Monday, April 21, 2008

Emotions explained

This is probably gonna be THE most important core level realization you ever learn in this game or life, so pay close attention now.

So far we have talked about setting up a goal to get laid, and the general concept of forming a basic strategy to initiate and escalte things further down the road.

As you read the last 2 posts, some of you may have been wondering :

"What benefits do i get from knowing my goal with a woman? I'll still have to know how to get her to move in the right direction towards my goal, how do i achieve that ?".

Well, you could simply ask her for it directly. This can sometimes work. Or, you can get her to feel in a certain emotional state where such an "action" you're trying to get out of her will simply come naturally out of her.

Makes sense, doesn't it ?

If not, then Im now going to share with you a powerful secret.
This "secret" knowledge has been known and used by the advertising industry for YEARS in order to get us to know about their products and also to buy them ...

FACT: Humans are mostly driven by EMOTIONS, not logic.

Yes - our actions and decisions can sometimes be controlled by our will & logic when we choose to, but more than often our emotions, feelings, conditionings and desires have GREATER control over us and over our decisions, EVEN IF we are not aware of it !

Ever wondered why so many people take "self help" courses, trying to figure themselves out ?

I bet you could easily recall a time you DID something that afterwards you felt sorry, guilty, angry or even ashamed of and just couldn't figure out WHY you did it.

Or .. maybe you DIDN'T do something you wanted to do - as if you suddenly had a block holding you from doing something you want and you just couldn't figure out WHAT it was, that stopped you.

These "emotions" and the ability to play and direct them at will are the core elements that build up "the game", or any form of influence, seduction, persuasion or even sales !

Advertising companies, for example, take advantage of this lots of times to get our male attention to some product they wanna sell by simply attaching a HOT and ATTRACTIVE woman model wearing revealing outfits or even underwear to it.

Say you watch TV now, some commercial for a radio station comes up. Suddenly you see this amazing georgeous attractive chick in it wearing sexy underwear, high heels and have big tits & tight body .. You WILL stay in the channel to watch it, won't you ?

If i'd watch a commercial like that , this is probably how i would react.
Will I tune-in and listen to the station ? Not quite sure, unless it has some style I really like. Advertisers dont care about this, they simply know the MORE people exposed to the product - more people buy it.

But do i think to myself "Wait. This is a trick! they put this hot underwear model there just to grab my attention" when i see this commercial ? OF COURSE NOT !

I just suddenly notice some hot chick is on my screen and for a few moments i simply STOP THINKING and completely FOCUS on the sight i see.

I may come back here later and write an article like this one and then realize what they did to me on that advertisement, but AT THE MOMENT IT HAPPEND i didnt think about it - i simply acted on my desire and got literally hypnotized by a woman's look.


Does this apply to Women as well ?

Do they guide themselves by emotions and desires also ?

Do they also have moments like this, where they don't think WHY they are doing something, and instead just FOCUS on the emotion or desire and act on it ?


Further even - women are WAY more emotional and attached to their feelings, desires & emotions than we men are, obvious example for this is their crying of course, women simply LACK the willpower it takes to get over the feeling and be logical.

In this aspect, they have absolutely no logic inside of them - but PURE emotions.

Another good example is rejections - When an attractive man approaches a woman and she is either angry, tired, or under social pressure, or even FEAR she will not stop and think to herself "Wait, this guy is attractive, I MUST GET OVER THIS AND MEET HIM" , Like we, men, usually bring the willpower to get over OUR fear or anxiety to meet her.

Nope, she can't do it. She is a WOMAN. She WILL act on her feeling, even if it makes absolutely no sense to her AT THE MOMENT IT HAPPENDS, and then maybe go back home and feel sorry, or ashamed of doing it. Most women don't have the ability to get over an emotion, this is the reason why all these rejections happend in the first place.

But the GOOD NEWS here is - we can use this to OUR FAVOR if we know how to get her to feel ... ?

Here is the best example of them all - HOW WOMEN HAVE SEX !

Did you ever wonder how come women always say one thing and then do another ?
How come they always pretend that sex isn't important to them, while at the same time they KEEP FUCKING the same guys they tell everyone that they hate ?

Based on the previous , do you think you know the answer ?

Women have sex when they are SEXUALLY AROUSED !

Remember the example of the radio station's TV advertisement earlier ?
Well in same essence - When a woman is SEXUALLY AROUSED by a man, she will act on it most times without stopping to think about what she's doing or the logic behind it.

And acting on sexual arousal can only be one thing guys, and thats sex ;)

And if you have the tools to get her into ANY emotional state you desire, ESPECIALLY the sexual arousal one, based on this core level understanding you now know the way to have sex with almost any woman you desire.

Really stop here and think about it for a while,


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