Friday, August 12, 2011

Accepting your mistakes

Sometimes we make this idealization in our mind that our approach is going so smooth, and that the girl is so into us that she's probably going to go for it with us, and then we try some move.. and suddenly she starts drawing back from the interaction until it fails completely and we are left with nothing.

This can happend. It happends to the best of the best. So it happend.. just relax around it and accept it!

You must accept the fact that YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES! It's part of life, you can't escape it!
You will make mistakes because no one has ever taught you how to pick up women. You didn't learn it from your parents, from your teachers in high school, you never had any expert to teach you this, and you probably weren't born with these skills. You had to learn it all by yourself. And when you do learn how to become a master in any field, you WILL makes mistakes, so accept it!

Look at the good things you did, give yourself a huge applaud for doing it and you deserve it!
And as for the mistakes.. it's part of life. Everyone makes mistakes.

And I'm 100% sure, that you HAVE LEARNED THE LESSON from it..

-- leedrag0n

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