Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is the world realy such a bitter place?

Hey guys!

I'm currently out of the game due to problems with my voice so I have to give it some rest and work it out. So no game for me at the moment, but I can at least write and share you with my thoughts here :-)

I heard so many people say that the world was unfair, that beautiful women can get anything they want, that money rules the world and that chicks are after the money, etc. Do you think that way too?

If you do, then please stop. Crying and whining about the world and that you're unworthy is a self defeating, loserish mindset. People who have this attitude are usually people who give up without ever trying, and they are usually people who are bound by the limiting ways of thinking that society has induced on them. They were programmed to think that way. And here comes my philosophy and by belief about the world as I think it realy is.

OK, so we were all little kids once. Yes, even that wealthy millionaire and yes EVEN that georgeous goldiggerish chick. We were ALL little kids once. Do you agree?

When we were kids, believe it or not, but we didn't give a fuck about all these social statuses and money shit. Did we realy care if someone was rich or poor while he was introduced to us? NO! All we cared about was if we liked him or not. And believe me when I say, that when we were kids we were DAMN STRAIGHT HONEST with everyone. So if we didn't like someone, we told him that straight in the face in the most honest way possible.

Something got fucked up in the way though. When people grow up, they start to be conditioned with all sorts of social bullshit about the world. About how they should treat, think, and behave around certain "types" of people. About what is accepted & possible and what is not. You first must realize, that we are NOT born with this shit.

Whenever you think about money owning the world, you must remember something: Money & Status are just tools in the social impression mechanisms. What I mean is that whenever you are introduced to a powerful, wealthy man you may be impressed. So do women. But, should he treat you like shit, bore you to tears .. your thoughts about him will change. Same goes for women!

The bottom line is that after all the social impressions and after all the other bullshit you might THINK that you don't have, EVERY HUMAN BEING IS STILL A CHILD AT HIS INNER, MOST DEEPEST LEVEL. Even grown up adult still behave like a little child when it comes to his bottom level of desires. Do you know what I'm talking about?

That's right, I'm talking about the fact that after all people are STILL driven by how they FEEL!

Some of you guys may think .. "I'm not rich, I can never get georgous women". This type of thinking is what is being taught by society. If you have never learned anything else, then you might be doomed for life with the inability to get beautiful women unless you have a $1M bank profit.

But always remember .. "counter intuitive thinking - leads to COUNTER INTUITIVE RESULTS!"

Sometimes you have to think outside the box of convention if you want to achieve something. Now I want to demonstrate what I'm saying to you with an unusual counter intuitive situation:

You're inside a club.
You see this unbelievably beautiful woman. She's georgous!
You may think that she's not going to shit at your direction because you're not rich.
OK .. let's say so ..
So you approach and try to talk to her and she completely IGNORES YOU!
.. then you say to yourself: "Aha! See? I told you it's not gonna work!" ..
.. but wait ..
Have you ever tried this >>
You take a little bit of your beer and you "accidently" spill it all over this girl ..
Now she's damn wet and she's also DAMN angry..

How many of you guys believe me when I tell you, that after doing something like this, you will have all her attention on YOU? Not only that, chances are she is going to be so angry that she's going to come directly to you and start a fight with you!

Now I know this example is VERY unusual and very outside the box of what you ever thought of trying.
Spilling a beer on a girl? That's so RUDE! You may think ..

But you see guys .. this is exactly THE KIND OF THINKING that keeps you STUCK!

Now back to my example .. so now she's angry at you. You may think that's extremely counter productive, but you have no idea how you're wrong. First of all, by doing this you went from "being completely ignored" and in fact being completely insignifanct in this girl's eyes, all the way to being someone that has triggered something inside her. When she looks at you now, you are someone with significance in her world, because you moved something inside of her, emotionally. And this realy DOES get her attention. After doing something like this, she won't be able to keep her eye off you all evening.

The interesting thing is that you can use this as a leverage to later apologize, show some respect, and actually suggest a compensation. This will gain ALOT of positive points in your favor and may actually work hugely to your advantage. With some girls, this unexceptional strategy of "pissing them off, before pleasing them on" is the ONLY thing that will actually WORK on them! If you try to be nice and polite, it's just NEVER gonna work for you!

I know that this example was pretty unusual, but I brought it here on purpose to shake the ground of everything you ever believed is possible. You have to think outside the box of convention sometimes.

Let me bring here another example, actually something that happend not long ago to me and my friend:

We were out, and then we see these 2 girls so we went and started chatting with them. One of them was very receptive and open, while the other seemed stressed and kept pushing her girlfriend to finish the talk with us so they can leave.

I was looking at my friends and I noticed that he has completely ignored this, and it was a mistake, because I knew that if I will not do something to put her friend in her place, this set will be OVER. In a matter of a seconds I came up with this strategy of playing with her ego to keep her staying there. So I talked to the open and receptive friend of hers and told her: "You know, it's such a shame that your friend here is A COWARD". This realy pissed off her friend, that went from "I want to leave mode" all the way to "Who the hell does he think he's calling a coward?" all the way to wanting to prove us that she's not a coward by staying there. So this was a brilliant move - first it took over her frame and dominated her, and second it triggered an emotion inside of her. She was pissed from this remark, and then wanted to prove us wrong and STAYED there.

I know many guys who read this may go "Wow damnit! He actually insulted her!" .. exactly my point!

Because the fact that you are so not used to doing something like this, only shows how much your thinking is limited and bound when it comes to women.

Start to think outside the box, and you won't believe how far you can reach.

-- leedrag0n


Rohi said...

great post
thank you on that

Schwinger said...

I can already imagine a wave of guys spilling their drinks on girls. Good work Lee :)