in order to be socially accepted, so that other people will accept them.

So whats the deal with the player / natural / jerk / arrogant dude LOL ?

The player doesn't give a fuck at the "social rules", and women can sense it in him.

Thus - it makes WOMEN feel more comfortable at breaking the "rules" themselves, it gives them a chance to break free of the social binds they have upon them and fulfill their most wanted lust and cravings for sex, without having to feel guilty about it.

Does this makes sense ?

Every woman would crave for instant sex with a man, this is their fantasy.

I goes against "social rules" - it is considered a social "crime" for a woman to act so fast on her desire for sex with an attractive man.

But talking about crimes , think about the following metaphor for a second.

Two friends of yours offer you to go to and try steal a stripper from a strip club.

One of them is a coward and is afraid of big guys (like the bouncer) and you know it.
The other one is not scared of anything, he pisses over people and makes them look like little clowns in a cartoon movie.

Which one of these two friends, you will feel more comfortable to cooperate with ?

Think about that now, as it comes to women.

On the other hand they have sex, which they want for and crave for all the time.
Two guys approach them.

One guy is a social coward, has a high status job and all but he's concerned about what others will think about him making the moves.
The other one doesnt give a fuck at the rules, does whatever he wants and makes other people look like clowns compared to him.

Which one of them she will feel more comfortable "breaking the rules" of sex with ?


Do you have social confidence ?
Do you worry about the social rules or what others will think about you ?

If so , ask yourself - Why ?
Has it ever gotten you the results you wanted ?
Or did it always kept you frustrated and angry ?

If so , then it is about time for you to start breaking the rules.

Worst thing that can happend for you is you'll start getting laid.


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