Sunday, September 5, 2010

A word about Flexibility ..

Every human being is a different person, that enjoys different things, flows with different things, and responds to different things.

Alot of advices that are given about success with women, are usually in one or another of the forms of "If you do this, she'll responds that..", or "If you use this structure, then..", etc.

This is the kind of thinking that we, as men, are champions at - serial thinking. Given any goal or outcome, we will be able to create steps to achieve it - and if you'll follow all the steps exactly in the order they are written, you'll get that goal ..

It is our blessing on one side, but also our curse on the other - because this kind of thinking is NOT USEFUL for success with women!


Because women are random - every woman is a different person that responds differently to different things. Some women will respond very good to displays of honesty and vulnerability and "sharing your thoughts" with them, while other women will not give a damn shit about it, but will instead responds VERY GOOD to displays of dominance and aggression and not giving a fuck.. other women will not respond to dominance and aggression good at all, because they feel that they want to share their thoughts with someone, and will respond very good to you just shutting your mouth and listening to them.. Some women are smart-asses and like to tease and flirt, and they will respond very strongly to being a tease and flirtatious with them .. and so on .. you get it?

This is exactly the reason why you have to develope a sense of flexibility in your game, if you REALY want to increase your game and success rates.

Now, when I'm talking about flexibility, listen: I am NOT talking about giving up your will just to please and satisfy a woman. That is NOT flexibility, that is being a pussy - and it is a big turn off for almost every woman out there!

What I'm talking about is stay strong with your will to get a result with her, but at the same time having a versatile set of choices for behaviours, vibes, and themes that you can switch between them, while at the same time staying completely focused on her so you could notice how she responds to each, paying attention to what will trigger the strongest responses in her!

This is a realy crucial, even core level understanding - because in the end what really matters in your communication with her is the responses that you get from her - is she turned on? is she turned off? does she feel connected? does she feel fascinated? aroused? etc..

Because her responses are the indicators for you to know whether you're going on track or off track, and if she's giving you strong and powerful responses that means that you're on the right track, and that probably she's ready!

Remember, there is no failure - only feedback, and you are constantly getting feedback all the time about what works and what doesn't work.

Is this making sense?

-- leedrag0n


Anonymous said...

it does mate..

i think that most *amateur* "pick up methods" rely on this scientific attidute, that try to solve every response you may get...
like women are robots. or some sort

Rave said...

Every woman has her own map of filters for viewing the world and every woman will respond differently accordantly to her filters of perceptions to the world. Women are not robots and not a machine that respond the same to the same "pick up method" this is why flexibility is such important skill good post!
