Monday, February 1, 2010

Get Motivated !

Hey all !

Its been some time, I have no idea if you keep following but anyways this post is going to be a realy important one - its about how to get motivation to go out and meet women !

Sometimes you run into times where you have no motivation to go out and meet women - it can be because you work too much, maybe you just ended a relationship, maybe you got rejected a few times and it turned you down, perhaps you feel its too much work to get out there and approach women, etc.

So whatever reason it shall be - this post is for you!

Here are 4 main points that will help you getting back to the field :

1. If sales people can approach & sell (for money paid!!!) amazingly stupid and unuseful products - there's no reason in the world for you to not be able to sell love or sex for women for free. Read this one 100 times until you get it. THIS IS A BASIC CORE UNDERSTANDING!

2. Presenting an idea (or anything else) is way easier (and in some cases even only possible) when there's rapport - so if you get rejected or some girl don't flow with you, instead of taking it personally as an insult or as an indication of your attractiveness, simply realize most chances are there was a lack of rapport between you two.

3. Most of the time, people buy things (or take decisions) based on an impulse, aka emotion. If it just looks or sounds logically good or right for them its still not going to be enough to drive them. You must focus and create the emotional states that will drive their behaviour and decisions.

4. Any fear you may have - Fear of rejection, Fear of approaching, Fear of getting laughed on, Fear of failure, etc - any fear can be removed by proper reprogramming of your mind ! Thats what NLP was created for.

Ponder those for a while ..

-- leedrag0n

P.S: You are welcome to give me your feedback on this post if you find it useful or need more info.


Anonymous said...

hey man !!

good to see you are back to writing (:

i defenatly thing that the first point was the BEST !

vinyl from alpha

Anonymous said...

hey man!

good to see that are back i nthe blog !

i think that the first point is the BEST and the most important !

leedrag0n said...

hey eli, thanks for the feedback !!

im glad you liked it, and yep im back and basically going to spend some more time in this blog from now on :)