Monday, July 19, 2010

Anchors (real experience!)

Hey guys !

In today's post I'm going to talk once again about anchors, and more specific about self created anchors - like the ones I explained in details in my State Design - Anchors Part 1 post from May.

What I want to share today is a real experience that I've had that will demonstrate just how powerful anchors are.

I think its good because in any area of life when you learn something new , or have an idea about something .. its almost always the actual exprience of that something that realy "drops the coin" in your mind about its effectiveness and makes you want to use it more.

So anyways .. a little background first:

Everytime before I go out to sarge I usually "prepare" myself with some ritual - To install the state I want to be in when I go out, bring back old memories of past successes, rehearse the things I want to work on, etc.

During the rituals I usually create anchors of the states that I go into, for instance: If I go into some sort of relaxed state (just as I explained in my State Design post) I'll anchor that state to a pressing of my left hand's thumb and index finger , or if I remember past successes and I get into a good state of confidence - I'll anchor that state to pressing my right hand's thumb and index finger, if I laugh (laughter) I'll anchor that to other fingers, etc ..

What happends is that I end my rituals and I go out to sarge (with the state I designed, of course) but I also end it with a stack of anchors on both my hands that I barely use (because I get myself into such a good state that I don't need it).

Anyways .. I took a few days off sarging - that means I have NOT done any ritual for the last 2 or 3 days .. and today I went to do an evening "sports" walk for about an hour.

During my walk a couple (guy and girl) came infront of me, and the girl was good looking and she looked at me, and as she did the guy did to. Now for some reason it brought up a realy unpleasant state .. that I later realized that returned everytime I saw a hot girl passing near me .. this unpleasant state was .. I don't know exactly how to describe it .. tension, fear .. whatever ..

And then I remembered that I had all these stack of anchors that I created on my hand.

Now.. a very useful technique that we learned in NLP is a technique called collapsing anchors, which essentialy is about associating a positive anchor with a currently installed negative one - that causes the negative one to "collapse" -or- to become associated with the good one.

So what I began to do is I began to pay attention to whenever the unpleasant state was coming, and as it was just beginning to arise - I immediately fired off one of my "positive anchors" that I've had in my right hand.

And guess what? After doing that for like 2 or 3 times I just tested it - I passed near a hottie, looked at her, and was paying attention to my state.. and I was relaxed and the old feeling has gone!

So far so good .. but I didn't stop there. At some part of my walk I happend to notice a plastic ball just laying on the street .. and if you guys know me personally you'd know that I just love football .. and whenever I get an opportunity to play football I get into a realy fun state. So I took that ball and started to play with it .. and as I realized I'm beginning to feel all fun and excited ... guess what I did? I ANCHORED IT to a new fingers combination on my left hand!!

So now I had created, on the fly, a new anchor. So now I had both the positive one from before on my right hand, and the new one now on my left hand.

I kept using both anchors whenever I even sensed just a little slight change in my state .. and to keep long story short - I reached a point that I went across a bus station filled with hotties .. and I was just so relaxed, so outwardly focused, so at ease .. that I could actually observe everything about them and talk to them freely without feeling a thing.

Now this completely blew my mind up - I was able to completely change and redesign my state, on the fly, without any ritual and without doing any mental work at all - it was all 100% pure anchors work!

The last 15 minutes of my walk I was just relaxed, focused, and at ease and I didn't have to do anything more - the new state has been completely replaced now .. and before I was about to return to my home ... I was thinking about what I just did here ... and it was an amazing realization to me - because I didn't do any ritual today, I just walked out the house "as is" ... the only thing I had with me ... was my anchors ..

Just think about the endless possibilities that can open up to you when you use this ..

-- leedrag0n

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From my experience this is one of the most important thing to do.
Its happen to me alot of times that i goes out and have great state and felling and and think it will always will be like this when i will go again out.

But the realty is different like you see a scary movie and you afraid in the night but one day after that the "state" of scare is gone,and you are relax again.

So if i nod do any encoring or do visualization before i go out i fells for me like it is my first time that i am approach women and there is something i notice that if you feel something any kind feeling than the 'woman will sense it somehow... and react the way you feel most of the time.

Thanks again for great post