Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Socializing & Approaching

This is rock bottom core shit here guys, so try to stay focused with me here.

OK, lets recap :

We all know that today there are alot of TV commercials with beautiful female models. Every store in a mall has a beautiful female sales girl, every club has a hot public relations girl in the enterance and every year the advertising industry finds more and more BEAUTIFUL females for their campaigns, and they pay them loads of money too.

These female models are there for purpose: they BRING customers ! Duhh - guys see these commercials / get into these stores based on biological drives, as i already explained in previous posts.

Why , you may ask ?

Well again its because in sales there is a rule of thumb, and you can check it for yourself if you don't believe me to see that is always true : the MORE people exposed to a certain product - the MORE people buy it.

In other words : You HAVE to expose your product to the people in order to get ANY buyers. Makes some sense, isn't it ?

Think about the following for a second :

An idea suddenly pops up in your mind to write a potential book that can sell millions.

You get off bed, go to the kitchen quickly and grab a paper to write this idea down before you'll forget it.

Spend the next year enthusiastly CREATING, BUILDING, EDITING, PERFECTING, CORRECTING and MASTERING your book to commercial level, the book is ready to take off now !

After a YEAR of work, you have created the MASTERPIECE of your life.

But now ... HOW are you going to get it published ?


I did not bring that imaginery scenario here for nothing, it has a point !

The point here is YOUR SEX LIFE & the WOMEN in your life.
OUCH, an uncomfortable topic to talk about, right ?

I mean you surely wished to have sex with a hot chick every week, or maybe have a hot girlfriend, maybe do threesomes or fulfill sexual fantasies, but guess what ?

You obviously DO NOTHING in order to get your "product", YOURSELF, published to women !

You may have spent weeks, if not months, BUILDING & PERFECTING your looks.
You may have spent months studying and building your "game" and personality.
You may have spent hours & lots of money buying the best clothes you could wear off.

And after all these efforts put in, you didn't spend even a SINGLE EFFORT at taking yourself out to the world and EXPOSING yourself to women !

How do you ever expect to get laid this way ?

You MUST take yourself out to the world and MEET WOMEN !
Otherwise - no women are exposed to your 'product', hence - no buyers !



Of course some will say it is way easier to understand it here than apply it in real life.

Im sorry to say but no - i'm not going to solve your approaching anxiety here, I CAN'T.
Im being honest here - I don't really know you and i have no idea what your issues are on this.

The only thing i know is that as long as you keep sitting here and keep "hiding" your product from your potential "buyers", you'll see no sells.

I mean get real here man - how do you ever expect to get buyers, if they DON'T even know your product exists ??

Who knows ... maybe lots of women are actually LOOKING for a guy like you to have sex with, but they DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST !


If there is one thing i could do here in order to help you , its surely this advice : GO OUT OF YOUR HOUSE TO A PLACE FILLED WITH LADIES !

Start doing it daily, EXPOSE yourself out to the world first.

Go to a mall, a park, gym, department store, your street even, a bar, club, ANY PLACE with women - I mean they are all around us.

Make yourself seen, look around and realize women are checking you out just as much as you do check them out.

Get normal with this daily routine, and you'll see you'll start approaching them sooner than you think ...

Much love,



Anonymous said...

well, i agree with you mostly..
but you said that by going out, you'll start approaching women sooner than you'll think.. well i'm going out A LOT.. this week is holiday so i was out clubbing almost every night.. yet i didn't approach.. now i'm not saying it's anyone's fault.. only mine..
i guess i have this unproven frame of "everyone loves me" and i fear the reality will show me otherwise.. dunno.. crazy shit..
i spend the whole day reading pua forums and stuff and then when i get in the club i'm like..
yeah i'll dance some first.. get in the mood.. then i'll go for a little walk.. then dance again..
and i feel like girls are checking me out.. i don't know what to do and it's wierd.. lately i've gotten my body language like almost perfect i think.. (practicing it for like 2 months.. dunno if i'm doing it right or not.. feels right)..
anyway back to topic..:
approach anxiety won't break by going out.. you need to approach..
saying u'll approach before u know it can be misleading.. just my umm.. 20$ heh.. what a speech.
lets hope tomorrow i'll get my f*cken 20 approaches/1 KC done and not have to pay a m8 of mine 40 NIS for not doing that :)

btw: i expect girls to hit on me.. dunno why.. mostly they don't.. and when they do.. it's too subtle for me to act on it (same as approach anxiety i guess.. don't want to break my frame of "everyone wants me")

Unknown said...

i was having just the same problom that you facing right now,that so calld "approach anxiety".
in my opinion there is no such thing as "approach anxiety". it's just somthing that come into you mind when you see a girl you want to meet.
the way i solved it is by saying "fuck it, i'm going to do it".
and it work for me.!
only by saying this 7 word's i manage to overcome this "anxiety"