Saturday, April 19, 2008

Welcome to my blog guys !

Hey all, and welcome to my blog !

I'd like to tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Miki, I live in Israel and in life im a highly skilled software programmer.
Im also a musician, I like sports, I like to travel and of course like everyone else - I like to go out and have some fun and enjoy life.

I have created this blog to share you with my thoughts on women, and how to seduce them.

In order so you could better understand my point of view, I'll have to take the story back to who I am. One thing I have noticed about myself time after time again, was that I am in my nature a very down-to-the-core guy. As funny as this may seem, I realy have to understand anything I learn down to the deepest core levels, or else i either don't understand it at all, or feel as if i dont trust the knowledge i know because i don't know it down to its basic constructing core and something may be missing out of my awareness ...

When I learned software programming, for instance, I started by learning the simplest computer languages, those you can barely create a program that prints "Hello Miki !" with. But that wasn't enough for me because I am also a very creative person and my dream was always to create computer games. So I wanted to find a language that will both allow my creative powers to come to their fullest, without feeling limited in anyway, and that will also allow the creation of sophisticated graphics and animations.

Eventually finding this "language" was almost like quest for glory.
I have started to learn more and more advanced languages and my computer programs became better and better .. no doubt about that .. but I still felt kind of limited with them in a way. I felt limited because these langauges turned out to be either slow or incapable of performing certain tasks that i needed to do.

So I started to dig further and further .. down the rabbit hole of computer languages if you'd like .. until at some point I stopped. Not because i wanted to stop, but simply because i couldn't dig any further. I finally reached the basic core of all computer langauges. It was a language that other languages were written with as well .. its called "Assembly" (from the verb "to assemble") , and is also known as "Machine Code". Yep, thats sounds almost the same like the "green code" in the movie "The Matrix".

The funniest thing about this "core language" was that it was an amazingly simple language. It didn't have hunderds of different commands and structures in it. In fact, it had a very basic and small set of commands, known as "instructions". When i say a small set, im talking about that you'd find yourself writing whole programs using at most 10 different commands. thats all !
And believe it or not, they are enough to accomplish any task, as hard as it could get !

This discovery completely changed my whole beliefs about programming.
When I first started writing programs, everything looked difficult. I naturally assumed that it would get even harder the more i'll advance, but it turned out to be exactly the opposite !

Over time I started to build whole programs using this "core language" and I was finally able to accomplish any task i needed. Eventually it turned my whole programming experience into an easy and enjoyable game. I knew that any computer task can be easily accomplished. I couldn't think otherwise - once you realize that the whole programming structure is based on a core language that contains a small set of commands, the only conclusion you get is that every "complex" task is eventually a simpler, yet longer, core task.

Well fast forward to now, im a programmer. Eventually im writing programs in "higher level" languages. Not because I like them so much, but because they simply help me finishing projects in shorter time than it would take if i wrote everything in "Assembly". But forever it will stay in my mind, this belief, this knowing - that i can accomplish any task easily. And anytime i need to perform some task that would be impossible otherwise, i'll use "Assembly".

That was a nice story, wasn't it ? :)

Well, the "lesson" I learned from this story changed my point of view forever.
I also later noticed that it exists in every other aspect of life.
This "pattern" of a "core" that everything else gets extracted from it.

Even matter is made out of atoms, and atoms are made out of protons and electrons !

Whenever you get down to core levels of understandings, everything else becomes amazingly simple and easy to understand. Sometimes it looks so easy that you have to ask yourself - Why do people complicate it that much ?

Things get complicated when you don't understand the core, either because you never learned it or because you thought that you know enough already. The only times you realize that what you know isn't enough for you, is when it prevents you from achieving your goals and when you're feeling stuck and hopeless !

And when you want to achieve your goals, you'll eventually have to escape your current understandings and thinking ways and start to think in new ways. Einstein, the great innovative inventor of the "Relativity Theory" said once that "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Sometimes you need to get answers on how to solve certain tasks (like i needed with the programming), and the answers will always come when you're focused on your goals and when you're determined to get the answers. The "rabbit hole" concept is just the way the mind works when its eager to understand something better ..

So how does all of this information about an abstract "core" and things that are made out of it fits in with the subject i opened this blog about : women & seducing them ?

Well, since you now hopefully know who I am and how my thinking ways work, you could easily understand how I got to figure everything out about women & seducing them from my history with them.

Women were always on my mind, but i never believed they'll want someone like me.
Back in school I wasn't a popular guy, my best friends were the computer, the football and the piano, and women were completely out of my reality.

Things started to change when I joined the army.

I was placed in a base filled with more than 300 girls in it (!!!) , and i had a couple of good buddies who i started going out with. Eventually one day during a night duty at the army base, I talked to this girl who was a friend of my buddy, and she was the first to ever tell me : "Miki I dont understand it. You are so good looking, how come you don't have a girlfriend ?".

This was completely mind blowing to me.
In fact i thought about it the entire week afterwards, and the more i thought about what she said the more i started to notice its true - I started to notice girls are checking me out, looking at me, trying to invite me to sit and talk with them .. and indeed a few months later i finally met my first girlfriend, who I was with for 4 months.

In later months i met more women, most of them were realy gorgeous looking ones !
Many times they even initiated the meeting themselves and approched me, Some other times i initiated a meeting myself, backed up with a good buddy that will be there with me in case i get a rejection, and after 40 minutes of planning i finally approached them. I did managed to meet and i was even in short relationships with realy attractive looking girls. But it always got to that I somehow "fucked" things up with them, and everytime this happend it got me realy upset about it. Over time, more upset I got out of those "fuck ups", more frustrated i became.

Now we come to the critical point.

Not long after i left the army, I hadn't had any woman in my life for 2 years - ages 23-25. Being so desperate and frustrated from having fucked up with good looking girls, I have given up on trying to meet them. Instead I started trying to meet less attractive girls, because i thought they will be "easier", and they actually made things even worse on me.

Eventually at one month, age 25, it finally happend - the moment of breakdown.
I dated two realy average looking girls. Things were looking so promising with them ... and then once again .. they got fucked up out of nowhere !

This was my breaking point.

Back at that moment i remember feeling a mixture of feelings.
My frustration and desperation mixed up with anger and determination, eventually i was left with the anger and the determination.

My determination was the prominent feeling.
I have decided that i will LEARN how to become good with the ladies.

I knew that i already did it with programming and music, so i saw no way in the world that i couldn't do it with women as well !

So I decided to let go of my ego, learn seduction materials and go out and approach and try to seduce women. I didn't mind if i'll get rejected, in fact i was willing to get hunderds of rejections in order to learn this stuff and become good in it !

At first I learned openers, then I started learning and applying more complex gaming structures.
I had 3 relationships and more than 30 lays in a period of 3.5 years. Worked on my bodylanguage, changed the way i talk and present myself to people, and more.

But again .. at some point i felt that something is missing. After 3.5 years doing this stuff, I felt that im still dependent on luck, or on finding women who are both attracted to me and are both in "the right mood" to flow with me. I felt limited to certain spots and certain locations to meet women .. and having remembered that before i learned all of this stuff i used to meet women anywhere and anyplace ... it got me to realize that something might be terribly wrong with the materials i have learned.

Having realized that, i immediately decided to stop reading, participating and going out with people who are related to any seduction material - and just go back and be myself.

I saw a movie called "The Secret", talking about how to achieve goals by visualizing them, and i have decided to adopt it and try their advice of visualizing your goals as if they were achieved.
So I started every day to visualize a goal of getting great results with hot women in my mind, and I totally believed that the answers will be shown to me by the universe.

Not long after this decision, at one bright day, A decision suddenly popped-up in my mind to start understanding things down to core levels. I have no idea where it came from, it simply landed to my awareness out of nowhere, but i decided to trust myself and take it and i started to figure out the basis of all of this seduction thing myself.

When I say basis, i mean - basic facts that are true and can't be put into doubt !

I suddenly remembered that I had so much experience in the field, So I decided to forget everything i learned, and instead look at the things that i did in field that produced results. The first question i asked myself was : What were the common things that repeated in every success i had ? I got an immediate answer : "The girl was into me, and i moved things forward with her". Right after this one, one by one more "smart" questions like that came out, and one by one I found the right answers to them.

When I started to look at that level of basic facts, core realizations, absolute truths, my whole perspective on seduction started to change - It started to look much easier than how they described it !

And then at one bright day it happend - I suddenly remembered something that forever changed my whole view on women & seduction.

Again, i have no idea how it came to my awareness and at what perfect timing it came, but I remembered that when I was 17 years old .. back at those days at high school where I didn't have girls and I was insecured (remember?) I was offered a job as a sales person for a computer store in an exhibition. We sold healthy mouse pads for prices of between 20$-40$, and my job as a sales person was : to walk up and approach people that were passing by, get them interested in our product, bring them to our lot and offer them to experience it them selves, and then when they show some interest - to close the deal !

The interesting thing about this job, was that on my second day of working there, i reached a level where i'd close the deal with 1 out of 7 people i approached.

And then when i remembered it, an amazing question suddenly came up to my mind : If I was able to approach people that I don't know and get them to pay me 40$ for some product they don't necessarily need ... I couldn't get women to get sex or relationship with me for free ?

Think strongly about that one.

So now, after having realized the core levels of seduction, I decided to bring them here so other guys can learn them too. The whole concept of meeting women and seducing them is completely misconcepted by too many people, because they don't understand the core of it.

Seducing women is just as easy just as selling your car or your TV to a stranger !

Thats it !
This was my introduction to you for my blog.

Read on further down the blog, and you'll understand things much better.

Thank you for reading this,
and wish you a happy read and stay in my blog !



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

סחטן על הבלוג מיקי!!
אני הגעתי למסנקה שבלוג שלך בלי שגיאות כתיב שלי לא יכול להיות בלוג שלם אז החלתתי להספים טיפה :P
חג שמח!