Saturday, April 19, 2008

Getting laid explained - part 1

Hey guys !

Here im going to dive straight ahead to one of the first core level understanding i realized about how to get laid for REAL.

If you had a chance to look at some of the PU books and seminars out there, you've probably noticed that most of them are focused around the opening itself. Some of them give you advice like "You have to be DIFFERENT in your approach", some say act disinterested, some say go in strong and dominant. This is all good and cool, but its still only the opening.

You've probably even heard many guys tell you : "All i have to do is i have to know the right words to tell her when i open, after this i know everything else".

Truth is, that after the opening most guys are usually stuck in the so called "flirting" stage, because whether they are aware of it or not, THEY ARE WASTING TIME HOPING FOR SOME MIRACLE TO HAPPEND SO THAT SHE WILL SUDDENLY OFFER THEM SEX HERSELF.

You've surely seen this happening in the movies many times - A woman meets a guy, and then she "falls in love" with him, either because of the way he looks or his "personality", and during the rest of the movie she tries to lead him to a situation where they'll be alone and she will initiate the kiss with him herself.

Reality is different, and women will simply NOT INITIATE the moves for you no matter how attractive you are.

Wake up here and realize this one thing :

This is the difference between "getting lucky" and "getting laid" :
Men who get laid dont wait for women to accidently approach them, they approach themselves.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently "open up" by a miracle, they lead her to the state of rapport & comfort deliberately, aka connecting.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently get horny by a miracle, they lead her to the state of sexual arousal deliberately, aka escalating.
Men who get laid dont wait for her to accidently leave the club and be alone with them, they lead her to a state of curiousity or challenge or whatever state it takes to isolate her themselves.
Men who get laid, once alone with the woman, dont wait for her to accidently get turned on again and fuck them, they get her horny again and fuck her themselves.
Can you see the pattern that gets repeated here ?

All successful lays are following the same pattern no matter how you look at them: you initiate things, and you escalate them.
When you do - things happend.
When you don't - they don't !

Many guys dont get this, so now i bring it here again.
And this is a core level understanding of things, no matter what skill level you are.

Ponder that for a while,


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