Thursday, September 23, 2010

Socializing and Approaching II

This is a refresher for an old post of mine back from 2008.

I'd like to begin this post by shredding a few "myths" about pickup & influence first.

Alot of people focus too much on perfecting their game, and I think it's an absord! Why?

Because if you'll just open your eyes and LOOK around you at the guys who are getting results with women, you won't find anything "superior" or special in MOST of them that you don't have - they may be uglier than you, more insecured than you, less focused than you, more BORING than you, etc. And yet - THEY still GET results, while you don't!

I think this principle applies not only to women but life in general - the most successful people in their area, are NOT ALWAYS the best in their area!

In the end.. it all comes down to how well you promote yourself.

Think about it for a second.
It is highly probable that there are ALOT of women out there, right now, who REALY WANT to meet someone - even if they have a "boyfriend" already! (Who said that she is pleased with him?)

Now.. as you sit there at home trying to "perfect" your "skills", nobody even knows you exist!
And the only thing these girls actually know of.. are the guys who approach them and introduce themselves to them!!

You may think it's NOT FAIR that all these lousy guys are the only thing women know of and fuck with.. you may also think that it's not fair that alot of realy talented and gifted people in this world never get a chance.. but that's just the way LIFE is - the people who push themselves into other people's realities and are NOT AFRAID to show what they've got and are actually trying to get others interested in them = are the ones who GETS results. The others.. never get their chance for obvious reasons!

Now, let's get off the "fair/unfair" ethical discussion and talk about facts for a second.

It is a FACT that you can take a SHITTY product, promote it very well to ENOUGH people, and you WILL get buyers! In fact, the most succeeding products are also the ones that are being promoted the most!

In every area of life this is true, whether you are aware of it or not, it is simply a rule of thumb whenever it comes to sales and promoting something: The more people are exposed and become aware of a certain product or idea = the more people take it or buy it!

It just makes sense, doesn't it?
But in order to clarify my point, I'll bring you now.. what I think is the perfect example of what I mean: Windows -vs- Linux

So.. I'm a programmer and I've been using Windows for years. I heard about Linux before and even saw it many many years ago at an old friend of mine, but back at the time it seemed so difficult and hard to learn and too complicated for me.. so I prefered to stay with Windows.

Now, Windows is probably the most popular operating system in the world, and for me personally it has always been quite a default option. I had no idea that Linux exists in a graphical user-interface form (Windows' style desktop), that it is easy to install, and that it is easy to use as well. Take note of this, this is crucial - I had NO IDEA it existed!!!!!!!!

The idea of Linux wasn't even in my AWARENESS at all.. until one day.. I visited a friend of mine, and I saw his brother, who is a programmer as well, using this flashy, fast, and very well organized desktop operating system on his computer that did not look familiar to me.. At a first glance I thought it was Macintosh with MacOSX (Guess why? Maybe because Apple's MacOSX is the second most well promoted operating system in the industry after Windows??) .. so being realy curious I asked my friend's brother what is that .. and he said: It's LINUX!

At first I was quite in a shock.. because it looked way different from how i imagined Linux to be.. but then it realy got me interested and intrigued, and it got my attention so strongly that I have began asking him questions about it, and the more he revealed me his answers the more the idea of installing this system on my home computer became real.. but it was only after he told me the following two sentences that I was totally convinced that I should try it: 1. You can download the operating system for FREE , 2. You can TRY IT before you install it, directly from the CD!

Can you imagine to yourself.. such a superb operating system for FREE ??

So anyways.. I decided to download the CD and try it for myself.. and after that first time I tried it - I simply fell in love with it! (Literally) And I felt like such a moron for never knowing that it existed, and using crappy Windows instead ..


Now that may have been a nice story, but it has a POINT.

I think that this was probably the perfect example to show that It's not always the BEST who brings the fruit - but the ONE who PROMOTES HIMSELF the most!!!!

Now.. think about the implications of this story on your sex life..

I mean.. you could be HUNDRED TIMES better than alot of your "competitors" out there in almost EVERY aspect! And.. it could be that you are the ideal guy for MANY women.. and yet.. THESE WOMEN DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST!

Think about it..

And BTW This is true for ANYTHING you want to sell or promote - you can have the most amazing, unbelievable piece of innovation the world has ever seen .. but if it keeps sitting at home and no one knows about it - you will NEVER = NEVER EVER GET ANY BUYERS!!!!!!!!


Now.. after all of the ideas that I just presented to you here, and since this post is coming to an end soon.. i'll use this opportunity to explain to you the "mechanics" of how to use everything you learned in this post to your advantage:

First, realize that when you approach a new girl - she knows NOTHING about you, NOTHING about your qualities, NOTHING about how much you could benefit her life - NOTHING AT ALL! You don't even exist in her world and all she knows of is just your physical appearance, your looks, the vibe you project, and the way you talk. THAT'S IT!

Even if she rejects you right off the bat, it still doesnt change the fact that she STILL knows NOTHING about you!! She has no ideas, yet, in her mind about you.. NOTHING!! Her reality just stayed the same as it was before you even talked to her..

Now, your job is to introduce yourself, and introduce the idea of being with you. Before you do it, both you and the idea of being with you DO NOT EXIST IN HER AWARENESS, and it is only after you present the idea to her and get her become AWARE to the fact that you exist and how much she could benefit from you, that it can become something she'd like to fulfill and try for herself.

Before you establish that, she knows NOTHING at all about you!
And yes, that also means that if you are just "fluff talking" with her she STILL knows NOTHING about you!

Think about everything I wrote here..

-- leedrag0n

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