Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking over the frame & Leading

Hi guys,

Throughout this blog we talked alot about all sorts of useful stuff with women: from designing your own state, all the way to how to evoke emotional states in women that will drive them to do things, all the way to using your words to create and suggest a reality, and more..

All of these subjects are needed with women. Yes, you have to approach them. Yes, they want you to approach them and they even want sex and love just as much as you do. Yes, using emotional states takes over their actions. Yes, using embedded commands & suggestions alters their reality and installs ideas in their minds.

But today I'm going to share another very important tool that you must use with women. And that is: to take over their frame AND LEAD THEM!

Now I know this sounds like imposing yourself on them, or making them do something against their will.
But there's a reason why you have to do this.. and in this post, rather than telling you "Be dominant, and lead" I want to take a while to actually explain to you WHY you must do it with women..

#1 - Taking over their frame

Look, women WANT us just as much as we do.
And yes - THEY want sex too! They actually NEED it just as much as we do.

But other than that, they have no idea how to actually make it happend. Are you familiar with the term: "Women don't know what they want"? Well it's realy true. Women will always say one thing, and do another.

What dictates their actions more than anything else?
Well.. women are submissive by their nature. They have no will of their own (other than attracting guys!). Women WILL be receptive to your game, they will be receptive when you evoke emotional states in them, they WILL be horny if you excite them, and they WILL bend their will and giggle if you try to powerfully take over their frame. THEY LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO!

Yes - Women LOVE to be submissive! It's actually their nature to be so. They don't have the capability of making decisions or taking the lead, and they HAVE to be LED!

That means that they will not initiate the approach, they will not initiate the game, they will not initiate an isolation and they will not initiate ANYTHING. It's just NOT in their nature. They don't know how to do it! Just like you remember the tango dance.. it is the man who comes, takes the woman's hand, and leads her to the dance floor... NOT VICEVERSA!

A woman can be completely into you, she can be turned on, she can be horny and all - and still she will NOT know what to do. In fact, when you take over her frame and decide things for her she will admire you and get even MORE turned on to you! THEY LOVE IT!

Woman LOVE IT when you take over their frame. Especially the hot ones, who lack the ability to make decisions for themselves - they LOVE IT when you take over and decide for them!

If you don't believe me, look at all the "rape fantasies" stories women tell when they fantasize about a guy taking over their frame and will and does what he wants with them and they obey. They CRAVE this dominance over their frame at deep levels!


It's far from the bullshit fantasy and deception they've been trying to sell us all our lives.. that we should show "empathy" and respect women's will. WOMEN HAVE NO WILLS OF THEIR OWN!

And in fact, taking over a woman's frame is a very EASY thing to do, if you choose to do it.. because we, as men, are more powerful and we can stick to a decision and a will. Women are not like this in their nature and they will always crack and give up to the person with the stronger will and intent.

This is all realy just basic core psychology about men & women here. I only bring it here so you understand it deeply. This understanding is realy needed.

#2 - LEADING them

Ok, let's talk logistics a little bit here.
Right off - taking phone numbers & facebooks just SUCK!
They sucks simply because it's just not smart logistically wise, not because you can't pull out sex from it.

Most people, in today's society, live in a realy high speed and pressured lifestyle - They wake up, they go to work, they go to school, they have commitments.. and they come back at the end of the day TIRED and EXHAUSTED. Even if they wanted to have sex, they can't pull it off.

It's not that they don't want it. They just don't have enough willpower left to make it happend or they have no idea how to make it happend! Most people are just living in a herd based mentality and they are doing what is TOLD them to be done. ESPECIALLY WOMEN!

This is why you MUST create a lead in your interaction with a woman. You are doing this because: A. She doesn't realy know what she wants and needs a strong lead and decision made for her. B. She likes to obey orders and commands at internal levels. It's her nature. When you create a lead, she'll love it. C. You MUST create the lead in order to be able to isolate her, and isolation is NEEDED for a sexual connection! D. The stronger lead you create, the easier leading her to isolation and arousing her will be for you!

When you meet a woman, and there's a "click" between you two, NEVER end it with just a phone number or a facebook. Understand the logistics I explained and CREATE a lead - a lead that will allow you to TAKE HER to be isolated with you.. even take her with you to another location.. to a coffee.. and do your BEST to create a sexual connection - this, by itself, is what's REALY needed to create a strong desire on her part to meet you again. If you have this sexual connection going, THEN.. and ONLY THEN you can take a number and leave.. not BEFORE! And if things are getting realy hot.. do your best, if you can, to end it with sex TONIGHT! This is the best choice for BOTH of you! Remember the logistics!!!

In fact, I believe most PUs fail when you don't have this lead. Even if you've created strong emotional states in her, and even if she enjoys the interaction completely.. if you haven't created a lead or taken over her frame.. she doesn't feel like she's "owned" and has to follow orders.. so its realy easy for her to find an excuse to eject from the interaction when she gets bored, or find excuses to flake on you on the phone.

Now I know.. this goes against everything that you ever learned about "respecting women" and shit. But believe me, taking over them and dominating their frame is REQUIRED for BOTH OF YOU! A. Because women have the conditioning to eject from meeting a guy, as I explained in my last post. So you HAVE to TAKE OVER this conditioning if you want to have any chance. B. Because she has no idea what she wants anyways and its her nature to be led, so appeal to her TRUE nature!

#3 - How to take over their frame and lead them?

Taking over their frame:

The most important aspect of taking over a woman's frame is eye contact, and locking eye contact until she breaks it first. This is absolute core key! This is perceived at deep internal level as something dominant in their eyes. I learned this from Gunwitch, so all credits for him. The second key to take over a woman's frame is to simply have a stronger will than hers, and this is REALY easy if you realize that women are naturally the weaker gender and they WILL go along and give up to a stronger will. Now, this is easily achieved when you're horny and haven't masturbated and your testosterone levels are high. BUT.. it is also achievable without it. Having a strong will is all about having a strong intent, strong decision. I talked about this in my 2nd post when I opened this blog.. remember? (Setting up a "goal" with women?). Now, these two keys will do enough.. but there's another key to taking over their frame and that is - not allowing them to take over the lead and/or shittest you! If a woman tries to lead you, or to "shitests" you, and you've taken the "bait".. she will feel like she is the one who is in the lead now. NOT GOOD!

Again, I'm not advocating power-plays or something with women. But the truth is that women WANT us and we want them and this is something that is required for the benefit of BOTH OF US: both men & women! Women are simply TURNED OFF when they feel they can manipulate a guy, and women CAN'T take the lead because they have no idea how to make sex happend because they have all these conditionings fucking their mind up! So.. NEVER let a woman who likes to masturbate with her right hand at nights (and if she's always trying to control guys, chances are she is LONELY and miserable..) to dictate your sex life. If she's so in demand to feel like she's in control, i give you full permission to NEXT HER. Realy! Because she will be a waste of your time otherwise..

Creating a Lead:

OK, creating a lead is REALY easy.
Basically understand that your goal is to condition the woman that you're setting up the lead, and she obeys and follows you. Remember how I talked in my recent post about "Willpower & discipline" on how to slowly develope willpower by doing small tasks at first? Well you will use the same principle here with women. It works wonders:

1. Start by creating "small leads" - This can be something as minor as asking her for the time, or asking her to turn around for a second because you want to check her shirt, or if she's in your car asking her to help you setting up the right direction for the mirrors so you can see (Yes, I've done it in the past).

2. After creating a few "small leads" increase the size of request to be a larger one. I usually like to use palm reading and telling them to "Show me your hand.." and then directing her how to put her hand. They love it, and this has almost NEVER failed me. They realy obey strongly to this one.

3. Now, after creating the "small leads" and the slightly bigger one, it already becomes naturally for her that you lead her and she follows, so now if you'll move to an even bigger request she will obey because it just starts to feel naturally for her that you give commands, and she follows. At this point, you can move her a little bit - If she's sitting in the bar, maybe you turn to her other side and make her turn around so she can't see her friends.. if it's in a store you can move her to another aisle or shelf to show her something.. if its in a club you can tell her you wanna tell her a secret and take her to the side just a little.. you get my point..

4. Ok, once you've done all of these chances are that she will now go along with even bigger requests like going outside together to breath some air (if in a club), or move to another store (if in mall) etc. This is actually already your direction to isolate her. At this point, she is already properly conditioned to be led, and when she's in this state you can almost isolate her entirely from the place. This is realy good!

See how easy it is?
It realy is easy to create a lead, and even though some frustrated control-freak type of girls who read this may be pissed off, i actually found out, in my recent field experieneces, that women LOVE IT when you TAKE OVER THEIR FRAME and when you LEAD THEM and TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! I saw the responses I got from women, and also remembered how my past successful lays happend (and in ALL of them these 2 principles of taking over their frame + leading her WERE in place!), that it all just clicked now to make sense.

And this is why I brought this post now.
It was also to remind me of those, and also to share them with you!

-- leedrag0n

1 comment:

Rohi said...

Great post again.i try this and this work good