Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Flexibility and Outward Focus

Hi again, everyone!

It's been almost 2 months since my last post that was about Switching Vibes with women, as I have been a bit busy with work (I needed some money) and have also gamed less during this time, but it was worth it and now I'm getting back out there, and sharing with you my insights and thoughts in here as always.

Today's post is going to related to the last post where I talked about Vibes. Basically today's post will share a very important understanding that will help you know WHY you need it, and it is mainly about the ability to be flexible and to be outward focused with women.

So let's begin with some facts for a moment ..

The reality is that EVERY WOMAN is different. Alot of PU materials are trying to "generalize" ideas and concepts that will be true for "all" women. If you have tried studying and applying those materials, you have surely found out that they are not so accurate. Some PU materials advocate "be dominant and aggressive" with women, where in reality you'll run into women who find your dominance to be a turn off for them. Some PU materials advocate "ignore your target, talk to her friends", where in reality you'll run into women that find this to mean that you want their friends, so they leave your set. Some PU materials advocate that you will be direct and sincere with women, where in reality you'll run into women that your sincerity and honesty don't move a thing inside them.. etc..

So the truth is that there is NO SINGLE METHOD that can work on every woman. Every woman is a different person, has a different personality, gets turned on by different things, and is interested in different things.

So what do we do?

There are 2 things you must remember.

#1: We are NOT mind readers. You can't just "read" minds and immediately be able to tell what she likes / responds to. You must test it and find it yourself by TRYING different things. So the first thing to remember is that you'll MUST, at some point, to "take a risk" and try things on her to see what works.

#2: You must remember that every woman responds differently to different things, and the only way to find this out is by paying attention & observing her carefully and looking for the things that she responds most strongly to. This is also known as "outward focus".

Here's an example: Let's say you talk to this georgous chick in a store. And at some point, you notice, that because of some "story" you said, she began to open up and she tries to "lecture" you. this may point to the fact that she is a girl that LOOKS for someone to listen to her. The first thing is your ability to notice this. And after you noticed it, you can then decide to try and ask her questions to see if your observation was correct. If you find that by asking her questions she opens up even more to you and starts investing in the conversation, then BINGO: You've just found one doorway into her mind.

Why is it so important to pay attention to the way SHE responds?

Because her responses are controlled by the way she FEELS about certain things you do. And whenever you get a good response, that means that you've found a "doorway", or some emotional need in her, that evokes those responses. It generally gives you information on how to further keep going. A good response can be her opening up and investing in the conversation (i.e: She starts talking and sharing her own personal thoughts with you..), or showing any other positive response (like giggling, laughing, playing in her hair). This can also be related to the themes of conversation (if she's all locked on you and listening, it means you've found a theme that interests her).

How can this be done?

In order to be mindful of this, you have to change the filter through which you view your interactions with women. Whenever you're in an interaction with a chick ALWAYS keep the following filter/attitude with you: "Let's see what she respond MOST STRONGLY to..".

It just basically means to change your filter to be outwardly focused on HER and on how SHE responds, and whenever you find something that evokes a useful response from her, KEEP GOING ON THAT TRACK!

Remember: success with women is first and foremost about how she feels, and if she feels good in the interaction with you, if your interaction fulfills emotional needs she is craving for, and you can notice those.. you've got a realy good track going with her.

Feel free to leave your comments..

-- leedrag0n

1 comment:

R@ge said...

I think this is one of the most important skills to achieve in this area.
Detection and correction to find what is the good way to approach a single practicular woman that give your results with her, cause there is no 1 way that work on all woman, every woman with her way. I hope people wil recognize it someday.