Monday, August 22, 2011

How to develope Discipline & Willpower (Breakthroughs #1)

Hi everyone!

This is the first post out of a series of brand new posts that will talk about basic practical exercises that will help you all to breakthrough your game.

This is no theory here guys. I'm going to bring you in this series of posts real world, tested & proven exercises and methods that WILL work for you if you do them to help you build each of the skills they are intended to build.

I'm not going to discuss these techniques here, and I share them here only out of truely wanting to help guys out there who have been stuck in this game. The exercises are easy, and I will explain in detail why they are used and how they work.


If you are someone who has a tendency to argue everything that is being presented to him and/or believes that these will not work for you BEFORE you even tried them, then I'm sorry but I can't help you - you are lacking the basic desire of even wanting to learn and use this stuff, and you get more satisfaction from arguing and debating things rather than actually TRYING them and enjoying the results you get from them.

For all the rest of you guys who are normal, and who WANT to breakthrough their game and remove all their stuck points, lets start with basic lesson number one.. the very FIRST basic skill you need in order to progress in this game..

Why Discipline & Willpower are needed?

Getting REAL results with women are not based on luck or fate. Women will not knock on your door and offer you themselves, and they will barely approach you. Results are based on skills and abilities.

In order to develope those skills & abilities with women you need Discipline - an ability to keep practicing and making progress on a consistent basis, and you also need a strong Willpower - an ability to push your boundaries and try things that are OUTSIDE your normal habitual ways. Habits will not change if you don't form new habits. And in order to form new habits, you need willpower. The stronger your willpower and discipline are - the EASIER it is for you to be able to truely change yourself.

In fact, in order to become more attractive and more skillful gamewise you MUST change your habits. Your old habits of behaving and interacting with women simply DID NOT WORK for you to bring you the results you wanted. Changing habits can be either realy easy and enjoyable (when you have strong discipline and willpower) or on the other hand it can be very painful and difficult (when you are lacking discipline and willpower).

Actually, I'm willing to bet that as you read this post and you see the words "Discipline" and "Willpower" you start feeling a bit at unease and uncomfortable. This is probably because you have some imaginary illusion about what Discipline and Willpower are and you probably visualize them as being something that will take years of practice and alot of effort to build. well, YOU ARE WRONG!

In fact, I'm going to show you a VERY EASY way to build kick ass strong Discipline & Willpower. YES, You won't believe that it is actually THIS EASY to build them. This is because you've been told lies my friend. You've been living in the matrix. And now I'm going to show you how to break free out of it!

So, HOW do we develope discipline and willpower?

Basically, discipline and willpower are the same thing - your ability to PUSH yourself to do something. When you say "I'm going to do this" then you do it without hesitation. A strong willpower makes it easy as hell for you to stay disciplined and keep doing things.

In order to understand how to start building your kick ass willpower, you must first understand the metaphor. Willpower is realy like a muscle - You can't expect to become a world class body builder within a day. THIS WILL NEVER WORK! The human mind likes consistency and likes repititions. When you consistently repeat something, it adapts easily and smoothly into your habits. If you try to FORCE something big too quick and too strongly over yourself, Your mind will REJECT it. So understand this and use this principle when you build your willpower and you WILL see how sooner than you think you'll be able to do amazing things effortlessly!

Developing Willpower:

Lets go back to the "muscle" metaphor.
How do you build a muscle? By creating RESISTANCE to it, and then pushing against that resistance. Usually this resistance will be in the form of a weight or something to lift.. and as we all know - we CAN'T push weight that is WAYYYYYY beyond the ability of our muscles to carry.. so we need to start by pushing "small" weights first - this will "train" our muscles to get comfortable with this weight.. so then as it becomes easy we will NATURALLY increase the resistance ..

In analogy, the "resistance" to your willpower is your procrastination = your tendency to deny and avoid tasks that you know you should do. Every time you say "Ahh .. I'll do it some other time.." or "Ahh .. I don't wanna do it now.." then you procrastinate.

So, in order to start building your willpower you need to start pushing AGAINST this procrastination. At first you will do it slowly, of course, and on small tasks. This can be something minor as cleaning your room for instance.. or organizing your desktop on your computer.. or maybe even cleaning and organizing your closet... or bookshelf.. or cooking something for yourself.. or maybe even meeting a friend you haven't seen for a long time..

Whatever that'll be, start slow, but start doing things that you feel you don't want to do. This is also known as "pushing your comfort zone". I learned this principle myself from Gunwitch, and believe me that up till this day, it has been one of the most effective and easiest ways I ever learned that actually worked wonders in building a very strong willpower and discipline from easily and smoothly. So start pushing your comfort zone, and do it on a DAILY basis.

I can't give you an exact written step-by-step training program because I don't know what you consider to be easy or hard tasks for you. Only you know it, so follow my instructions and pick the tasks that you know you usually don't want to do and make them small ones at first.

What will this do for you? By pushing against your procrastination, it will start losing its effect on you .. until the point that it will no longer be stopping you, and you'll be able to just decide you do something and you'll do it. And that, my friend, is a wonderful feeling. This is your way to TRUE freedom!

AND ALSO .. YOU WILL NOTICE.. as you progress and keep doing these exercises, that day after day your willpower naturally becomes stronger and stronger almost effortlessly, and it will get you start feeling that your boundaries begin to melt and you suddenly find yourself doing BIGGER and LARGER tasks than you used to do, taking yourself out to the world and doing all the things you want to do and doing them easily and effortlessly.

Remember: the key principle here is to keep pushing against your procrastination. This is a PROVEN way to strengthen your willpower and discipline.

Then, after even a week of doing this, you will notice a HUGE shift in your level of discipline and willpower, and you will be able to do things that up until then used to seem difficult and challenging, and you'll do them quite easily.

Enjoy, more to come in the next posts.

-- leedrag0n


R@ge said...

this is one of the best post I ever read. took my lame ass today after reading the post when I didn't want to get out bcause the heat. met cute girls. awesome dude!

Rohi said...

great post.thank you for that

Slyrage said...

Amazing, Simply amazing.
So simple yet so true, I know for myself that I keep postponing things I need to do and I know I should do them in order to make progress, I'll put more attention to that now thanks to you, hope results will come soon :)