Thursday, April 7, 2011

Always remember this!

Whenever you're confused, in doubt, or in lack of motivation to go out and meet women, always remember this:

THERE ARE women out there who are HOT, FUN, COOL, FRIENDLY and who WANT TO MEET YOU and ENJOY WITH YOU. You just have to FIND THEM!

There are also women out there who are cold, turned off, unfriendly, not nice, unreal, frigid, frustrated, or even boring people that you DON'T want to meet!

In what percentages you will find each of those? No one knows.

But you should just always remember that the kind of women you're looking for DO EXIST.
Now go find & them!

-- leedrag0n


Anonymous said...

good words mate, good words

Rave said...

Good Attitude mate
Everyday you do something to improve yourself is always day of winning. no matter of what happens.