Sunday, January 2, 2011

Un-learn everything you've learned!


So this is my first blog post for the new year 2011.
It's 3:12AM in the morning as I'm writing this post, and well.. since I haven't written here for like a month or so it would be best if i can get you up to speed with what I've been doing recently..

Part 1: Going for women that I most desire

Recently I started approaching and going only for women that I most desire - that are realy attractive to me, that I don't find so often, and that I don't run into them so frequently.

When you start gaming women that you most desire, you have to forget about all the PU "rules". They don't work in this league. And further even, they will produce alot more damage than benefit to you.

How come?
Because alot of the PU rules are about "nexting" girls that don't go along with the flow. Alot of them are about teasing and being playful with girls (which may not work on some girls..), or about things like GFTOW (Go-Fuck-Ten-Other-Women) and setting up the lead, or setting the tone and if the girl doesn't follow then you should "next" her and move to the next girl..

These rules don't work when you game women that you realy want. Why?
Because let's assume you approached a girl who is realy attractive to you, and she's showing interest back. You want to get a result here. And when you see that being an asshole who tries to take the lead (that doesn't work well on some women..) or that you try to be a tease (that doesn't work on some women..) or that you try to go and "close the deal" as soon as possible (that doesn't work on some women..) you get into a conclusion that it takes more flexibility here, and that's a whole new level of gaming. You want to get to this level, because you're approaching women you most desire in order to get results. Duh!

Part 2 - No more rules

One example of such a flexibility, is the whole notion of "trying to close the deal as soon as possible".
Most of the "PU" methods are based on building a structure that will lead you from approach-to-lay and if the girl doesn't fit in, you "next" her.

Some girls just don't feel ready yet to close the deal, and if you don't want to just "next" them (which I certainly don't) then you need to be more flexible and sometimes you have to give up on the idea of trying to close them as soon as possible. give them more time.

Some girls need to open up and feel comfortable with you before they move any further.

Do not forget - when you're into cold-approaching game, even though some girls will find you attractive, they still don't know you well enough, and this may play an issue for some of them, and trying to push them to a quick close will just freak them out and draw them away from you and You don't want this to happend, especially if it's a girl you realy want.

When you are gaming a realy attractive women of your choice, you want a result.
You want to be safer and neutral, and that's perfectly fine. I believe that if a girl is realy attracted to you (and attraction is way different than what they teach in the community, and I may enhance about it in another post..) then you asking her if it's ok to take her phone number will not, in anyway, reduce her attraction to you. That's probably one of the stupidest ideas I ever heard of!

So forget about these stupid rules of "Tell her what to do, don't ask for permission" type of crap out there, because that is realy bullshit and has nothing to do with attraction. It's even perfectly fine to let her take the lead at some point too. Actually, in any natural interaction between two people, the lead always replaces sides.

Part 3 - Be completely focused on the other person

You're in this game to get results with women you desire.
When you realy want to get a result, you're going to play it safer and make less mistakes. This is obvious.
How can you know what to do?

Well the answer is important here: You have to realy show genuine interest in the other person.
And this is not only for the sake of getting liked, but it's also, and more important - to get an understanding of the other person (girl) world. Find out what he likes, what motivates him, what drives him. This does not only creates a connection between people, but it also gives you the real information you need to know about how to create a connection with her, trust, and maybe later to even have sex with her!

And you cant EVER do it if you're in the "asshole" mode of not listening and always commanding.
I'll say that again: You can't know anything about the other person if you're into "asshole" mode.

People love to answer questions, this creates connection, and this provides you with information that let's you know what should be done next.

Part 4 - Flexibility

You need flexibility with women that you most desire because you want them. Duh.
It's like when you're aiming at getting accepted into a realy high class company - You want it, they may like you, but they could have demands too. If you want to get accepted, you may have to lower your ego and get ready to give up on a few points too, no?

Same goes with women.

When you're gaming the women you realy want, all the rules collapse, and you'll do better if you just play it safer, ask the other person questions, show genuine interest, work on creating a connection, and forgetting about the need to close it right now.

-- leedrag0n


Rohi said...

I dont understand something ,why learn pick up if you say that we dont need rules?

Schwinger said...

I am sorry but i find this post to be very obscure and unhelpful... obviously you have reached a point in the game where your understanding of women became so intuitive, it can no longer be defined by rules. Congrats for that!

leedrag0n said...

Thanks for comments guys!

Rohi: It's ok to learn PU materials. I think alot of them can realy improve the way you show up and attract women. I do think, though, that you should NOT follow their "rules" because they will limit you and tell you to do that or not do that, and in this game these rules all fall apart because women are random and change and this is why i HARP on BEING FLEXIBLE!

Schwinger: I don't think that you, or anyone else, is LACKING in intuitive abilities to understand the people you interact with. If you try to do something and the woman responses in a NEGATIVE way, you will notice it. I hope for you. Alot of PU materials, though, teach people to IGNORE these signs, and this is a huge mistake. Bottom line of what I'm saying is: pay attention to the person in front of you, and learn what triggers good emotions in her, and FOLLOW THAT. This is the only rule to follow, realy.

leedrag0n said...

P.S: That is also not a RULE, Schwinger. It's a recommendation. Forget about "rules". There are no rules. What matters is the outcome you want, and if you realy want the outcome, you will be focused and interested on what sets the direction to this outcome for you and the person you interact with.