Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Frames explained

Hey guys !

In this post im going to get back to some powerful core and practical stuff you can use in your Pickups.

If you liked my "Emotions Explained" classic post that talked about how women are mostly driven by emotions and not logic, and how we can use this in our pickups, then you will absolutely LOVE this post.

Today im going to talk about Frames and how to use them.
What is a frame ?

For the practical purposes of our use, a frame is simply an "altered reality" that automatically triggers certain feelings, actions and beliefs inside of it.

What do I mean ?

Here's an example : Think about the difference between meeting a woman when you're out jogging, to meeting a woman when you're in a nightclub, ok ?

It is quite obvious that you think, feel, act and believe differently about the idea of meeting a woman inside a nightclub, than how you think,feel,act and believe about it when you're out jogging, right ?

I mean, when you're out jogging, you may believe that you're too sweaty and not good looking enough for a woman to want and talk with you, or you may believe that you can only take her number .. while in a nightclub, you can feel that you're great looking, and that you can not only take the girls number, but even invite her to dance and maybe even makeout with her .. right ?

To put it short - your frame here defines what you can do, how you can feel, and your beliefs about what you can do or can't do, whats possible and whats not and even more .. makes sense no ?

The difference between jogging and a nightclub is an ideal example of how you feel, act and believe differently inside two different frames !

Now think about women for a second.

Most women know that when they are in a vacation or they go to nightclubs, its OKAY for them to go for one night stands, why ? Because thats how their mind is setup on the level of thoughts, rules, beliefs and actions they take in those places.

Now, if you can get a woman to imagine she's talking with you right now, in a night club .. do you think that all the automatically triggered actions, beliefs and feelings will immediately rise to the surface of her mind ?


Matter of fact is, that almost anyone in this planet, when telling stories to others, get themselves into different frames all the fucking time !!

You probably know this from your own experience as well - Have you ever noticed how whenever you tell somebody a story about something that happend to you while you were in a vacation or a nightclub, how during the talk you felt as if you are totally there , and how all the feelings, thoughts and beliefs just suddenly came back up to the surface ?

Have you ever found yourself telling a friend of yours something like "Man, she was so into me, i think i could have just done her in the toilet", as you describe to him something that happend to you while you're in a nightclub ?

Now, let me make a wild guess here, that if you told a story about how you met some girl in the mall, for instance, you'd never even think about taking her to the toilet as you would in a nightclub, no ?

And if that so, why do you think its like that ?

Its simply because a mall and a nightclub are two different frames , each comes with a different set of beliefs and actions you can do in them, thats why !!

Now check this cool thing : Suppose that during the conversation between you and this girl, in the mall, suddenly the lights go out, loud music starts to be played in the speakers, flash lights and big bars with drinks and bartenders in them pop up, the mall instantly becomes a huge nightclub .. everyone around you is dancing, buying drinks, and having a good time .. and you know the chick you talk with is totally into you .. How do you feel about it now ?
How will you behave differently now ?? Will you end this conversation with just a phone number, or instead take her to the booth and kiss with her ?

And if I can do it on you, right now, using words only, here in my blog - to put you into a different frame in your mind with different beliefs, actions and feelings about this meeting - you can do it on a woman during your conversation with her to put her into any frame you want !

This works simply because the subconscious mind can't recognize the difference between a real event and an imagined one, it processes them both the same way, so when you get a woman to imagine herself in a nightclub, if she gets to imagine that - it overrides her CURRENT reality, so all the beliefs, actions and feelings she has in a nightclub simply begin to rise up to the surface !

So yeah, the ability to alter another person's imagination is very powerful - probably one of the most powerful influence techniques there are that can save you TONS of time trying to build them up. Why build something up that probably already exist for you ?

Hell, if some woman is a virgin, you can get her to imagine what she would do if she wasn't virgin - If she can imagine it, the differences between reality and imagination can easily go away very soon !

Like I said in my post "Emotions Explained" , i wrote there "If you want a woman to do something, think of what emotion you want her to feel". This is, BTW, an idea that Ross Jeffries coined back in the day, so i give him credit for it.

So instead of thinking how do you get a woman to .. for instance, suck your dick in the toilet .. you can think of what frame of mind you can get her into in which she will feel natural and okay to do this thing, that you want her to do ?

You can think about Frames such as "Fantasy", which is btw a frame in which you can do anything LOL .. or "Nightclub" .. you can think about frames such as "Truth and Dare" .. or "Strip club" .. maybe even "Helping a friend" frame .. whatever you think can be right !

The funny thing about frames is that you can even create an imaginable frame , or create an "altered reality" that doesn't even realy exist, and get the women you talk to totally feel as if they are there, in that frame !!

Yes, frames are exteremly powerful .. here's a nice example : Imagine that you are now in an abandoned exotic island .. there are coconut trees around you .. and a blue sea ... the sun is shining .. and now you need to prepare a dinner, how do you do it ?

See how i just entered you into an imagined frame ?

Think about this powerful tool and how you use it, it is powerful.

-- leedrag0n


Schwinger said...

I am sorry to say that I was quite disappointed because you said that you are going to bring up some practical stuff, and though I fully agree with everything you said, its not really practical because you didn’t actually explained how to bring a girl you met in the mall to the night club frame (or any other frame for that matter). But I guess people can just Google Ross Jefferies, he explains several tools to do so in he's "speed seduction" videos on Youtube.

Anyways, I really liked this post. I remember my self a year ago, paying so much attention on how to act, monitoring the girl's behavior, and not giving any attention to her feeling or emotions at all. The results were catastrophic of course… I know I am not the only dude that misinterpreted the Mystery Method that way, it's just to much algorithm/step-by-step like. It can make you really nervous because you might have skipped a step (omg now I have to DHV, now I have to DLV), or lingered on a phase too much, thus you keep concentrating on the stupid method, rather then concentrating on getting the girl.

leedrag0n said...

Schwinger: Even a *simple*, almost innocent "opinion" question about nightclubs CAN make it work. (Because, in order for her to give you her "opinion" about something that is related to nightclubs, she has to imagine herself IN a nightclub !).

If you want another great example of me using it, check out my post in Alpha under the "Digital PU" with the girl from mekusharim, i used THIS principle several times in it with explanations you can learn im sure from.