Monday, July 7, 2008

Attraction & Persistence

One of the key factors of any successful PU is whether or not the woman is actually interested in you as a sexual partner or not, aka "attraction".

The more she is interested in finding a sexual partner or in you, the easier your game is, The less she is interested , the harder your game is.

For most guys, the perspective of picking up a girl they like is : I go out of my house, i SEE a woman of my choice, and then i just go and randomly pick her up.
But this is not a smart way to conduct a happy sex life,

You've probably heard the question im about to ask you now before.
Do think about it :

What is easier - To gain $100,000 by trying to collect $10 from 10,000 people ?
Or to gain $100,000 by trying to collect $10,000 from 10 people ?

Well the right answer here is the second way.
But what's the real difference between these two ways ?

Well, i'll tell you. The difference here is at where you put most of your efforts at.

The first way, collecting 10$ from 10,000 people requires that you put most of your efforts in trying to convince every person to give you 10$ and then run it over thousands of people randomly.

The second way, though, requires that you put most of your efforts simply in FINDING 10 people who are generous enough each to give you 10,000$, thats it.

Get to think about it for a second - in the first way, out of these 10,000 people you tried to collect 10$ from, SURELY were at least 3 or 4 people who would also generously give you 10,000$ if you asked them for, but how could you KNOW this if you were only focused on asking them for 10$ ??????

Back to our analogy now - Difference between easy gaming and hard gaming.

Chicks who are interested in you are usually easier targets game wise.
Everyday you walk out of your house, there are PLENTY of women who ARE interested in you everywhere you go to - They give you EC, stand closer to you, and in general are receptive to you gaming them. Believe it or not, SOME of these chicks are even EXACTLY your type looks wise. Going for chicks like that makes you collecting your $100,000 much easier, however more time needs to be invested in finding those chicks, hence - More efforts are put in finding those chicks, less efforts in gaming them.

Chicks who are NOT interested in you, for any reason that could be : You're not her "EXACT" type looks wise, she has no sex drive, she has no interest in sex, she has mental issues against sex, whatsoever, are harder targets game wise.
Everyday as you walk out of your house, there are plenty of women who are NOT interested in you too, you gotta accept it bro : not every chick falls over for you. These chicks usually give no EC, they stand far from you, they do whatever they can to possibly avoid any interaction with you. Going for chicks like that makes it almost impossible to collect anything from them, more of your efforts needs to be put in convincing and persuating them to be with you, so yeah - less efforts to actually find them if you just blatantly go at them cold approach, but more efforts needs to be put in trying to convince them to even give you "10$".

The analogy of the 10$ and 10,000$ is there out of purpose.

Believe it or not, just as much as there are people that giving 10,000$ is nothing for them, there are people that giving 10$ is ALOT for them.

Go out looking for those people who will give you 10,000$ happily and you'll have a great and healthy sex drive finding chicks who are interested in what you're about to ask them for.

Try instead to go out for the people who make you a hard time giving you even 10$ , and your sex life will keep running away from you, such as going for chicks who are NOT interested in you, and just waste your time and efforts trying to convince them to give you something they dont want to anyways.

-- leedrag0n

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