Thursday, December 4, 2008

Focus explained

Welcome again guys !!

4 months since my last post in here ..

During the last 4 months i have realized a couple of new core level realizations that im going to of course share with you here in the next few posts, so im going to start with the first of them : Focus.

I saw a good movie once called "The Secret", im sure you've all heard of it.

The main subject of the movie is "The law of attraction", and in general is the idea that whatever we focus on, we get more of it in our life.

What it really means is that whatever it is you think of and believe in is what you'll get, or like Henry Ford said many years ago : "Whether you think you can, or can't - either way you're right !".

A quick example : "rejection".

Ask most guys why they don't approach a woman, and they will say : "I dont want to get rejected". So you can understand by this reply exactly what they are focused on - they are focused on "rejection".

Whether they are aware of it or not, this kind of focus not only that it doesn't help in preventing the rejection - it makes it happend even faster !

Because when you are so focused on rejection, you will both consciously and unconsciously look for any possible rejection sign from the woman in order to "prevent it", and guess what ? When you ARE looking so anxiously for a rejection sign, even a simple break of eye contact from her WILL be perceived a "rejection" in your mind, even when in reality it could be that she is simply shy and/or nervous just as you are.

That is just one example of a negative focus, or what they called in the movie "focusing on what you do not want" (or "what you want to avoid" , "what you are afraid of" etc).

When you focus on something that you do not want, you actually attract more of it into your life !

So , whats the cure for this ?

Well, during the entire movie they keep saying "Keep focusing on what you do want", also known as a positive focus. Well .. how do we start focusing on what we really want ?

There is a three-step process that i have personally tested myself and seems to work.

First, you need to ask yourself : what do you really want ?
This really is the easiest step of all, but the most powerful one - it immediately shifts your focus.

Think about it a minute and write it down in a piece of paper, be true and honest with yourself and describe exactly what it is you want to achieve, and feel free to ask for whatever it is you truely want : anything you want to achieve in your life is possible !

Infact, the evidence to this is shown every day by day throughout the world where more and more people do "the impossible" and invent new theories, create new inventions, break more world records, and literally do amazing things.

You can even put this to the test if you'd like to - Ask yourself what you want to achieve, and then start looking over videos in YouTube or search Google for people that already achieved it in their life and realize it here - if they can do it, so can you !


The second step is to visualize your goal as if it was already achieved.
And usually this is a harder step to some people, but you would agree that it doesn't take any effort to just sit in a quiet room somewhere in your house, close your eyes, and for a couple of minutes to imagine yourself as already achieved that what you asked for ?

Hell you can even make it easier for yourself - do you remember any time in your past that you already achieved what you are asking for right now ? If so, then how much effort will it take to you to sit on your couch and just remember it ?

Now the key here is to do whatever you can do to experience this "goal achievement" as lively as you possibly can in your mind - involve all senses, try different visualizations and experiment with it in your free time until you reach a visualization that creates the emotion, the feeling of already achieving your goal.

I know it may sound silly to alot of you, but i have time after time fallen off my chair to my amazement of just how powerful this step really is and how that it totally creates the "attraction".

I have even had to try 3 different visualizing scenarios once before i finally found one that really created the feeling of already achieving the goal.

And the third step ?

The third step is to simply release and let go of what you just did, and trust "the universe" that it will manifest your wish for you.

What does all this amounts to ?

Here's my explanation for it, and please don't tell me i dont know what im saying if you haven't yet tried all of this by yourself :

Well, following these 3 steps will create a new "emotional filter" inside your consciousness.
You know what im talking about - an "emotional filter" is an emotional resonance response to something that is inside of your awareness, like a Deja vu effect. a Deja vu is an example of an "emotional filter" when you suddenly notice something that looks familiar already and you can't figure out where from.

It happends when you focus on something so strong emotionally, that you then suddenly begin to witness it everywhere you go to like a Deja vu, an effect that makes you more and more aware of that thing, hence attracting more of it into your life like a snowball effect.

The only thing to remember here is that what you focus on will attract more of into your life, so when you suddenly change your focus to something else, you will start to attract more of that "new thing", so its important to always stay focused on what you really want.

You can do this daily, once in a week, or even once in a month, how many times you like to as long as you enjoy it and it doesn't become a choir, and of course that it really creates the power of the attraction by generating the feelings of having achieved it already.

You will know when you feel it once you try it a few times.

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