Friday, April 22, 2011

PU for the dummies!

Hi everyone!

I want to talk a little bit about PU in general, lay out a few basic rules, attitudes and principles that I use and apply myself when I'm out to PU women, and discuss a few mindsets and beliefs that are important & useful.

Some of these guidelines are important so give those a good read.
Here we go:

Basic attitude for PU women - It is a game!

Do you remember how in computer games, or any game - whenever you play it, you're focused 100% on the game and your mind never wanders to other places? You want to have the same attitude with women!

The whole process of approaching a woman, engaging her in a conversation, connecting with her, and then seducing her to either fall in love with you or have sex with you is an art. Not a fixed thing, and it can change with every woman. It's more like .. playing music! And because of this nature, it must be played from an outcome disoriented and fun place.

You only get good and better in this game by gaining experience, and any time you game a woman you learn something.

Basic understanding for human interactions - It's possible to connect with EVERY person!

Every woman is first of all a person.
And every person is a unique individual.
As such, that means that she is conditioned to respond to specific types of communications presented to her, has specific motives that drive her, and has certain behaviours or topics of conversation that she likes. If you can find those, you're very likely to succeed in creating a strong connection with her.

In order to find those, you need to carefully listen, observe, and study her reactions. This means that you need to collect this information about her. The only way to do it, is by being outwardly focused on her and paying attention to how she responses and what drives her.

And in order to do that, you must operate by the next "set in stone" rule for interacting with women:

Set in stone RULE for interacting with women - If you CAN'T pay attention on HER and how she responds - DON'T GAME HER!

This is a highly crucial "set in stone" rule for interacting with women.

Consider the following metaphor: a boxer entering the ring with his eyes folded so he can't see anything. He can't study his opponent, and he can't know when he hits or not. If he throws a few punches, yeah he might "hit" some once in a while, but he will most probably miss most .. and he won't know whether he's doing progress in the match or not ..

In analogy, when you approach a woman and your attention is not on her, you're going to miss interest signs she gives you, you're going to miss what's her favorite communicating style, you're going to miss the things that drive her or the things she responds most strongly to, you're going to miss the communication she presents to you that can allow you to "mirror" her and increase the rapport .... when you operate this way you're most likely to just "get lucky" with her, if she's realy interested in you and she's doing half the work for you!

Basic mindset for gaming women - There is no such thing "rejection", only feedback about what DOESN'T work on her!

As I stated above, it's possible to connect with every girl, and every girl is conditioned to respond positively to SOMETHING .. but no one guarantees you that you'll succeed in finding that "something" right on your first attempt of interacting with her!

If you didn't succeed on your first attempt though, it doesn't mean anything. All that it means is that what you tried, with this girl, at this time, just didn't work .. and you might try a different strategy next time and it might work.

Changing tactics, strategies and methods are a good thing to have at your disposal.
Because EVERY girl will respond to SOMETHING .. and the only way to find out what will work is to try something and pay attention to how she responds to it. If you get a positive response (she opens up, smiles, starts connecting with you, fucks you etc), then you know you're on the right track .. if not, then you know you're off the track and you may change the strategy and try again this time, or next time.

Another thing you can play with is your non-verbal communication.
So here's another important thing to know about human interactions..

Another basic understanding for human interactions - Non verbal communications play a role!

And when I say "non verbal", I mean more to as "the character" you enter into, and i'll explain.
You may have been used to communicate in a special and unique way all your life. That is "yourself".

As I said, every girl is conditioned to respond to a specific type of communication presented her, and that mostly means: "the character" that you enter into. If you are the quiet guy type, this may fail to work on some women who are more into the "happy party guy" type ... on the other hand if you're the "happy party guy" type, this may fail on some women who are more into the "masculine relaxed guy" type.

So your ability to play with these characters, or to be flexible enough in your communication, is what will open for you the possibility to connect with every girl. Once you've created the connection with the other person, you can slowly slide back to be "yourself" although you're mindful as to what she responds best to.

Again, the only way to find out is by trying many different angles and pay attention and notice to what she responds best!

"Open your mind, and your ass will follow .."

I hope this information have been helpful to you.

-- leedrag0n

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