Friday, May 21, 2010

Again! Why rehearsals are SO important?

Hey guys !

This is a follow-up post to the last video clip I loaded in this blog of me explaining the importance of rehearsals to your pickup success, and it is realy .. such an important issue .. that I realized if I hadn't wrote a follow-up to better explain it .. some folks may never get just how important it is .. so here I'm again ! :-)

Listen .. I know that sometimes rehearsing in your house can feel realy boring and useless .. and since rehearsing doesn't involve real women, but imagined ones .. it may sometimes feel like a waste of time .. But YOU HAVE TO DO IT !

Rehearsing is the only way to realy train your mind in new ways of responding, that will be there for you in the real life situation !

And you want to do it in your house, because when you are in your house, you are usually in a neutral and relaxed state .. that allows you to see things more clearly, think on your feet .. feel more relaxed, and your overall mind is less distracted and more open to give the right meanings and interpretations ..

On the other hand .. when you're in the field .. especially in a situation where you're about to meet a realy attractive woman .. you will not be in a neutral state. That's for sure. You are most likely to go into an altered state of consciousness .. that sometimes has a hypnotic effect on your awareness .. so much that you can't even think AT ALL .. not to mention remembering what you even wanted to practice and focus on in the first place !

So if you want to have better ways of acting, responding and meanings available to you when this happends - You must REHEARSE them in your house!

Its just more clever to practice something in a neutral state where you can actually think on your feet .. and have it there available for you when you get hypnotized and can't think , rather than trying to think about what you should do when you're hypnotized and your mind is blocked ... that just makes sense, no ? :-)

But there's actually more to it - in real life interactions (unlike MSN or FACEBOOK or any of that stuff) you usually don't have alot of time to prepare your responses, or to think clearly on the spot about the right meaning and interpretation for the situation .. or do you have time to "get yourself into the right state" .. you have to respond fast !

And whenever you need to respond quickly, you'll always use whats familiar. Why ?

Because you have habitual ways of responding, that have been ingrained through your past experiences .. and in any given moment .. where you have to act, respond, think OR make a decision very quickly .. you are more than likely to act, respond, feel, think and intellecually interpret the situation based on how you've used to be doing up until now!

Sometimes.. it's not even about responding based on what's familiar but responding based on what feels most comfortable TO YOU! Think about the following metaphor - when you go out fishing ... do you put a Pizza Slice or a Hamburger as your bait .. just because YOU like it? OF COURSE NOT! You put worms ... because that's what the fish likes !

So what I'm trying to say here is that, you sometimes have to act, respond, and interpret situations in ways that may feel a bit discomforting to adjust to .. but that will produce results for you in the long run.

Makes sense, no ?

So .. maybe there are better ways of responding ?
Maybe there are better ways to interpret and think about a situation ?
Maybe there are better meanings you can attach to the situation ?
Maybe .. just maybe .. you can even feel better in the situation ?

Just a quick example of what I mean: You approached 2 girls, and they started laughing at you. You completely ignored the fact that they stayed 2 minutes and talked to you, and instead you colored the whole thing as "shit-testing" or "attempt to take over my frame".

Here's a better way to interpret this: You could have created an anchor for their laughter, so you could have a trigger for it each time you want. They stayed 2 minutes that means that they enjoyed the interaction. Nobody stays in a place he doesn't enjoy in. And .. they were just wanting to participate in the conversation .. because your interaction with them was actually one of the more fun things that happend to them that evening.

See what I mean ?

But the thing is this - If you want to be able to see this opportunity next time, and be able to interpret it the same, and feel different, you must rehearse it !

Remember, the mind always responds based to what is most familiar !
So make the new ways of responding, acting, and thinking your new nature.

-- leedrag0n

1 comment:

Schwinger said...

Excellent post, Lee.

I especially liked the example with the Pizza and Hamburger. I've been practicing my responses (not all pickup related, by the way) at home for a while now, and I getting the feeling its working. Then, when in a real life situation which is even slightly related to what I had practiced, I get an immediate feeling of confidence. Its like: Hey! I now what to do, I've been practicing :)